Chapter 277:

Chapter 277

Philip Siller asked with a puzzled look.


“By investing in the factory, Apple will secure a large supply of Hansung panels.”

“That’s right.”

“But if other companies can produce panels at Hansung’s level, Apple’s investment might become a loss depending on the conditions.”

“That’s possible. But didn’t you say that other companies can’t do it?”

“I was just thinking from Apple’s perspective.”

Philip Siller narrowed his eyes at Kim Young-gil’s words.

It was obvious that he didn’t think that way at all.

But he also guessed why he was delaying the deal by bringing up Apple.

Philip Siller snorted and said.

“So you want to see the status of other companies in November and decide on the details? And build the factory in the meantime?”

“Yes. It’s better to build the factory as soon as possible to secure the supply with stability.”

“But I think it will be hard to decide on the details even then.”

It was natural to think like Philip Siller.

It was only possible to compare when other panels were ready.

November was a tight schedule for other companies that didn’t have any products yet.

Kim Young-gil boldly said what he had prepared.

“How about this?”


“In November, Ilseong, Hansung, and Sharp will hold a panel evaluation meeting for Apple Phone 4 at the same time. In the U.S.”

“That’s not easy for other companies to respond to.”

“Didn’t they say they could do it through the media?”

Philip Siller’s eyebrows twitched at Kim Young-gil’s words.

It was true that the panel companies had aggressively responded and said they could do it.

And if they held an evaluation meeting using the current issue, it would also help a lot with Apple Phone’s promotion.

It was an offer that the Apple marketing manager couldn’t refuse.

“What if the companies are not ready?”

“You can judge based on their preparedness. It’s better than having no criteria at all.”

If the companies were ready and brought better panels than Hansung, he could lower the price of Hansung panels through a contract.

If they were not ready, but had high potential, that would also be a condition to lower the price.

If they had no potential at all, he could just give Hansung favorable conditions.

He could get back at least the factory investment money anyway.


Yoo-hyun knew that the result was decided by looking at Philip Siller’s silence.

It was a condition that Apple couldn’t refuse.

Philip Siller nodded as if agreeing with Yoo-hyun’s thoughts.

“Okay. Let’s try to proceed like that.”

“Thank you.”

“I’ll check on the evaluation meeting part first.”

“Yes. I’ll prepare accordingly.”

Kim Young-gil nodded his head.

Vice President Lim Jun-pyo had a face that went through hell and heaven.

He had a big smile on his mouth now.

It was after the presentation.

Philip Siller left his seat for a while to make a phone call with Mark Horison.

The Apple employees, including John Norman, were still fascinated by the demo panels.

Vice President Lim Jun-pyo came forward and took care of Kim Young-gil.

“Haha. You did well.”

“Yoo-hyun here helped a lot.”

Vice President Lim Jun-pyo grabbed Yoo-hyun’s hand and said.

“Hehe. It worked out as you said.”

“I’m glad.”

“You did really well. What can I do for you?”

“The team members worked hard.”

“Of course I have to take care of them. Well, anyway.”

Vice President Lim Jun-pyo looked very happy.

He was glad that the factory investment deal that had been stuck was progressing.

He didn’t care about the details of the factory contract.

He was a contract executive who didn’t think about the distant future.

Yoo-hyun understood his feelings well.

But there was still something to do.

He said to him who was smiling brightly.

“Vice President, as I told you before, we need to deal with the media.”

“It doesn’t seem like a good atmosphere for an interview?”

“It will be necessary for Apple now.”


“If we get help from the media, it will be easier to hold the evaluation meeting.”

When Vice President Lim Jun-pyo looked puzzled at Yoo-hyun’s words,

Philip Siller came back after finishing his call and said.

“The upper management is also positive about the factory investment.”

“Oh, that’s good. Haha. Thank you for your good suggestion.”

Vice President Lim Jun-pyo smiled.

But Philip Siller’s expression was not so bright.

“Yes. But the evaluation meeting is a problem.”


“It’s because of the schedule.”

Vice President Lim Jun-pyo blinked his eyes and looked at Yoo-hyun when he heard Philip Siller’s words.

It was because what he had just said came out of the young employee’s mouth.

He hesitated for a moment and opened his mouth.

“Then how about using the media? What I mean is…”

“That sounds like a good idea, don’t you think?”

Philip Siller gave a positive response right away.

Mark Horison, who was next to him, also nodded his head.

“Then it will also help our image. It’s a bit burdensome to ask the companies directly.”

“Is that so?”

When Vice President Lim Jun-pyo asked, Philip Siller gave an affirmative and worried answer.

“Yes. I think it would be better to have an article written in Korea…”

Vice President Lim Jun-pyo glanced at Yoo-hyun and said to Philip Siller.

“There is a media outlet called Our Daily, which is the most famous one in Korea.”

“Can you connect with them?”

“Yes. They are waiting for me in Ulsan because I have some business there.”

“You are doing me a lot of favors.”

“It’s something I have to do. Haha.”

Vice President Lim Jun-pyo laughed and gestured to Yoo-hyun.

He meant to contact him quickly.

Yoo-hyun nodded and left.

He saw that and chuckled.

It was because everything went smoothly as Yoo-hyun had said.

Yoo-hyun wasn’t the only one who was surprised by him.

A moment later, John Norman, who was touching the mockup, asked Kim Young-gil.

“Daniel, can we take this with us?”

“Oh, Steve here will answer that for you.”

Kim Young-gil passed the baton and Yoo-hyun answered.

“I’m sorry, but we have security issues, so we can’t give you the panel.”

“That’s too bad.”

“But we will distribute the comparison photos.”

“Yes. That would be nice.”

John Norman looked disappointed.

Then Yoo-hyun casually brought up something that would interest him.

“And we can give you the mockup and the internal design, but…”

“Oh? Really? That’s more important to me than the panel. I love these designs.”

He looked at John Norman eagerly and teased him.

“But we bought these through a company.”

“Of course you have to pay for the design. I can pay you as much as you want.”

“Ah, then I’ll check with our manager about that.”

“Okay. Please do.”

The mockup and design didn’t matter to the company if they went to Apple.

But Yoo-hyun couldn’t make that decision alone.

There was still some part of the company’s assets involved.

Yoo-hyun asked Go Jun-ho for his opinion.

“Manager, John Norman…”

“It’s not impossible. But we paid for the mockup. We have rights too.”

“I’ll consult with Semiconductors about that.”

As Yoo-hyun answered, Go Jun-ho continued.

“And the internal design is…”

He paused and looked at Yoo-hyun with a strange eye.

“Did you anticipate this and not pay your sister for the design?”

“Of course not.”

“Well… Since we didn’t sign a contract with your sister, we can give her design to Apple.”

“Yes. Then I’ll proceed like that.”

He nodded his head and Go Jun-ho looked at him curiously.

In the meantime, Yoo-hyun went back to John Norman with a happy face.

And he shook hands with him as if he was pleased.

Go Jun-ho watched them blankly.

He muttered to himself without knowing it.

“No way.”

Apple didn’t leave right after the presentation.

They enjoyed the dinner prepared by Vice President Lim Jun-pyo and had an interview with Our Daily.

Vice President Lim Jun-pyo stayed with them until all the processes were over.

He couldn’t leave before other people when he was there.

It was late at night when everything was over.

Yoo-hyun didn’t go home after finishing his hectic schedule.

Instead, he met Kim Young-gil at a bar in Ulsan city center.

He poured him a drink and asked.

“You could have taken Jo Manager’s car. It would have been more comfortable.”

“No no. It’s better to stay up all night and take the morning train.”

Kim Young-gil laughed and held out his glass.


It was their time alone after a long time.

Kim Young-gil said with nostalgia.

“I remember when we went to San Francisco.”

“Yes. It was nice then.”

“It was thanks to you.”

“It was thanks to Jang Hye-min senior.”

He smiled and drank his alcohol.

He lowered his voice and said.

“I learned a lot from you there.”

“No. You did it yourself.”

“It was thanks to you that I followed Shin Kyung-wook manager and made connections with Apple employees.”


Kim Young-gil looked at Yoo-hyun.

It was different from the past when he avoided Yoo-hyun’s eyes.

He faced Yoo-hyun directly.

“It was thanks to you that I could do this project too.”

“We did it together.”

“It was thanks to you that I could do well in the presentation too.”

“You did it yourself.”

“I got praised by people too.”

“Because you did well.”

He emptied his glass every time he spoke.

And every time, he gave credit to Yoo-hyun.

He had a long smile on his face as if he had a pleasant imagination.

“That stiff Mark Horison gave me a thumbs up. I felt so good then.”

“You deserved it. You were awesome today.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

He emptied another glass and looked at Yoo-hyun intently.

He grabbed Yoo-hyun’s hand, who had always worked alone.

His sincerity was conveyed through the warmth of his hand.

Yoo-hyun felt awkward and changed the subject.

“Manager, you seem drunk.”

“Yeah. Thanks to you, I can get drunk like this happily.”

“Come on, have a drink.”


He held out his glass and called Yoo-hyun.


“Yes, manager.”

“Why are you so good to me?”

His past self overlapped with his warm eyes.

When he had everything and Yoo-hyun was mistaken, he looked at Yoo-hyun.

-Kwon Se-jung died.

There was indifference in his eyes.

Another past Kim Young-gil flashed by.

When he used people and Yoo-hyun was successful, he looked at Yoo-hyun.

-Why are you here when you’re so capable?

There was self-reproach in his eyes.

In an instant.

The moments he had spent with Kim Young-gil passed by like a panorama in Yoo-hyun’s head.

He never blamed Yoo-hyun.

He didn’t envy or resent him.

He lifted up his poor junior even when he lost everything he had built up.

Was he sorry for him?

Was that why he was good to him?


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