Chapter 210:

A moment later, he said what I expected.

You remind me of myself when I was a new employee.

Thank you.

I was full of spirit back then.

So are you now.

Yoo-hyuns words changed the look in Go Jun Hos eyes.

Do I look like it?

Yes, of course.

Yoo-hyun was confident.

Everyone has a flame burning in their heart.

Go Jun Ho was no exception.

Thats how he climbed to a high position.

Go Jun Ho looked at Yoo-hyun with a warm gaze and gave him serious advice.

I appreciate your will, but it wont be easy when you actually do it.

It would be hard if I were alone, but I have you as my supervisor.

What? Hahaha. Thats right. Im here too.

I trust you.

Go Jun Ho laughed heartily at Yoo-hyuns witty answer.

Then he opened his heart and said.

What can I do to help you?

Rather than help, I ask for your understanding.


Im a bit blunt. The team might be noisy for a while.


Was it because Yoo-hyun said something unexpected again?

Go Jun Ho laughed so hard that he held his stomach.

He had no reason to laugh lately, but todays meeting was a great joy for him.

He waved his hand and said coolly.

Sure. Do whatever you want. You can even turn it upside down.

Thank you very much.

I should thank you more.

When Yoo-hyun bowed, Go Jun Ho reached out his thick hand.

Yoo-hyun grabbed it without hesitation.

In just 10 minutes of meeting, a hot trust was formed between the two.

It was when he came back after the meeting.

Yoon Gi Choon, the senior, greeted Yoo-hyun with a fierce look.

Yoo-hyun smiled and passed by him.

It was fun to see his wrinkled face.

He was a unique person.

As he sat down, Kim Seon-dong, the chief, spoke in his awkward voice.

Hey, you know.

Yes, chief.

The team leader is looking for you.

Thank you. Ill be right back.

Yoo-hyun bowed and went to the team leaders seat.

Why did the team leader, who didnt care about Yoo-hyun, suddenly call him?

The reason was obvious.

Kim Ho-gul, the senior executive, found Yoo-hyun and asked him with a worried expression.

Did you have a meeting with the supervisor?

Yes, I did.

Why didnt you tell me?

I tried to tell you earlier, but you looked too busy.

Kim Ho-gul snorted at Yoo-hyuns answer.

Hey From now on, you have to tell me everything.

Yes, I understand.

When Yoo-hyun nodded, he led him to an empty seat.

Then he started to dig into the meeting details.

Tell me what you talked about.

The conversation?


He was so nervous about the supervisor that he would make a fuss.

Yoo-hyun explained calmly.

About the advanced product team

Really? So what did the supervisor say?

He said they are a good team and I should learn a lot from them.

Huh. He did?

Kim Ho-gul was incredulous at Yoo-hyuns calmness.


And nothing else?

Yoo-hyun spat out a laugh as he looked at Kim Ho-gul, who was impatiently asking.

He was so different from the past.

He was a PhD graduate who was hesitant in some aspects, but solid in technical skills.

Yoo-hyun learned a lot from him.

But now he was just a small fry who only cared about the changed supervisor.

He shouldnt be the captain of the ship called the advanced product team.

Yoo-hyun wanted to fix the twisted key somehow.

He expressed his will with that intention.

He told me to speak up actively. He also said he would support me.

Good, good. You have to be active.

Thank you. I will live up to your expectations.

Sure. Lets do well.

He was smiling without any thoughts now, but what would his face look like in a little while?

He had given him a preventive shot, but it would hurt a lot.

Yoo-hyun was curious about the expression he would make.

That afternoon, the members of the advanced product team gathered in the conference room.

As Yoo-hyun had checked earlier, there was a weekly meeting of the advanced product team.

The weekly report process was not much different from the product planning team.

Each person reported in front of the team leader.

Mang Ki Yong, the senior of the first part, presented first.

To make a super-fast communication IC

Isnt the price wrong?

So were working on that

No. Lets check the supervisors opinion first.

Kim Ho-gul shook his head and Mang Ki Yong sighed.

The presentations were all like this.

Nothing was decided.

Jung In Wook, the leader of the first part, could have objected, but he just stepped back.

The team leader also deliberately avoided him, who followed Go Jun Ho, the executive director.

After the first part presentation, the second part presentation followed.

Yoon Gi Choon, the senior, read the words he had written on the screen.

The panel part is

Isnt Hong, the manager, in charge of that?

Yes, he is.

Lets just go with that for now.


The team leader had given up on the second part.

He trusted and left it to Hong Hyuk-su, the manager, even though he saw the problem.

Kim Ho-gul, the senior executive, was so distracted that he only focused on the circuit work he was confident in.

So the circuit part kept spinning around, and the panel part had holes everywhere.

The team leader shouldnt have done this.

While the presentations continued, Yoo-hyun looked around.

They all had resigned faces, as if they had gone through this kind of report several times.

He also heard murmurs around him.

Really, were going to do the same thing again.

Whats the point? Its obvious that its going to break again.

They should have complained if they were unhappy, but they couldnt.

It was because the sense of defeat had already taken root in their hearts.

Yoo-hyun didnt think they lacked skills.

If they did, they wouldnt have produced amazing results in the past.

It was just that the direction itself was wrong now.

They needed a strong shock from the outside to correct it.

Near the end of the presentation, Yoo-hyun turned his head and stared at Kim Ho-gul, the senior executive.

He felt Yoo-hyuns gaze and asked.

Yoo-hyun, did you greet everyone?

Yes, I did.

Good. How was the meeting? A bit difficult?

Yes. I thought it was a very important thing to do.

Right. Its not an easy thing.

Kim Ho-gul said it as an excuse.

It was an act of worrying about how he looked earlier.

Of course, that wasnt enough.

Team leader, can I say something honestly?

Sure. The supervisor told you to be proactive, didnt he?

It gives me strength when you say that.

Hehe. Sure. Say whatever you want. Were an open team.

Kim Ho-gul pretended to be cheerful, which didnt suit him.

That was when.


Yoo-hyun suddenly got up from his seat and Kim Ho-gul blinked his eyes.

Everyones eyes were on him.

Thank you. Then Ill talk a little longer.

Everyone had no idea what Yoo-hyun was going to say.

They had no choice.

What Yoo-hyun was going to do from now on was something they couldnt imagine.

Yoo-hyun took a breath and pointed his sword at the team leader.

The fastest way to shake up a group that was out of line was to catch the leader first.

I thought the team leader should have paid more attention to this meeting.


There were a lot of issues that needed to be decided. But you postponed them all.

Kim Ho-gul, the senior executive, seemed to be shocked by the sudden blade.

Everyone else had their mouths wide open.

Regardless, Yoo-hyun spoke quickly.

If you do that, the people below cant report properly.

You, now

If you dont know the supervisors opinion, you should have asked him directly instead of doing this at the meeting.

Kim Ho-guls face turned red belatedly.

He was humiliated in front of the team members, so his pride must have been hurt.

But he couldnt do anything to Yoo-hyun directly.

He was from another team, and he had mentioned the supervisor earlier.

Then, Yoo-hyun loosened the reins a bit.

Im sorry if I was rude. You told me to speak up.

No. Well, that could be your thought.

Thank you for understanding.

Is that all?

Kim Ho-guls words were prickly.

But Yoo-hyun didnt back down.

No. Can I do a little more?

Go ahead.

The team leader who was being pushed had to let him do it, and no one else could intervene.

Some might have felt relieved inside.

Sorry, but Yoo-hyun didnt step up to please the others.

The team leaders failure to make a decision was a problem, but there were also problems with the reports.

As Yoo-hyun turned his head and scanned the whole, the air began to change.

Yoo-hyun started to swing his sword one by one.

The first target was Mang Ki Yong, the senior of the same part.

He had a white face, neat clothes, and a charming smile.

He had been nice to Yoo-hyun in the past, and he had skills.

He still showed some interest.

Regardless, Yoo-hyun pressed him hard.

First, the IC production part. This one cant meet the schedule no matter what. You should have reported the backup plan together.

So Im trying to make a decision quickly.

Mang Ki Yong flared up and Yoo-hyun presented a specific plan.

Of course, it was something he couldnt have thought of at this point.

No. The Solvtech you contacted is already full of orders for the first half of the year. Theres no time to put it in now, how are you going to make the product in the second half?

How do you know that?

I checked it through the IC company report. I also called the person in charge.


He was shaken by the counterpunch that came from an unexpected place.

That was the start.

Yoo-hyun didnt stop his blade and cut one by one.

Min Su-jin, the senior who came as a career and was struggling, was no exception.

She flinched at Yoo-hyuns gaze, wearing thin silver glasses on her short hair.

And the design part for the set configuration is

Not that

No. You should have met the company already. You didnt try it because there was another problem, right?

Kim Seon-dong, the chief who was the real owner of the idea and the core member of the project, was the same.

He had skills, but he had a lack of confidence, and he had something to fix.

In the chip design part

Lee Jin-mok, the chief who was more passionate than anyone else and had a strong impression and a stout body, was also the target of Yoo-hyuns criticism.

The problem in the board production part is

I already reported that.

He had a strong pride and he objected.

Yoo-hyun answered without hesitation.

You should have done this important part until the upper person understood.

Lee Jin-mok couldnt help but be silent because Yoo-hyun hit the point exactly.

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