Chapter 236:

Chapter 236

Yoo-hyun spoke to Kim Ho-gul, the senior manager who hesitated to finish his sentence.

“Team leader, if it doesn’t work, just use my name.”

“That won’t do.”

“No, I have a way.”

“What is it?”

“I can’t tell you right now.”


Yoo-hyun smiled faintly, and Kim Ho-gul shook his head in frustration.

A moment later, Yoo-hyun returned to the dinner table with Kim Ho-gul.

There was one more person sitting there who wasn’t there before.

It was Jung In-wook, the team leader.

Yoo-hyun quickly sat down and filled his empty glass with alcohol.

“Team leader Jung, nice to meet you.”

“Thanks. I appreciate it.”

“You made a good choice.”


Jung In-wook chuckled awkwardly as Yoo-hyun uttered a meaningful remark.

Then, Kim Ho-gul, who had taken his seat, raised his glass.

“Come on, everyone, let’s have a drink.”

It was the most cheerful voice he had heard today.


Maybe that was why.

Everyone’s answer was full of energy.


The sound of glasses clinking was also pleasant.

It was a sound that signaled a new start for the advanced product team.

The chances of Kim Ho-gul persuading Go Jun-ho, the executive director, were low.

But Yoo-hyun didn’t step in himself for a reason.

That process was necessary for the team.

Instead, Yoo-hyun prepared to correct the direction that went wrong afterwards.

The next day, Yoo-hyun checked the news on the portal site after arriving at work.

<Hanseong Electronics’ new plant construction stalled. Companies are leaving Ulsan.>

<Ulsan mayor, “We will do our best to attract new plants.”>

The subprime aftermath brought a severe cold wave, and companies tightened their belts.

As a result, several plants planned in Ulsan lost their investment.

The Ulsan mayor, who was facing an election, urgently requested plant investment.

Of course, the companies remained silent.

This situation matched Yoo-hyun’s memory.

Yoo-hyun planned to use this situation as a reversal card.

Yoo-hyun picked up the phone after checking the news.

He heard Oh Eun-bi’s lively voice for the first time in a while.

-Oh, Yoo-hyun, I’ve been waiting for you.

“I was thinking it was time to go to Ulsan.”

-As expected. I was just about to go. Hahaha.

She had no choice but to do so.

He calculated the schedule and called her.

Yoo-hyun spoke casually.

“I knew you would and I’ve been waiting for you in Ulsan.”

-Come on, I know you’re on assignment there.

“Did you do some background research?”

-I have so many ears to hear from.

“I see. Then did you hear this too?”

-What is it? Is it some special information?

Oh Eun-bi jumped at Yoo-hyun’s hint of information.

Yoo-hyun dropped some breadcrumbs at an appropriate level.

“It’s not that big of a deal, but this time Ilseong…”

-Gasp. Is that the project by Choi Min-yong, the crown prince of Ilseong Electronics?

Oh Eun-bi reacted immediately.

The news of Choi Min-yong, the executive director of Ilseong Electronics, had a lot of demand.

“Yes. It probably is.”

-I knew it. They said they were investing in Yongin, so that was it.

“I don’t know for sure, but it might be similar.”

-Okay. I got it. I’ll check it out right away.

“You’re fast as always.”

Oh Eun-bi was quite smart.

She picked up on the key point from Yoo-hyun’s casual remark.

And she also saw the next move ahead of time.

She chuckled meaningfully at Yoo-hyun’s words.

-Hahaha. If I write this, I’m helping you out, right?

“That might be true.”

-Okay. Then you have to support me well in Ulsan.

“Don’t worry about that. I’m well prepared.”

-As expected. I’ll contact you when I go down there.

“Okay. Take care.”

Yoo-hyun hung up the phone with a good feeling.

Oh Eun-bi was definitely a helpful person.

He moved his seat to the hallway and called the next person.

If Oh Eun-bi was going to lay down some stones to trap the other party, then the person who would answer this call would be the one who would deliver the final blow.

After a few rings, Kim Young-gil answered the phone.

-Hey, Yoo-hyun, you called at just the right time.

“Yes. Did you finish your presentation?”

-Yeah. You know Director Choi’s style. He ripped them apart with words.

“Haha. I just got a text from Park Daeri.”

-That kid was acting naive, but he keeps in touch with you well.

Park Seung-woo’s text said that they did well in the first round of the innovation planning contest.

He even added that he guessed they were first.

He didn’t trust him completely because he wasn’t very sharp.

But listening to Kim Young-gil, it seemed like the result wasn’t bad.

Yoo-hyun chuckled and got to the point.

“Then you have to help me out now.”

-Of course. Just tell me.

“You know about our project, right? The one we’re reporting to the group leader?”

-Yeah. But the date hasn’t been set yet, has it?

Yoo-hyun quickly answered Kim Young-gil’s question.

“It will be soon.”

-Then what?


Kim Young-gil listened to Yoo-hyun’s words and readily agreed.

-Of course I have to do that much.

“Thank you.”

-No, you’re working harder. Is that all I have to do?

“Yes. I’ll prepare the rest here.”

-Okay. Don’t worry. I’ll send you the organized data from time to time.

Yoo-hyun smiled at Kim Young-gil’s words.

He expected to receive an email from him every day, even without looking.

That’s how meticulous Kim Young-gil was.

“I appreciate it if you do that.”

-Will I see you soon?

“Yes. I’ll see you in good shape.”

He hadn’t been away for long, but he was looking forward to seeing him again.

By then, Kim Young-gil would be able to see the changed advanced product team.

How would he react?

He couldn’t wait for that moment.

It was when Yoo-hyun finished his call and returned to his seat.

He received a call from his friend Ha Jun-seok.

He wasn’t the type to call at this time, so Yoo-hyun answered the phone right away.

But he heard his cheerful voice right away.

-Yoo-hyun. It’s done.

“What is?”

-Nam Jong-bu, that bastard, decided to build an officetel.

“Really? That’s good.”

Yoo-hyun snorted as soon as he heard his words.

He had scratched his pride a little by saying he didn’t have the money to get the officetel contract, and he made a decision right away.

It was funny how simple and frog-like Nam Jong-bu was.

His simplicity and spirit were commendable.

Ha Jun-seok wondered if Yoo-hyun’s answer was too short.

-Yoo-hyun, you know that bastard better than me. Aren’t you surprised?

“Well, I guess he changed his mind.”

-No. That rich bastard… No, he’s a president now.

“Just call him a rich bastard.”

Yoo-hyun corrected him when he tried to change his words.

He was still a rich bastard until his mind was completely fixed.

Ha Jun-seok chuckled to himself for a moment and said.

-Yeah, yeah. Anyway, thanks.

“What did I do?”

-Just. Thank you for everything.

“You’re funny. Did you get a bonus or something?”

-I did. It’s a pretty big project.

He spat out a confident voice when Yoo-hyun asked.

There was no sign of his previous timid voice.

He also showed some generosity to meet Yoo-hyun’s demand.

“Then buy me some food with that.”

-I’ll buy alcohol. And with liquor.

“You’re getting corrupted by hanging out with that rich bastard.”

-Hehehe. Okay. I’ll hang up.

Yoo-hyun ended the call with Ha Jun-seok and returned to his seat.

Things were going smoothly one by one.

A smile formed on his lips.

While Yoo-hyun was preparing for everything, Kim Ho-gul gathered his courage and met Go Jun-ho, the executive director.

The result was obvious without seeing it.

It was because he received a message from Joo Yoon-ha.

-The director told me to come at 4 o’clock. But he doesn’t look very happy.

-Yes. I understand. Thank you.

As soon as Yoo-hyun replied, Kim Ho-gul, who had finished the meeting, came over.

He looked quite exhausted.

He nodded his head in resignation with a stiff expression.

It was an action that confirmed that it didn’t go well.

But Yoo-hyun gave him a thumbs up with a smile.

Then Kim Ho-gul said with a bewildered expression.

“Really, what are you going to do?”

“I have to see the director first.”

“He’s so stubborn that I had no choice but to mention your name.”

“You did well.”

“But do you really have an alternative?”

Kim Ho-gul looked doubtful as he saw Yoo-hyun’s calm demeanor.

He couldn’t figure out what Yoo-hyun was going to do.

It wasn’t something he could understand by listening.

Yoo-hyun got up from his seat and reassured him.

“Yes. Don’t worry.”

“Sigh… I really don’t know.”

“Please review the backup plan I uploaded for now.”

“I already checked it. I think there’s no other way.”

Kim Ho-gul did his best.

Now it was Yoo-hyun’s turn to finish it off.

Yoo-hyun bowed and said,

“Yes. I’ll make sure that happens. Then I’ll be back.”

The reason why Go Jun-ho called Yoo-hyun was obvious.

He had already decided on the answer and wanted to persuade him afterwards.

If it were someone else, he wouldn’t have cared so much, but Yoo-hyun was an assigned staff member.

He had the potential to make a big deal out of anything, so he needed to calm him down in advance.

Yoo-hyun knew this fact very well.

That’s why he could also predict what he would say.

A short while later, in the director’s office,

Go Jun-ho faced Yoo-hyun and said exactly what he expected:

“I heard from Kim team leader. You’re involved in this, right?”

“Yes. I unintentionally found out something wrong.”

“Then I’d appreciate it if you stayed quiet until the matter was settled. This is our department’s business.”

“No. I want you to make a quick decision.”

Yoo-hyun shook his head and Go Jun-ho’s face turned red.

“What did you say?”

He looked very different from his previous smiley face.

He was clearly annoyed.

Yoo-hyun didn’t say it thoughtlessly.

He chose the fastest way to move him.

In the end, what moved people was not recognition, but reality.

He faced that fact and opened his mouth.

“Director, I’m very grateful for what you’ve done for me.”

“So you’re trying to climb up like this?”

“No. That’s why I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“What do you mean by that?”

Yoo-hyun spoke bluntly to Go Jun-ho, who frowned.

“As you may have heard, this incident happened before you came.”


“But if the matter drags on and causes more problems, it will be your responsibility.”

“I know. But if the investigation team gets involved, it will get bigger.”

Go Jun-ho was afraid as expected.

He didn’t want to go down any further after being demoted to the fourth department.

That was a natural psychology for anyone.

Yoo-hyun used his psychology against him.

“There may be. But there’s something you need to know.”

“What is it?”

“Rumors are hard to catch. What if someone reports it to the group ethics committee?”


As Go Jun-ho pondered, Yoo-hyun threw the key point.

“Then you might really get hurt. For failing to control your subordinates.”

“That could happen.”

Yoo-hyun didn’t just shake him up.

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