Chapter 247:

Chapter 247

Nothing he said would work here.

Instead of speaking, he filled his empty glass again.


The glass contained consolation for his senior who was going through growing pains.

‘You can do it.’

It was not a vague belief.

It was Yoo-hyun’s conviction that he had reached after spending a long time with him.

Yoo-hyun believed that he would spread his wings on his own.

And he was willing to wait until then.

‘You shouldn’t live so miserably like before.’

That was what Yoo-hyun wanted the most.

There was a brief silence between the two.

Kim Hyunmin, the team leader who had returned to his seat, spoke with a playful expression.

“Did you badmouth me?”

Yoo-hyun lightly played along with his joke.

“Yes. You’re right.”

“Kid. I’ll let you off because you’re honest.”

“Thank you.”

Kim Hyunmin, who chuckled, suddenly asked as if he remembered something.

“Oh, by the way, what did the group leader say earlier?”

“He said he would actively help me from now on.”

“Oh, wow! He’s a very picky person, you know.”

“Yes. He seemed to like me.”

As Yoo-hyun nodded, Kim Hyunmin passed the ball to Kim Younggil, the section chief.

It was his own way of lifting the mood.

“It’s all thanks to Kim section chief’s presentation. Well done.”

“Thank you.”

Kim Younggil also knew well and forced a smile.

But there was still confusion in his eyes.

That night.

Yeo Taesik, the executive director of the mobile group in the LCD business unit, was on the phone with someone.

-You met HanYoo-hyun?

“Yes, sir.”

Despite being a low-ranking person, Yeo Taesik was respectful.

It was because the other person was Shin Kyungwook, the senior executive director.

He asked with an expectant voice.

-How was it?

“As you said, sir. He was extraordinary.”

-That’s still below my expectations.

Shin Kyungwook joked, and Yeo Taesik shook his head.

“I can’t express how amazing he was. Honestly, he completely exceeded my expectations.”

-Haha! I know how you feel because I’ve been through it too. What did he say?

“If you’re going to help me, push me hard.”

-He’s an interesting guy, isn’t he?

“Yes. You’re right.”

-So what are you going to do now?

Having already thought of an answer, Yeo Taesik replied without hesitation.

“I’m going to let him do as he pleases.”

-You should. I want to see him too.

Then he added emphatically to Shin Kyungwook who agreed.

“I’ll make sure to produce results before you come back.”

-Don’t feel pressured. It’s fate as they say.

“I’ll keep that in mind, sir.”

Yeo Taesik bowed his head.

The next morning.

Yoo-hyun started his day as usual with a good mood.

“Good morning.”

“Oh! Yoo-hyun, good morning.”

Maeng Giyong, the senior engineer, jumped up from his seat and greeted Yoo-hyun.

His face was full of joy.

“Maeng senior engineer, you look happy today?”

“They said they would reward me for my hard work.”


“Yeah. I think the whole team will get it. Haha!”

He laughed brightly when it happened.

Lee Jinmok, the deputy manager, came over and exaggeratedly said.

“Oh, the star of yesterday has finally arrived.”

“What are you talking about? It’s all thanks to Lee deputy manager who prepared the demo well.”

“No, no. The director picked you out specifically.”

“Are you jealous?”

“Of course not! How could I be?”

Yoo-hyun hit the nail on the head and Lee Jinmok flared up.

He looked quite adorable.

It wasn’t just the two of them.

The other people in part 1 also welcomed Yoo-hyun warmly.

The part leader Jung Inwook was no exception.

“I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything.”

At Yoo-hyun’s playful answer, Jung Inwook hesitated for a moment and then blurted out his true feelings.

“You did well.”

“Thank you, Jung leader.”

Yoo-hyun bowed his head sincerely as he felt his sincerity.

When he looked up, he saw the friendly expressions of the part people in his eyes.

He felt like he had completely melted into this place.

He liked that feeling.

The good news wasn’t just that.

It happened when Yoo-hyun came back from the bathroom for a moment.

Buzzing buzzing

The team people were buzzing around excitedly

Maeng Giyong waved at Yoo-hyun who returned to his seat

He was looking at something together at Kim Seondong’s seat.

“Yoo-hyun, come here and see.”

“What? What’s going on?”

“There’s a big deal going on. Look at this.”

Yoo-hyun looked at the monitor screen he pointed to.

-Disciplinary notice

Hong 00, the leader of the mobile group in the LCD business unit, and Yoon 00, the senior engineer, were dismissed for disciplinary reasons on suspicion of embezzling company assets.

The names were hidden, but it was clear who they meant.

Maeng Giyong exclaimed.

“It’s not a resignation, but a dismissal.”

“That’s right. They won’t get any unemployment benefits.”

“Yeah. They said they have to spit out the money too.”

“Good for them.”

As Yoo-hyun answered, Maeng Giyong smiled and patted Kim Seondong on the shoulder.

“Seondong, you’ve worked hard.”

“No, no. It’s nothing.”

“You don’t have to deal with those trash anymore.”

Maeng Giyong still seemed to regret that he couldn’t help Kim Seondong.

There was a sadness in his voice.

Yoo-hyun quietly returned to his seat.

He wanted to give them some time alone.

That’s when it happened.

Ko Seongcheol, the senior engineer from the next part, came over and asked.

“Do you want a cup of tea?”


There was no reason to refuse his offer, so Yoo-hyun agreed right away.

The rooftop of Ulsan 4th factory.

In that place where the ventilator was humming, Ko Seongcheol said.

“You’ve been here for quite a while, but this is your first time here.”

“You’ve been so busy.”

“It was a lack of leisure.”

Senior Go Seong-cheol was always the type to work quietly behind the scenes.

He never complained even when he had to work overtime and on weekends.

It was not because he was afraid of Manager Hong Hyuk-su, but because it was his personality.

He also had a strong pride in his work.

To him, Yoo-hyun said.

“It might be good for you to have some leisure now.”

“Are you giving me advice as a junior?”

“Didn’t you also receive it from the director?”


Yoo-hyun answered with a good-natured tone, and Senior Go Seong-cheol laughed bitterly.

It was a ridiculous thing to say, but considering the recent situation, it was not a wrong statement.

He put aside his pride for a moment and asked Yoo-hyun.

“Did you really know it would turn out like this?”

“I believed so.”

“Why? No one thought it would work.”

“Everyone worked hard. How could it not work if you did that?”

Senior Go Seong-cheol made a dumbfounded expression at Yoo-hyun’s question that pretended not to know.

“It’s strange that it works just because you try.”

“It won’t be like that anymore. As long as you work hard and produce results, things will definitely go your way.”

It was a clear nonsense.

It was also a denial of Senior Go Seong-cheol’s company life that he had experienced so far.

Yet, Senior Go Seong-cheol agreed with Yoo-hyun’s words.

He had already seen several times that Yoo-hyun’s confident words became reality.

“I hope so. It would be nice if that happened.”

“Yes. Our team can do it.”

“Our team…”

He repeated Yoo-hyun’s words in his mouth, pondering over them for a while.

Yoo-hyun looked at Senior Go Seong-cheol quietly.

He did not think that his heart had completely opened up yet.

The rest of the second part members were the same.

But Yoo-hyun believed.

Just as the first part changed, the second part would soon blend in with the team.

Only then would he be able to see the true face of the Preceding Product Team.

At that moment.

Director Go Jun-ho’s secretary Ju Yun-ha was using the company messenger.

She immediately sent a message to the person who entered the chat window.

-Aerin unni, the business director praised the project presentation a lot.

-What! Really? Then Yoo-hyun doesn’t have much trouble?

-Yes. I don’t think he needs to resign.

-That’s good. I knew he would do well. When I saw his color phone report…

Ju Yun-ha chuckled as she read Aerin’s long message.

She felt like she knew Aerin’s feelings because she had experienced Yoo-hyun next to her.

She was about to write a reply when it happened.

Director Go Jun-ho called Ju Yun-ha.

“Yun-ha, come here for a second.”

“Yes, sir.”

She immediately answered and got up from her seat, typing.

-Unni, the director came back from the group leader meeting. I’ll contact you later.

-Okay. Thank you so much.

Ju Yun-ha smiled at Aerin’s warm reply.

Yoo-hyun had to get up as soon as he returned to his seat.

It was because of the message he received from Ju Yun-ha a while ago.

-The director wants to see you. He seems to be in a good mood today.

-Thank you for the good information.

Yoo-hyun sent a reply and chuckled.

He could clearly see what Director Go Jun-ho’s mind was like.

“He endured quite a lot.”

He muttered to himself and walked lightly.

Meanwhile, Director Go Jun-ho, who was sitting in his office, was nervous.

It was because of what Vice President Yeo Tae-sik had asked him during the meeting earlier.

-Let Han Yu-hyun do as he wishes. Director Go, please support him.

It was obvious that Vice President Yeo Tae-sik’s upper line had moved.

Otherwise, there was no way that the group leader would protect an employee he didn’t even know.

Director Go Jun-ho sneered and muttered to himself.

“I should have known when he said he would resign.”

It was something that a second-year employee could never do.

The rest of his actions were also the same.

“I wonder…”

He was recalling Yoo-hyun’s past actions when it happened.

Knock knock knock

There was a knock on the office door.

Director Go Jun-ho hid his expression and said in a serious voice,

“Come in.”

A moment later,

Yoo-hyun faced Director Go Jun-ho in his office

They had clashed several times already, so there was no awkwardness even when they looked at each other without saying anything

The first to open his mouth was Director Go Jun-ho.

“It turned out as you said.”

“I was lucky.”

“Lucky? Did you say you would resign because of luck?”

“I had to do that so you would move, sir.”


Director Go Jun-ho was speechless at Yoo-hyun’s answer.

He felt like he had been hit by a counterpunch after trying to bluff.

He quickly waved his hand.

“I think there was some misunderstanding. It was because of the situation, I was actually on your side.”

“Yes. I know.”

“Good. You wouldn’t have been able to act so quickly if I hadn’t.”

“Thank you for your support.”

Director Go Jun-ho finally sighed in relief.

Yoo-hyun smiled inwardly as he looked at Director Go Jun-ho.

He thought he could trust him from now on.

The two had different thoughts at that time.

Director Go Jun-ho was curious about what kind of relationship Yoo-hyun had with Vice President Yeo Tae-sik, and what kind of connections he had.

He was too embarrassed to ask him directly, so he said it indirectly.

“The presentation was honestly beyond my expectations. The group leader also praised it.”

“I’m glad.”

“Yes. It’s a project that the upper people are pushing for, so it will go better.”

“You will also support me, right?”

Director Go Jun-ho’s eyes sparkled at Yoo-hyun’s answer.

He was saying the same thing that Vice President Yeo Tae-sik had told him.

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