Chapter 260:

Chapter 260

As Yoo-hyun sat down, Senior Maeng Gi Yong came over and reminded him of something.

“Did you contact the IC attachment company?”

“Yes, I set a date.”

This panel was different from the previous ones in many ways, as it was a product form.

It was also a big change to attach the IC directly to the panel glass surface, not to the film.

Because of this, an additional attachment process had to be carried out by an external company.

Senior Maeng Gi Yong sighed deeply after hearing Yoo-hyun’s answer.

“Ah, I wish the panel hadn’t come out.”

“Why do you say that? You said the IC production progress was smooth.”

“But the real thing is different.”

“The circuit team 4 and 3 checked it for you. It will be fine.”

“That’s not what I mean. You don’t know the engineers’ minds.”

Senior Maeng Gi Yong shook his head and walked away.

His face was full of worries.

In the meantime, there was someone who looked relaxed.

It was Manager Jung In Wook.

He used to goof off all the time, then he burned up for a while, and now he’s quiet again.

He quietly approached Yoo-hyun and spoke to him.

“Why are they all so worried? Tsk tsk. Don’t you think so?”

“Well, the team leader should be busy, but the team members are busy.”

“Hey, is that sarcasm?”

“Of course not.”

“Fine. Your mouth is a bomb.”

Yoo-hyun chuckled as he saw Manager Jung In Wook sticking out his tongue.

He felt very friendly now, even though he used to put up a wall.

Manager Jung In Wook had a very laid-back personality for an engineer.

Thanks to him, the stiff team 1 became quite soft.

Yoo-hyun complimented him.

“Manager Jung, you’re doing well.”

“Hey, why are you like that? Did you take some medicine?”

He seemed surprised by Yoo-hyun’s words and blinked his eyes.

“I know you’re always watching over the whole schedule behind us.”

“What, all of a sudden? You’re tickling me.”

“I’m in a good mood.”

Yoo-hyun smiled playfully and Manager Jung In Wook blurted out something absurd.

“Is it because the product planning team won the innovation planning contest this time?”

“Why are you bringing that up here?”

“Well. You must be sorry. If you were there, you would have gotten a prize.”

“Why would I be sorry?”

“Why? The prize money was pretty big, wasn’t it?”

Yoo-hyun laughed as he looked at Manager Jung In Wook who asked back.

Then he recalled what Choi Min Hee, the deputy manager, had said on the phone a while ago.

-It’s all our work. I’ll split the prize money as soon as it comes out and send it to you right away. Good job.

Choi Min Hee included Yoo-hyun as a formal member.

Thanks to that, Yoo-hyun was also able to share the glory of the innovation planning contest winning team.

He also received more than 2 million won in money.

It was the result of splitting it like a knife after calculating the tax.

He was grateful for her consideration more than the money.

He had enough money anyway.

The value of Airbnb stock he held in his hand was 1.5 trillion won in 10 years.

There was no reason to live on edge at work in this situation.

Yoo-hyun boldly said.

“Manager Jung, how about we have a team dinner? I’ll pay for it.”

“No thanks. I don’t need your dirty money.”

“Then why don’t you pay for it?”

“I was going to pay for it after we get over one hurdle. Just wait.”

Maybe he liked what Yoo-hyun said earlier.

Manager Jung In Wook’s shoulders were quite high.

Yoo-hyun gave him a thumbs up and cheered him on.

“Yes, sir. I trust you.”


After Manager Jung In Wook coughed and left,

The timing was good and Yoo-hyun’s phone on his desk rang.

It was a call from Park Young Hoon, his senior in the army and gym buddy.

Yoo-hyun moved to the hallway and answered the phone.

“Hyung, what’s up?”

-What’s up? You put some money in again?

“Yeah. I got some rewards.”

-What kind of rewards do your company have so much?

Park Young Hoon, who was managing some of Yoo-hyun’s money, whined like a child.

Yoo-hyun asked incredulously.

“Isn’t that good for you if I put more money in?”

-That’s not it. I’m just jealous.

“You’re jealous.”

-I want to get a lot of bonuses like you too.

“Did you break again?”

Yoo-hyun asked bluntly and heard Park Young Hoon sighing over the phone.

-Ha. This is the life of a loser, what can I do?

“Make a lot of money and be independent.”

-It’s not easy. I have to endure somehow. Don’t live like me.

“Don’t worry about me and take care of yourself.”

-Yeah. You’re not working for money anyway, right?

Park Young Hoon was right.

If Yoo-hyun was thinking about making money, he wouldn’t have come back to Han Sung.

And he wasn’t short of money either.

The value of Airbnb stock he held in his hand was 1.5 trillion won in 10 years.

There was no reason to live on edge at work in this situation.

Yoo-hyun honestly said what he felt.

“Yeah. If I was, I wouldn’t be working.”

-Then why are you doing it?

“To teach the bad guys a lesson.”

-What? So you’re going to catch the bad guys now?

Yoo-hyun answered without hesitation to Park Young Hoon’s words.

“Of course.”

-Puhahaha. You make me laugh.

Yoo-hyun answered cheerfully and Park Young Hoon’s laughter rang out loud from the other side of the phone.

It was a relief that he could laugh like this.

Of course, it wasn’t a joke to make him feel better.

It wasn’t.

Yoo-hyun was serious.

He smiled brightly after hanging up the phone.

“Shall I start moving then?”

Soon after, Yoo-hyun looked for Ju Yoon Ha, the secretary of team 4.

He had received a lot of help from her whenever he needed it.

Of course, he was grateful.

He expressed his gratitude by giving her a drink that she liked.

“Hello, Yoon Ha. You’re working hard today.”

“Oh, Yoo-hyun, I don’t know what to do with your kindness.”

“No, I’m sorry that this is all I can give you.”

Ju Yoon Ha, who was laughing at Yoo-hyun’s manner, suddenly clapped her hands as if she remembered something.

“Oh, I just received this month’s schedule for team 3. Do you want to see it?”

“Did it come out?”

“Yes. I saved it for you when you came.”

“You even printed it for me. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I’ll also send it to you by email.”

Yoo-hyun took the paper that Ju Yoon Ha handed him.

It had the team’s schedule divided by day.

While he was looking at the content, Ju Yoon Ha leaned her head and asked.

“Does this help you?”

“Which part?”

“Just. It doesn’t look like much to me.”

“Haha. I’m just checking. I have to cooperate with team 3 all the time.”

Yoo-hyun said casually.

Of course, his true intention was not that.

“Yoo-hyun is really meticulous.”

“Thank you. I’ll take a look.”

“Yes. Please let me know if you need anything.”

Yoo-hyun greeted Ju Yoon Ha kindly and turned his steps.

He looked at the schedule again as he walked.

It might look like an ordinary schedule to other people’s eyes.

But if he compared it with last month and the month before, he could see the difference.

Now Yoo-hyun’s eyes caught the items that were raised as a bluff.

They were schedules that did not match Lee Tae Ryong’s style at all.

Yoo-hyun, who had worked under him, knew that very well.

He returned to his seat and called his colleague on his phone.

It was Lim Tae Kyung, who was in the circuit team 3.

He greeted him warmly as he was glad to hear from him.

“Tae Kyung, how are you doing?”

-Ah, I’m dying. Why?

“I have something to ask you.”

-No way. You’re the enemy of our team.

Lim Tae Kyung gave a sharp answer to Yoo-hyun’s words.

He had been like this since the soccer game last time.

Yoo-hyun tried to soothe him with his words.

“Hey, soccer is over.”

-That’s not the only thing.

“Fine. I’ll buy you a coffee next time. Okay?”

-Yeah. Okay. Puhaha. What is it?

“I was wondering if your team had a meeting with the team leader this time.”

-What meeting?

“It was on the team schedule.”

-We didn’t. The team leader suddenly left for a business trip that day.

“I see. Got it.”

As expected, Lee Tae Ryong was moving as predicted.

He didn’t see it, but Yoo-hyun could clearly picture what kind of business trip it was.

Then, Lim Tae Kyung’s voice came over the phone.

-Did you really call me to ask that?

“Of course not.”


“Congratulations on your first year at work.”

-Puhahaha. Has it been that long already?

Lim Tae Kyung laughed at Yoo-hyun’s congratulations.

He complained every day that he couldn’t work there anymore, but it had been a year already.

The company life felt really fast like a bullet after it passed.

“Yeah. It’s been that long.”

-We should get together sometime. Weekdays seem too busy, how about Friday or weekend?

“I can’t do this week.”

He wanted to relieve his stress with his colleagues in Ulsan, but he had another appointment this week.

Lim Tae Kyung nodded at Yoo-hyun’s words and quickly prepared an alternative.

-Okay. I’ll contact the others and set a date.

“Okay. Thanks for taking care of it.”

-Thank you for letting me know.

“Don’t thank me. Take it easy.”

-I can’t because of soccer.

“What are you talking about?”

Yoo-hyun snorted at Lim Tae Kyung’s answer and hung up the phone.

Now he had another place to go.

There are dozens of buses moving without rest on the way to and from Ulsan factory.

There are buses that circulate around Ulsan factory during work hours.

There are also cars that transport panels and cars for executives.

They all have one thing in common: they have drivers attached to them.

Between Ulsan factory 3 and 4,

There was a place where there was a bus garage and a driver’s rest area.

Yoo-hyun stopped by there.


Yoo-hyun opened the door of the large temporary building and entered.

A man sitting at the central table looked at him with an indifferent expression.

“What can I do for you?”

“Hello. I came to look for something.”

“Over there.”

“Thank you.”

There were countless people who came to look for their belongings that they left on the shuttle bus every day.

It was annoying for the man who was in charge of managing the drivers.

He had already been there several times, so he knew the inside very well.

As he followed the road, there was a shelf on the left where lost items were placed.

His real purpose today was not to find something.

Yoo-hyun turned his head to the right.

There was a large ondol room with the door wide open.

He saw drivers playing baduk and watching them inside.

There was no TV in the drivers’ rest area according to the company policy.

Maybe that’s why they all looked bored.

Yoo-hyun spotted a driver he recognized and a driver he was looking for among the five drivers.

He had checked the executives’ schedules and came, so they were both there as expected.

He entered the room naturally and greeted them warmly.


“Who are you?”

The one who turned his head was the driver who knew Yoo-hyun’s face.

He answered kindly to his question.

“I’m an employee of Han Sung Electronics. I came to say hello to you because I’m grateful for always getting on your bus.”

“Oh, I remember. You’re the employee who always greets me in the morning, right?”

“Yes. That’s right. Driver, please have this while you do it.”

Yoo-hyun opened the plastic bag he brought and the driver was surprised.

“What did you bring all this for?”

“I bought it on my way here.”

It was a lot of snacks, bread, drinks, etc.

The driver who was flustered raised his hand and called his colleagues.

“Shin, Park, stop playing that useless baduk and come over here. Wow, there are such cases in the world.”

“Thank you all for your hard work.”

Yoo-hyun thanked them politely and the drivers who gathered waved their hands.

“Oh my, what are you talking about? There are such kind employees among the employees.”

“Come on, don’t say that and eat together.”

The driver who knew Yoo-hyun gestured him.

He was not one to refuse such kindness.

“Yes. Then I’ll sit down without shame.”

“What are you talking about? It’s really nothing, but thank you for thinking of us.”

“I’m always grateful. Then I’ll open it quickly.”

Yoo-hyun spoke with a good-natured tone and laid out the food on the floor.

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