Chapter 234:

Chapter 234

He was the tallest man, with muscles like a bodybuilder.

Nam Jong-bu didn’t hire him for nothing.

“Hey, you over there, bring me the box in the corner.”

“Me? Oh, yes.”

As Yoo-hyun gestured, the big guy who was watching Nam Jong-bu’s mood brought the box.

It was two apple boxes filled with bundles of cash.

Yoo-hyun pointed at the box and read Nam Jong-bu’s mind.

“Come on, try to persuade me. You know, something like passing between your legs or something like that.”

“You bastard.”

Nam Jong-bu’s lips trembled as if he really had that in mind.

At that moment, Yoo-hyun spoke again.

This time, he spoke informally as if he had made up his mind.

“Wait. Hey, you in the middle, go get me a golf club. Your boss wants to hold one.”


“What are you doing? Hurry up and get it.”

Yoo-hyun shouted, and the man of medium height brought a golf club.

He had a scar on his face and looked like he had some real experience.

He was more of a street fighter style than a professional martial artist.

He picked the cheapest club, knowing Nam Jong-bu’s style.

“Boss, here it is.”


Nam Jong-bu’s hand trembled as he held the golf club.

Yoo-hyun looked into his mind again and said.

“My answer? I don’t need this money.”

“You son of a bitch.”

“Shut up. Do you think I have less money than you or more?”


Nam Jong-bu swallowed his saliva at Yoo-hyun’s question.

He had seen his resume from the brothel and he didn’t seem to have anything special.

But his instinct told him otherwise.

It was an intuition based on his experience of mingling with many rich people.

Yoo-hyun lifted one corner of his mouth and said.

“I have more money than you, asshole.”

“Oh, how much do you have?”

“You’re curious because you’re not a rich bastard. Well, you don’t have any cash, do you?”

“What? Hey. I have a lot of money.”

“Kid. You’re so broke that you backed out of building an officetel in Ulsan.”

“Damn it.”

As expected of a rich bastard, he reacted as soon as he was stepped on by money.

His face turned red and his whole body shook.

From experience, he was just about to explode.

He could clearly see what Nam Jong-bu would do next.

Yoo-hyun sat up straight and said.

It was a perfect posture to jump out.

“Well, our Jong-bu is very angry. What are you going to do next?”


“What are you going to do? You hired new bodyguards, so you must want to use them. Right?”

He smirked as he saw him frowning.

Nam Jong-bu couldn’t stand it anymore and raised his hand to call his bodyguards.

At that moment, Yoo-hyun asked.

“Then the question is, what will I do?”

“Hey. First, shut this kid’s mouth.”

“Yes. Boss.”

As soon as Nam Jong-bu’s order fell, the three guys approached Yoo-hyun.

As expected, Yoo-hyun sneered and asked.

“Do I need to hear the answer?”

“You crazy bastard.”

The answer was already decided.

Since he came out with force, it was best to step on him head-on.


Yoo-hyun got up from his seat, stepped on the table with his left foot and jumped.

Then he stepped on Nam Jong-bu’s shoulder with his right foot and flew his body.

The bodyguards flinched at his swift movement.


Nam Jong-bu’s scream echoed.

It was at the same time.

Yoo-hyun’s flying foot hit the heads of the small guy and the medium guy in turn.



Then he grabbed the big guy’s collar behind him and kneed his face.


Nam Jong-bu had prepared hard, but there was something he didn’t calculate.

He should have prepared 10 of these guys instead of 3.


The small guy who caught his posture threw a punch.

His punch was pitiful compared to Kang Dong-sik’s fast punch.

Yoo-hyun hit his chin with a single counterpunch.


The big guy ran behind the falling guy.

No matter how big he was, he was no match for Kim Tae-soo’s pressure.

Yoo-hyun knocked down his center with a low kick timed to his incoming attack.

At the same time, Yoo-hyun’s hook hit the big guy’s face with a straight punch.


The medium guy who ran after him was finished with a back kick.

Crash bang.

In an instant, the bodyguards who were quite bulky fell down.

They all hit vital points and couldn’t even think of getting up.

Yoo-hyun turned his head and saw Nam Jong-bu trembling.

He snapped his fingers and called him.

“Come here.”

“Me? Yes.”

Nam Jong-bu quickly came over and Yoo-hyun ordered him.

“Kneel down.”


Then Nam Jong-bu hesitated.

He still didn’t grasp the situation.

Yoo-hyun raised his hand and then he knelt down.


“Yes, yes.”

Yoo-hyun lowered his posture slightly and grabbed his chin with one hand.

He felt the tremor from his thick neck in his hand.

Yoo-hyun looked at him and said.

“Jong-bu, let’s make one promise.”

“Just say it.”

“Hey, let’s drop the honorifics and talk comfortably between us.”

Nam Jong-bu stuttered in fear at Yoo-hyun’s words.

“Yes. Oh, okay.”

“Kid, you listen well to this kind of thing.”


Yoo-hyun patted Nam Jong-bu’s cheek and smiled.

Then he whispered to him.

“It’s a secret that I came from the future.”


“But I’ll give you one important piece of information instead.”

“What, what is it?”

Nam Jong-bu asked and Yoo-hyun threw a question at him.

“You’re planning to push away the Yongsan mansion village land, right?”


Nam Jong-bu shrugged his shoulders at Yoo-hyun’s words.

Yoo-hyun whispered to him, hitting the nail on the head.

“I know everything. But don’t you? You’ll be arrested for what you did.”


He looked at him, whose eyelids were fluttering.

“And most of the land you own will be taken back soon.”

“No, that’s nonsense.”

“The pro-Japanese law will be revised soon. Don’t believe me if you don’t want to.”

Nam Jong-bu’s hands shook at Yoo-hyun’s blunt words.

What would he choose in the future?

The more he had, the more he feared.

He had a narrow personality and had few options.

That was his intention when he said those words.


Yoo-hyun lifted his chin.

His toad-like face was mixed with confusion.

He had to wrap it up here.

Yoo-hyun glared at him and said.

“And I know your next move too.”


“You’ll try to chase me again after eating shit.”

“No, no. I won’t.”

Nam Jong-bu denied desperately, but Yoo-hyun snorted.

“No. You’re right. You’re a trash who doesn’t know how to repent.”

“No, I’m not. I’m really…”

“You’re lying.”

Nam Jong-bu shook his head vigorously with a terrified face.

Yoo-hyun took out a bundle of money from the apple box next to him.

Then he slapped his cheek with it.



Nam Jong-bu’s neck twisted and saliva splashed everywhere.

Yoo-hyun smiled at that moment.

“Now I know why you hit me with money.”

“No, no. I didn’t…”

“Let’s hit you some more. It’s not enough.”

Thwack. Thwack. Thwack.


Yoo-hyun hit Nam Jong-bu’s cheek several more times with the bundle of money.

It wasn’t enough considering his past debt.

Yoo-hyun got up from his seat and looked down at him, whose cheek was swollen.

“Oh, sorry. I forgot one thing.”


Yoo-hyun took a stance and Nam Jong-bu’s eyes widened as he touched his cheek with both hands.

Yoo-hyun threw the bundle of money at his face with old feelings.



The bundle of money that hit his face flew everywhere.


His nose bled as if he was hit hard.

He couldn’t even scream properly.

He was afraid he would get hit more if he did.

He had a good sense of it because he had been hit before.

Yoo-hyun chuckled and waved a bill in his hand.

“Oh, I’ll take this one. I need to pay for the taxi.”


Nam Jong-bu was stunned and silent.

It was the moment when his bullying came back to him.

Yoo-hyun tapped Nam Jong-bu’s head with the bill as he knelt down and said.

“Bastard. You should use public transportation too. You’re so lazy that you only gain fat.”


He left the office after giving him sincere advice.


It was the moment when the office door was about to close.

Nam Jong-bu’s scream burst out.



Yoo-hyun opened the door again and he shut his mouth as if he was dead.



Yoo-hyun lifted one corner of his mouth and warned him again.

“And remember this. You don’t have much time left before you’re arrested.”


There was no sound for a while even after he closed the door this time.

Thud. Thud.

Yoo-hyun’s footsteps down the stairs were light like the bill he was holding.

It was the day after Yoo-hyun met Nam Jong-bu.

Rumors about Yoo-hyun spread quickly in the Ulsan factory.

His name even came up in other departments.

The men gathered in the break room of Ulsan 3rd factory shared their eyewitness accounts of yesterday.

“You know Han Yu-hyun from 4th department, right? He’s something…”

“I heard too. He’s from a gangster family, they say.”

“It was a mess in 4th department because of him.”

“What is this, two peas in a pod?”

They all had complicated heads.

The module factory was the same.

The female employees were talking about Yoo-hyun from morning till night.

Jo Yoo-jung, who knew some of Yoo-hyun’s story, listened to her junior’s words.

“Oh, oh. Sister, did you hear? Yoo-hyun is something…”

“No, it’s not like that. I heard he was good at fighting from before.”


She corrected the wrong information based on Jo Mi-ran’s story.

Then she added some flesh to it.

“Actually, Yoo-hyun in Seoul…”


The female employees were shocked by the drama-like gossip and the action movie-like story.

It was also the case in the circuit 4th team next to them.

The men in the corner of the office whispered about Yoo-hyun who came on dispatch.

“He beat up seven thugs at once in Seoul, right?”

“That’s not the end of it. It was a mess in Hanseong Tower too.”

“What happened?”

“Well, he even slapped the sales team leader.”

“Team leader or not, he’s nothing. He’s a psycho.”

In the middle of talking, one man got up and bowed his head.

“Team leader, hello.”

“Oh, oh…”

Kang In-hwan, the senior engineer who received the greeting, had a flushed face.

He had heard all the previous stories.

He was one of the people who witnessed Yoo-hyun at the front gate.

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