Chapter 266:

Chapter 266

“Mr. Maeng, can I ask you something that might not fit the mood?”

Yoo-hyun blurted out, and Mr. Maeng Ki Yong made a face.

“What is it? You sound serious.”

“I just want to help a little.”

“Go ahead.”

Mr. Maeng nodded, and the others looked at him.

They wondered what he was going to say.

Yoo-hyun opened his mouth without hesitation.

“I think we should do our job properly first.”

“What do you mean?”

Mr. Maeng blinked, surprised by the unexpected remark.

Yoo-hyun quickly asked him a question.

“Mr. Maeng, do you have anything to write on your resume when you change jobs?”

“Me? Of course. I have the ICs I made.”

Mr. Maeng rolled his eyes, thinking.

He didn’t seem to have thought about it much, and he couldn’t answer right away.

Yoo-hyun said coldly.

“But you know they can’t tell the difference even if you make it up. The ICs are actually made by the vendors.”

“Then I can write about the simulation and the drawing work.”

“You can. But those are not objective either. They can’t be verified in the interview.”

“Is that so? Yeah, I guess so. They won’t run the program there.”

“It’s not enough to just work hard and do well.”

They were so busy with the urgent tasks that they didn’t manage their careers.

As a result, after the previous product team collapsed, they were treated poorly by other teams.

Yoo-hyun felt sorry for that.

“Then what should we do?”

He suggested an answer to Mr. Maeng, who asked him.

“We need a result that stands out at a glance.”

“A result that stands out.”

Mr. Maeng was pondering when Mr. Kim Sun Dong intervened with a sparkle in his eyes.

“You mean something like patents or papers, right?”

“Yes. You’re right, Mr. Kim. Those are recognized anywhere in the world. And they bring money too.”

“I don’t know about papers, but we write patents often.”

“Mr. Maeng, one or two patents a year is what everyone does.”

Mr. Kim tackled Mr. Maeng’s words.

He had been silent on other topics, but he was unusually sharp on this one.

There was no hesitation in his voice.

Yoo-hyun joined him.

“You should write more if you’re going to write. The team performance is not good.”

“We’re busy.”

“I know. But you have to do it.”

“Yoo-hyun, our team has so much work to do.”

This time, Ms. Min Su Jin answered.

She was not the only one who thought so.

Everyone here must have felt the same way.

No wonder they all looked at Yoo-hyun.

Yoo-hyun didn’t give them an answer, but asked them a question instead.

“What if Mr. Maeng had 100 patents and presented several papers at conferences? Would the company fire him?”

“No, they wouldn’t.”

“What about when he switches to another company? Would they reject him?”

“That wouldn’t happen either.”

“Then he wouldn’t have to worry about retirement. He would have many options.”

“But that’s not easy. The conditions are too harsh.”

Mr. Maeng shook his head.

But he seemed to be moved by Yoo-hyun’s words, as he had a thoughtful look on his face.

Yoo-hyun hoped they wouldn’t just do the work in front of them and end it there.

He wanted them to face the reality of their hardships and deal with them wisely.

This was something they could do by doing their job well.

“How do we do that?”

He spoke with sincerity to Mr. Maeng, who asked him.

“Our team has a better environment for writing patents, don’t you think?”


“The ultra-high-resolution panel is the world’s first. No one has ever made a panel like this before.”


“It doesn’t have to be a patent. If you just go deeper into what you’re doing now, you can have the title of world’s first in anything you do.”


It was advice from a junior who was far behind them, and who had no experience as an engineer.

It could have hurt their pride.

But they had to think rationally.

This was like getting free insurance while working.

And now was the best opportunity to prepare for it.

With that in mind, Yoo-hyun said:

“I know you’re all capable enough. I learn a lot from watching you.”

“Capability is nothing.”

Looking at Mr. Maeng, who chuckled bitterly,

Looking at the other part members who were silent and drinking,

Yoo-hyun advised them earnestly.

“So I really hope you do well.”


“I hope you earn money and build your career while working.”

The rest was up to them.

Yoo-hyun tried to change the heavy atmosphere.

But before he could, Mr. Kim Sun Dong opened his mouth in the silence.

“I, I was lacking a lot. I’ll try harder.”

Then Mr. Maeng laughed sarcastically.

“Sun Dong, you’re doing the best. I’m the lousy one.”

Mr. Lee Jin Mok and Ms. Min Su Jin also added a word or two.

“Ugh… I’ll have to work like crazy from tomorrow.”

“I’m more of a problem than this manager.”

The mood suddenly became too serious.

Yoo-hyun quickly picked up his glass and made a weak sound.

“Oh, I’m sorry for ruining the mood. Please drink up.”

“No, what are you sorry for? You’re not wrong.”

He wished he would just play along, but Maeng Gi Yong, his senior, uttered a depressed voice.

On top of that, Jung In Wook, the team leader, threw an unnecessary tackle.

“Yoo-hyun, you have a meeting with the group leader tomorrow. Why are you drinking so much?”

“Oh, it’s okay. I need some alcohol to speak my mind.”

As Yoo-hyun shook his head, Jung In Wook said bluntly.

“You always say whatever you want.”

It was a natural response to his provocation.

“Still, it’s not easy to badmouth the team leader in front of the group leader.”

“What? What do you have to badmouth me for?”

Jung In Wook, who flared up, was told by Yoo-hyun.

“Then buy me a cup noodle for hangover in the morning.”

“What are you? Haha.”

Not only Jung In Wook, but also the other team members who were listening laughed.

Taking advantage of the slightly brightened mood, Yoo-hyun quickly picked up his glass.

“Come on, let’s have a drink.”

For the next few days, the Advanced Product Team 1 had a stormy time.

Especially Min Su Jin, the senior in charge of the video board, and Kim Seon Dong, the team leader, suffered a lot.

They had dark circles under their eyes as if they hadn’t slept properly.

Their faces were dark, but the panel was bright.

The result was clear.

Go Jun Ho, the executive director who saw the demo, exclaimed.

“Wow, it looks different when you see it like this. It’s not for nothing that it’s ultra-high resolution.”

“Yes. That’s right. Here, if you look at the human skin, you can see the pores.”

Kim Ho Geol, the chief engineer, said with a confident face as he picked up the panel. Go Jun Ho laughed out loud.

“That’s right. This will definitely show the difference when compared.”

“We will show you a comparison at the business director’s demo.”

“Good. Now all we need is touch.”

As Go Jun Ho spat out his words, Kim Ho Geol said with a flustered look.

“Huh? Oh, let’s do the video demo first…”

Of course, it was a sound that didn’t reach Go Jun Ho’s ears.

He casually ignored it and said what he wanted to say.

“Hehe. Let’s do that. It would be great if we could do multi-touch here.”


For a moment, Lee Jin Mok’s face darkened.

It was his job to attach the touch film and connect the touch IC to the FPCB and verify it.

Yoo-hyun poked his side and whispered.

“Don’t worry. We won’t do touch in this demo.”

“I’m afraid he’ll nag me again.”

“Isn’t that normal?”


As Yoo-hyun quickly agreed, Lee Jin Mok sighed deeper.

Anyway, Go Jun Ho painted a rosy future.

He had a sense of it.

He felt like he knew how much impact this would have when he saw it with his own eyes.

Then, Go Jun Ho’s phone rang.

He answered with a smile, but his voice gradually became lower.

“Haha. Yeah, right… What?”

His expression twisted and he suddenly shouted.

“What are those Japanese bastards doing? Hey. Find out and call me back.”

Everyone held their breath at Go Jun Ho’s sudden change.

They felt like they would get burned if they made a mistake here.

Only Yoo-hyun smiled among them.

Yoo-hyun muttered quietly.

“The timing is accurate.”

At that moment.

Hansung Tower 14th floor LCD Business Division Business Director’s Office.

Lim Jun Pyo, the vice president, took the paper handed by Yeo Tae Sik, the executive director.

The paper had printed the contents of an overseas article that came out a while ago.

<Japan Sharp “Developing ultra-high resolution panel in final stage. Planning to supply to Apple.”>

Lim Jun Pyo crumpled up the paper and said,

“Sneaky bastards. They did this at a good timing.”

“Don’t worry. We’ll respond right away.”

“Yeo Executive Director, you don’t seem to care?”

Lim Jun Pyo asked incredulously at Yeo Tae Sik’s calmness.

Yeo Tae Sik recalled what Yoo-hyun had said at the meeting a while ago.

-An article will come out from Japan. I hope you respond aggressively and expand the market.

The words he half-believed came true.

That was why Yeo Tae Sik spoke with confidence.

“Yes. It doesn’t matter what Japan says.”

“This is different. They leaked the information from inside.”

This was also expected.

The young employee not only identified the problem, but also suggested a countermeasure.

Now the rest was up to him.

Yeo Tae Sik opened his mouth with determination.

“Vice President, I have something to tell you.”

“What is it?”


“Wh, what? The new executive director?”

Lim Jun Pyo’s eyes became as big as lanterns.

Soon after, the overseas article from Japan Sharp was transferred to Korea.

The title was a bit more provocative to suit the Korean situation.

<Japan Sharp “We make ultra-high resolution panel with superior technology than Hansung LCD.”>

The article revealed even the parts that Hansung had hidden.

As soon as the article came out, Hansung reacted aggressively.

They responded very quickly, as if Yeo Tae Sik himself was leading the charge.

<Hansung LCD “Sharp’s words are false. If you are confident, bring your panel. We are ready.”>

From then on, a media war between the two companies began.

Articles came up every day.

The heads of each company came out and openly criticized each other.

<Japan Sharp “Hansung’s technology is just for testing. We can mass-produce with oxide TFT technology.”>

<Hansung LCD “Sharp’s technology is impossible to mass-produce. Don’t make a fuss with unworkable technology.”>

It was an unusual clash in the IT industry, especially in the B2B business that deals with parts.

There was a subtle tension in the company as the situation went on like this.

The Advanced Product Team was at the center of it.

One day, when the articles were fiercely coming up, Yoo-hyun got on the morning commute bus.

As soon as he sat down, he heard the conversation of two employees sitting in front of him.

“The article said it was the panel made by the Advanced Product Team. What that means is…”

“I heard that too. People who saw it said it was awesome.”

“The business director is pushing for it.”

Like this, other people in charge also knew what the Advanced Product Team was making.

The formula of ultra-high resolution panel equals Advanced Product Team was engraved in people’s minds.

‘It’s going well.’

Yoo-hyun lifted his lips as he looked at the moving scenery outside the window.

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