Chapter 222:

Chapter 222

Senior Maeng Gi-yong asked with a puzzled look.

“Really? I’ll ask him.”

“Do you have any suspicions?”


Even Maeng Gi-yong, who was relatively close to him, didn’t know what was going on.

What was it?

As Yoo-hyun was pondering, Maeng Gi-yong blurted out something absurd.

“Are you also good at sensing things like me?”

“I do have some intuition.”

“Puhaha. You sure know how to talk.”

Yoo-hyun shot a remark at Maeng Gi-yong, who was laughing.

Then, Maeng Gi-yong’s eyes widened.

“Don’t let your relationship be exposed.”

“What, what did you say?”

“It’s a little obvious.”


Yoo-hyun sincerely warned him.

He had been in trouble before when his relationship with Jung Ah-reum, the senior of the second part, was revealed.

He didn’t want him to go through that again.

“There’s nothing good about being exposed, so hide it well.”

“It’s, it’s a secret.”

“I’ll keep it if you buy me a coffee.”

“Of course. Just say it, just say it.”

When Yoo-hyun spoke casually, Maeng Gi-yong made a fuss.

This was also his new side.

The next morning.

Yoo-hyun had to arrive at work 30 minutes earlier than usual.

-The director asked you to come to the meeting.

It was because of the text message he received from Joo Yoon-ha last night.

He agreed without hesitation, as he had intended the situation.

When he arrived at the office, he saw Kim Ho-geol, the senior of the circuit team, and the two part leaders heading to the director’s office.

They looked quite exhausted.

Yoo-hyun greeted them cheerfully.

“Good morning.”

“Oh, oh. You came early.”

Kim Ho-geol said with an awkward expression.

He should have hidden it better, but he didn’t have the ability to do so yet.

Yoo-hyun acted nonchalantly.

“The director called me.”

“What? The director?”

“Yes. He told me to come to the morning meeting.”

Kim Ho-geol’s face sank for a moment.

The part leaders’ faces also crumpled at the same time.

What kind of trouble are they trying to cause again?

They looked like they were thinking that.

Regardless, Yoo-hyun followed them to the meeting.

In the director’s office, there were four team leaders and eleven part leaders from the four teams under the director.

The space was cramped, so some of the part leaders sat on the floor leaning against the wall.

Yoo-hyun also brought a chair from the next meeting room and sat in a corner.

Kang In-hwan, the senior of the circuit team, frowned when he saw Yoo-hyun.

“What are you doing here?”

“The director called me.”

“Huh. Did you really mess up?”

“Why would I?”

He smirked and shook his head at him.

If he had really messed up, Kang In-hwan might not be here right now.

Yoo-hyun had confidence that he could make the situation bigger if he wanted to.

He just didn’t prefer that kind of work that didn’t help the business.

Kang In-hwan, who had no idea what Yoo-hyun was thinking, asked again.

“Then what?”

“I don’t know either.”


When Yoo-hyun pretended not to know and shrugged his shoulders, his face twisted.

Then Kim Ho-geol stopped Kang In-hwan.

“Senior Kang, the director will be here soon.”

“Are you doing this because Kim is coming or not?”

“I’ll talk to him later.”

He seemed to have improved from yesterday.

He didn’t just stand by, but showed some courage. Yoo-hyun smiled at him.

That’s when it happened.

Go Joon-ho, the director, appeared through the open door.


The people who stood up at once greeted him loudly.

“Director, good morning.”

“Yeah. Good morning.”

He raised his hand lightly and smiled when he saw Yoo-hyun.

“Oh, Yoo-hyun is here.”

“Yes. Thank you for inviting me to such an important place.”

“Haha. You’re good at talking. Oh, why don’t you introduce yourself to the team leaders here?”

“Yes, I will.”

Yoo-hyun scanned the people who were still standing and not sitting down.

They looked confused by the unfamiliar atmosphere that Go Joon-ho showed.

Yoo-hyun greeted them brightly.

“Good morning. I’m Han Yoo-hyun, who was dispatched to the advanced product team. I look forward to working with you.”

“He’s a very excellent employee. I called him on purpose today.”

Go Joon-ho patted Yoo-hyun’s back and then the panel team leader stepped forward.

“Yes. As you said, director, he looks very talented.”

“Hehe. That’s why I like the panel team leader. You have a good eye for people.”

Then the structure team leader also added a word, not wanting to lose.

“I also saw him last time and I was very impressed by his politeness.”

“Really? Did you greet the structure team leader too?”

“Yes. I greeted him once when I passed by.”

“Hehe. That’s good. You shouldn’t stay in the advanced product team only. Hmm.”

Go Joon-ho laughed and Kang In-hwan, the circuit team leader, looked complicated.

He wanted to say something, but his pride held him back.

Yoo-hyun looked at him amusedly.

Of course, he hid his expression.

A moment later, the director spoke to the people who had sat down.

“Do you know why I called Han Yoo-hyun?”


The team leaders looked puzzled by the question they couldn’t answer.

Then Kim Ho-geol cautiously opened his mouth.

“Is it because of the dispatch report?”

“Hehe. Kim knows too. Yeah, how was it?”

“I think it was a well-organized document.”

Kim Ho-geol glanced at Yoo-hyun’s face and answered.

The director smiled satisfiedly and raised his eyebrows.

“Right. I knew it. It’s the document that Kim checked?”

“Yes, director. He helped me.”

Yoo-hyun answered smoothly and the director nodded as if he understood.

“Hehe. Right. It must have been hard for an employee alone.”

Yoo-hyun also gave credit to the part leaders.

“That’s right. The part leaders also helped me.”

“Ho, the advanced product team seems to have changed lately.”

“Thank you.”

The team leaders, including the team leader, bowed their heads at the director’s unexpected compliment.

The people from other teams couldn’t understand this situation at all.

Since the stage was set, Yoo-hyun stepped forward without hesitation.

“Director, can I start the presentation then?”

“Hehe. Yeah. Let’s see your spirit again.”

“Yes. I’ll try my best.”

Yoo-hyun bowed slightly and connected his laptop to the cable.

Since he had prepared in advance, the content of the report that Yoo-hyun wrote appeared on the TV.

Yoo-hyun stood up from his seat and started the presentation.

Since the director was sitting still in the middle, people’s attention was focused on Yoo-hyun.

“The current situation of product development 4 is…”

What Yoo-hyun presented was the current situation of the teams in 4.

He recited what projects each team was doing in order.

It was just a reported and summarized content.

But for some reason, the director nodded his head.

“Good. What do you want to say?”

“So what I think is…”

Yoo-hyun read the director’s mind and continued.

What did the director want?

He was a product person.

He wanted a clear project, not a pie in the sky project.

But 4’s color was closer to advanced.

Except for the advanced product team, the other teams were doing products, but they were not very important.

Even if they succeeded, they were only low-performance products.

Then Yoo-hyun said with emphasis.

“The key point here is how to connect the projects between teams organically.”

“Not just achieving the current goals, but creating synergy?”

“Yes. Exactly as you said, director.”

“Keep going.”

“As a way…”

Yoo-hyun turned the page and a list of tasks and goals and KPIs for each team came out.

The causal relationships of intertwined tasks on one screen were marked.

And in the following content, 4’s next vision was displayed.

“I think we can make a very impactful product if we create synergy among projects like this.”

“It’s valuable even with technology alone. Other teams might want it too.”

“Yes. Even if we don’t make this product right away, we can contribute to the group in various ways.”

“Hehehe. You have a wide view because you’re planning.”

“You’re too kind.”

Clap clap clap clap clap.

The director laughed and clapped his hands and then other team leaders reluctantly clapped their hands too.

But their faces were all deadpan.


The answer was in the director’s words.

“When I look at it like this, it seems that the advanced product team is taking on a lot of work.”

“Yes. They have fewer staff, but they have done a lot of things before, so they are intertwined with many teams.”

“That’s not good. The advanced product team project has to succeed for other teams to survive.”

“That’s right. This is a core competency that other teams don’t have, and I think it can create great synergy.”

The director nodded as if he understood and Yoo-hyun boldly proposed his opinion.

The meaning behind this was simple.

Do your own work that was intertwined with the advanced product team before.

Help the advanced product team for 4’s big success.

The director understood exactly what he meant and nodded his head.

As if to prove it, he smiled at the team leaders.

“Okay. This is what I’ve been wanting from you guys. Hehehe.”


Everyone didn’t know what expression to make in this situation and then the director pointed at Kang In-hwan, the circuit team leader.

“Oh, senior Kang.”

“Yes, director.”

“I see that especially circuit team has a lot of intertwined work, so try it yourself this time.”

“Yes, I understand.”

Kang In-hwan nodded his head and then the director left a meaningful remark.

It was a remark for the whole team.

“Right. In the end, synergy is possible when we raise each other’s capabilities, right?”


Kang In-hwan gave a humiliating answer and the faces of the other team leaders crumpled.

In the meantime, Kim Ho-geol turned his head and looked at Yoo-hyun.

How could he be so bold, the young employee looked relaxed even in this atmosphere.

Kim Ho-geol couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

‘He’s really something, he’s something.’

He had to admit it now.

Most of the things that had been holding him back had fallen off in this one shot.

The meeting ended in a laughing mood for the first time.

After the meeting, Kim Ho-geol approached Yoo-hyun who was returning to his seat.

He still looked complicated, but he didn’t feel any negative emotions.

“You worked hard today.”

“Thanks to you.”

“What did I do?”

He scratched his head and Yoo-hyun added.

“I referred to the analysis report you wrote before.”

“You saw that?”

“Yes. Senior Maeng sent it to me.”

He looked at Yoo-hyun for a long time and then muttered.

What he wanted to say was obvious, but he couldn’t spit it out.

Instead, he said something else.

“…Right. Let’s do it properly now.”

“Yes. I’ll help you too.”

“Let’s do well.”

He reached out to Yoo-hyun who was walking away.

It was an awkward gesture that didn’t suit him.

But he felt sincere, so Yoo-hyun grabbed his hand without hesitation.


“I look forward to working with you, senior.”

“Me too. I look forward to working with you.”

Kim Ho-geol smiled at Yoo-hyun.

He looked much lighter after letting go of his pride.

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