Chapter 241:

Chapter 241

Yoo-hyun got the reaction he wanted, but he hesitated a bit.

He knew that people trusted cautious words more than boastful ones.

“I’m a bit careful because I’m an employee.”

“Hahaha! I know you don’t care about that, Yoo-hyun.”

Yoo-hyun chuckled and casually dropped a word.

“Do you know about the factory failure at Hansung?”

“Yes, I heard about it. There was some corruption involved by the business director.”

“That’s part of it, but actually…”

Yoo-hyun finished his sentence and reporter Oh Eunbi was shocked.

“What! Hansung has no intention of doing OLED?”

“Apparently not. They’re doing well with LCD.”

“But they’ll be in trouble if Ilsung takes over. It’ll be hard to catch up with the gap.”

“That’s true.”

Reporter Oh Eunbi was quite knowledgeable about the display industry.

She knew that OLED was a matter of time, and that it was essential for the future.

But that was secondary.

The strategies of Ilsung and Hansung were clearly different.

That fact alone was enough to arouse the curiosity of the public.

Reporter Oh Eunbi asked carefully.

“Can I write an article about this?”

“Of course. But keep the source secret.”

Yoo-hyun winked and she said as if to reassure him.

“Of course. I’m a reporter too. I’ll cross-check this with multiple sources before I post it.”

“That’s good. You’ll be more sure if you meet some people from the industry. For example…”

Yoo-hyun threw a bait while subtly withdrawing his foot.

Reporter Oh Eunbi immediately asked.

“As expected, you’re the best, Yoo-hyun. I’ll repay you with a good article.”

“We’re helping each other out.”

“I’ll pay you back for this favor.”

He smiled as he watched her.

That’s how Yoo-hyun achieved his goal and came out of the restaurant.

As he was about to open the door of reporter Oh Eunbi’s car, she suddenly asked.

“By the way, don’t you have a car, Yoo-hyun?”

“I don’t feel the need for one yet.”

“I guess it can be a burden for a newbie.”

“That too.”

Yoo-hyun nodded with a smile.

As if he had been waiting for it, a luxury limousine came up at the right timing.

It was a rare car even in Seoul, so reporter Oh Eunbi’s eyes turned around.

Yoo-hyun sighed as he saw the limousine.

“He came again.”

“Huh! Do you know him?”

“Ah, just someone I know. Let’s go.”

As Yoo-hyun tried to ignore him and get into reporter Oh Eunbi’s car, the door of the limousine opened.


Men in suits popped out from both sides and opened the door of the back seat.

With men bowing their heads in the background, a man with dark sunglasses got out of the car.

Reporter Oh Eunbi’s eyes widened.

It wasn’t because of his appearance, which didn’t match his all-white hair, broad face and big nose.

It was because of the clothes and accessories he wore on his body.

‘How much is that?’

She had seen many luxury items in her long career as a reporter.

She could estimate the price at a glance.

A T-shirt with a large Louis Vuitton logo: 1 million won.

A cardigan covered with Prada logos: 2 million won.

A gold Rolex watch on his hand: 30 million won.

Gucci pants with logos like a checkerboard: 2.5 million won.

Chanel limited edition sneakers that he dragged like slippers: 3 million won.

It was a combination that showed off his luxury taste in his own way.

He was clearly a rich man, and a very rich one at that.

Her reporter’s instinct told her so.

There was only one case where a rich man would lower his tail like that:

When the other person had much more than him.

As she thought of that, she remembered what she had said to Yoo-hyun earlier and her face crumpled up.

She felt embarrassed just thinking about it.

When Yoo-hyun turned his head, reporter Oh Eunbi’s forehead was wrinkled.

He had shown too aggressive a side in front of Nam Jongbu.

He felt sorry for that and tried to lighten up the mood.

“Let’s go, reporter.”

“Yoo-hyun, I’m sorry for being so ignorant. I apologize.”


“I shouldn’t have said that you would feel burdened by something like a car…”

But her expression was strange.

Her confident tone also became more timid.

“What are you talking about?”

“No, nothing. I’ll take you there.”


When Yoo-hyun asked, she quickly shook her head.

She even used an honorific term for him.

He felt like he had been misunderstood deeply.

That evening.

After sending reporter Oh Eunbi away, Yoo-hyun got into the car that Nam Jongbu had sent.

He told him not to send a limousine, but this time he sent a sports car that consumed more gas.

It was an expensive car that cost billions of won, so it stood out.

And it was even an open car.

Yoo-hyun, who sat in the passenger seat, sighed deeply.


Then the big man who had been beaten by Yoo-hyun before bowed his head.

He must have been educated by Nam Jongbu, because his attitude was very polite.

“I’m sorry. This was the only car that wasn’t a limousine that the boss brought to Ulsan.”

“You should have sent a limousine then.”

“He said absolutely not.”


Yoo-hyun was speechless.

He realized his mistake of putting Nam Jongbu in the category of normal people for a moment.

Just then, the car stopped at a red light.

“I’m sorry for the inconvenience.”

At that moment, Deongchi leaned over and bowed deeply to Yoo-hyun.

His gesture caught the attention of some female students who were crossing the street.

“Wow! That car is awesome.”

“Hey, watch your mouth. They look like gangsters.”

“OMG! No way. Gangsters drive sports cars?”

The girls quickly walked away, whispering to each other.

Yoo-hyun covered his face with his hand and muttered softly.

“Enough. The light has changed. Let’s go.”

“Yes! Got it.”



Yoo-hyun’s sigh mixed with the loud exhaust sound of the sports car.

A short while later.

Yoo-hyun faced Nam Jongbu in his office.

Nam Jongbu had a friendly expression that didn’t suit him and asked.

“Did you have a hard time coming here?”

“Don’t send me a sports car anymore.”

“Then what?”

“Just don’t send anything. I don’t need to see your face anymore.”

Nam Jongbu showed his impatience at Yoo-hyun’s sharp answer.

“Hey, you have to tell me what you know.”


“That I’m going to be arrested.”

“Oh, that?”

“Is it true? Are you sure?”

Yoo-hyun snorted at Nam Jongbu who rushed towards him.

This guy still couldn’t tell right from wrong.

If he believed it, he should have acted on it sooner.

But he was still testing the waters.

He needed to make him suffer a bit more to make him believe it for sure.

“How would I know that?”

“Hey! Tell me, bastard!”

“I don’t know, jerk. Stop wasting my time.”

“You son of a bitch!”

“What? You want to hit me?”

Yoo-hyun taunted him as he held back his anger.

Nam Jongbu had an unusual patience that didn’t suit him.

He forced a smile and took out a bottle of tonic from under the table.

“No, no. Here, drink this.”

“I’m not drinking anything you give me.”

Yoo-hyun immediately stopped him as he saw his obvious move.

Nam Jongbu flared up.

“Hey! This time it’s real. Look! It’s new.”

“I don’t care. You drink it.”


Yoo-hyun kindly opened the cap of the tonic bottle that he had placed on the table and handed it to him.

Nam Jongbu’s face hardened.

He spat out in a trembling voice.

“Are you telling me you saw the future and you don’t need this confession drug?”

“What are you talking about? I don’t need to see anything like that.”

Yoo-hyun snorted in disbelief.

He had watched Nam Jongbu hit his head for a long time.

He knew that a rotten guy like him wouldn’t change easily.

“So, what?”

“Forget it. Just get rid of those thugs. They’re annoying.”

Yoo-hyun said with annoyance, and Nam Jongbu hesitated for a moment before waving his hand.

“Hey, get out of here.”

“Yes! Boss!”

Then, ten men squeezed into a corner.

It was a childish scene that made him sigh involuntarily.

Ten thugs who had exerted their strength were in one space, but there was zero tension.

He didn’t think he would lose even if he fought them in this narrow space.

His confidence was clearly reflected in his tone.

“If you’re going to act like this, I’ll just leave.”

“No, no. Just think of them as a screen.”

“Are you kidding me?”


“Nam Jongbu, get a grip.”

Yoo-hyun lifted his chin and looked down at Nam Jongbu with contempt.

Nam Jongbu’s forehead wrinkled in fear.

He had always been a bully, but he had never been bullied himself.

He couldn’t bear the unpleasant feeling that rose inside him. He had no patience at all.

As Yoo-hyun wanted, he soon showed his teeth.

“Fuck! You’re asking for it.”

“See? You never learn.”

“Hey! Do you know how many people in Hansung would lose their heads if I snap my fingers?”

“Stop talking nonsense.”

Yoo-hyun said indifferently, and Nam Jongbu got angry.

“You think I’m bluffing? You, if I make one phone call…”

At that moment, Yoo-hyun read his mind accurately.

“To Itaeryong?”


“Why don’t you call him and see? I don’t care about the company anyway.”

“How did you know that?”

It wasn’t hard for Yoo-hyun to remember that name. He had been involved with Nam Jongbu in the past.

He was the only person among the bosses he had met with Nam Jongbu who was now in Ulsan.

On the other hand, Nam Jongbu trembled as if he had seen a ghost.

His attitude changed 180 degrees from his previous arrogance.

Yoo-hyun took the initiative and pressed him hard.

He wanted to take this chance to break his spirit for good.

“What did you hear from me?”

“Why are you still working for the company then?”

“Why did you call me here?”

“Huh! Don’t tell me…”

Nam Jongbu was shocked when Yoo-hyun asked him back.

He could see his stupid brain trying hard to work.

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