Chapter 268:

Chapter 268

Yoo-hyun lowered his head and put his index finger on his mouth.

This was not the time to worry about such things.

The meeting seemed fine on the surface, but there was a shadow on the faces of the executives.

Except for Lee Taeryong, the director of the third division.

After a brief demo, Director Go Junho gave a report.

He had already explained about the panel.

He mentioned Sharp’s technology, which was a recent issue.

“According to our review, the oxide TFT method that Sharp mentioned…”

“Yeah. So what do you think, Director Go?”

Vice President Lim Junpyo asked, and Director Go Junho answered immediately.

“I think it’s impossible to mass-produce it within two years at least.”

“But if they do, they will have a clear advantage over us.”

“Yes. That’s true.”

“Apple won’t have any reason to invest in a factory. It will be cheaper than that.”

“That’s also true.”

Director Go Junho nodded heavily at the accurate point.

Then, Director Lee Taeryong intervened.

“Vice President, do you think it’s meaningful to do an Apple demo at this point?”


“If Apple likes this panel, they might try to invest in Sharp instead.”

As soon as Director Lee Taeryong finished his sentence, Vice President Lim Junpyo’s eyebrows shot up for a moment.

He quickly hid his expression and looked at Director Lee Taeryong.

“Because they can make the same panel without spending money and cheaper?”

“Yes. That’s right.”

“So we should keep quiet?”

“It’s for a bigger opportunity. Why waste a good panel?”

“That makes sense.”

Vice President Lim Junpyo nodded with a serious expression.

Yoo-hyun read his doubt about Director Lee Taeryong from his eyes.

He didn’t dig deeper to hide that fact.

He even pretended to be troubled.


He thought he was stubborn and rigid, but he had a cunning side too.

Director Lee Taeryong, who had no idea about that, had a victorious expression on his face.

He even smirked at Director Go Junho.

He was always a despicable guy.

Yoo-hyun was thinking that when it happened.

Vice President Lim Junpyo pointed at Yoo-hyun out of nowhere.

“Hey, you, the one with the laptop.”

“Yes, Vice President.”

“What’s your name?”

“Han Yoo-hyun.”

He asked his name even though he already knew it?

It was to avoid the eyes of others.

Yoo-hyun decided to go along with his fox-like rhythm.

“I’m getting old and I want to hear what young people think.”

“What do you mean?”

“What do you think about the Apple demo?”

Everyone’s eyes were on Yoo-hyun at the sudden question.

They expected a bombshell from him, since he was Yoo-hyun.

Yoo-hyun met their expectations without hesitation.

“I think we should move up the Apple demo schedule.”

“What? Move it up?”

“Yes. There’s no reason to delay it here.”

Yoo-hyun said casually, and Director Lee Taeryong cut in.

“If you make one mistake, you might collapse instead.”

“That won’t happen.”

“Do you not know because you’re young?”

Director Lee Taeryong sneered as he spoke.

Vice President Lim Junpyo, who had been hiding his expression, frowned and said.

“Director Lee, don’t you see I’m talking to him?”

“I’m sorry.”

“Let’s respect each other.”

“Yes. I’ll keep that in mind.”

Director Lee Taeryong, who had been smiling faintly, apologized firmly.

He felt the bad atmosphere.

It was clear that he couldn’t ignore the vice president’s rice bowl.

He changed the mood with one word.

Vice President Lim Junpyo asked Yoo-hyun again.

“Are you sure it won’t happen?”

“Yes. I am.”

“What if you can’t finish everything by moving up the schedule?”

“This is enough. Touch and some design changes are just additional elements.”


Yoo-hyun faced his fierce eyes without flinching.

He was confident that he could handle anything he said.

That confidence radiated from him as charisma.

After looking at Yoo-hyun for a while, Vice President Lim Junpyo called Director Go Junho.

“Director Go.”

“Yes, Vice President.”

“Move up the Apple demo schedule. I’m curious too.”

“I understand. I’ll prepare right away.”

“Make sure you do that.”

Vice President Lim Junpyo nodded at Director Go Junho’s answer.

That’s how the Apple demo was decided.

At that moment, Director Lee Taeryong opened his mouth with an anxious expression.

“Vice President.”

“Why, Director Lee? Do you have something to say?”

“I’ll help with the support too.”

Director Lee Taeryong suddenly changed his attitude, and Vice President Lim Junpyo looked at him carefully.

Then he smiled and gave a meaningful answer.

“That would be nice. We’re on the same boat, aren’t we?”

“Yes. Of course.”

Only then did Director Lee Taeryong’s drooping mouth turn up.

It was after the report to the business manager.

Yoo-hyun cleaned up the demo product with his colleagues.

“Good job.”

Yoo-hyun greeted them, and Lee Jinmok, the team leader, answered with a hoarse voice.

“You too.”

“Are you like that because of the schedule change?”

“Yeah. It’s easy to say, but we don’t even have a mockup yet.”

“I’ll help you.”

“Ha, don’t even talk about it.”

Lee Jinmok sighed and shook his head.

He had been working hard until now, but he had to run again without resting.

Yoo-hyun comforted him.

“I think we can skip the touch part.”

“That’s not the problem. The mockup never fits well at once.”

“Don’t worry. Semi Electronics is pretty good at it.”

“You don’t know something, Yoo-hyun.”

Lee Jinmok dropped his shoulders and carried his luggage out.

Yoo-hyun followed him with a snicker.

Then, he heard Director Lee Taeryong’s scraping voice outside the meeting room.

It seemed that there had been a quarrel once already.

“Senior, I told you clearly. Don’t regret it. Haha.”

“I’m warning you, don’t laugh like that in front of me.”

Director Go Junho growled, and Director Lee Taeryong pretended to be conscious of the surroundings and backed off.

“Wow. People might think we’re on bad terms.”


Director Go Junho, who clenched his teeth, walked away first.

He was going to see off the business manager and the group leader.

Director Lee Taeryong, who fixed his clothes, muttered to himself with a smirk.

“Stupid bastard. He screwed up.”

His eyes met Yoo-hyun’s, who was leaving the meeting room.

He lifted his mouth and said.

“Are you young? You’re so bold.”

“Thank you for your compliment.”

“You’re a promising kid, aren’t you?”

“I’ll try to live up to your expectations.”

Yoo-hyun answered him firmly, and Director Lee Taeryong’s mouth twisted slightly.

He soon smiled broadly and said.

“You don’t know anything yet, that’s why you can say that. Haha.”

He even winked and walked away leisurely.

He didn’t care about a mere employee.

Yoo-hyun chuckled as he watched his back.

Kim Younggil, the manager, came up to him and said.

“It seems that the third division doesn’t have a grudge against you.”

“I guess so.”

“But the third and fourth divisions don’t get along well. It must be a headache.”

Manager Kim Younggil speculated about the future situation.

He seemed to have some experience.

He appreciated his effort, but his answer was wrong.

Yoo-hyun said bluntly.

“It will be over soon.”

“Really? I don’t think it will be resolved easily.”

The relationship between the two people didn’t have to be adjusted by both sides.

It would be much easier if one of them disappeared.

That time was not far away.

Yoo-hyun hid his thoughts and changed the subject.

“Are you going back right away?”

“Yeah. I have some work to do. Too bad. I wanted to have a drink with you.”

“Let’s see each other after finishing well.”

“Yeah. Let’s do that.”

He had a lot of serious things to talk about with Manager Kim Younggil.

But he told him that it was not the time with his hand.


He felt his will from his hand.

“Prepare well this time.”

“Yes. I’ll look forward to it.”

“Then I have to live up to your expectations.”

His eyes shone brightly as he faced him.

He looked confident on the outside, but he was struggling to hatch an egg.

Yoo-hyun saw that in his eyes.

Yoo-hyun saw off Manager Kim Younggil and returned to his office.

He sat down and thought.

How should he end things with Director Lee Taeryong?

The conclusion was already decided.

He just needed a scenario to make it interesting.

Various thoughts flashed through his mind.

His phone rang as if it knew what he was thinking.

It was Director Lee Taeryong’s number that he had saved in advance.

Yoo-hyun answered the phone cheerfully on purpose.

“Yes, this is Han Yoo-hyun.”

“Can I see you for a moment?”

“When should I visit you?”

It was time to have a pleasant conversation with his former boss who had bad karma with him.

Yoo-hyun’s mouth curled up long.

That afternoon, in the office of the Ulsan 3rd factory manager.

Yoo-hyun was sitting there.

Across from him was Director Lee Taeryong, who had a deep dimple on his face.

He offered him tea on Yoo-hyun’s desk and said.

“I just wanted to see your face. Have a cup of tea.”

“Thank you.”

“I didn’t get to say everything I wanted to say earlier because I didn’t have time.”

Director Lee Taeryong said with a gentle face.

Of course, he felt differently inside.

Yoo-hyun also hid his expression and reacted appropriately.

“I felt the same way.”

“Hehe. We have the same mind. Well, are you enjoying your dispatch life?”

“Yes. The people are nice and fun.”

“That’s how you feel at first.”

“Yes. That’s right.”

Yoo-hyun drank tea without asking more questions.

He felt Director Lee Taeryong’s curious eyes over the teacup.

Yoo-hyun smiled slightly, and he stopped smiling and opened his mouth with a serious look.

He finally got to the point and his smile disappeared from his face completely.

“If you act like you did in the meeting room, your future will be ruined.”


“Don’t you think your team leader and manager will stay still?”

“What if they don’t?”

“If a dispatched employee causes trouble, they usually ostracize him. You might get unreasonable tasks too.”


Yoo-hyun listened to his unwelcome warning as if he was paying attention.

He thought he had succeeded, so Director Lee Taeryong went on calmly as if it was someone else’s problem.

“Is that all? In the end, your original team will get a warning, and your personnel evaluation will be ruined.”

“I see.”

“That’s not all. Everyone who was involved with you will also suffer greatly.”


“Why? There’s something called joint responsibility. It works well in our company. Huhu.”

Director Lee Taeryong laughed wickedly and said.

It was a very cheap level of thinking.

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