Chapter 200:

Chapter 200

Kim Ho-geol, the senior manager, began to review the projects that he had done last year and the ones that he was working on this year.

“Our team has…”

As he listened to the explanation, Go Jun-ho, the executive director, asked in a voice tinged with anger.

“Did you transfer the color phone touch panel project and the touch component localization project to Team 1?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Then what’s left for the advanced product team?”

He burst into fury and Kim Ho-geol answered in a trembling voice.

“We are planning to operate the circuit and panel around the ultra-high resolution project.”

“Huh, really. You keep saying advanced, advanced, but you’re going all the way to the front.”

“We have a plan for commercialization.”

“What is it? Let me see it.”

At the word commercialization, Go Jun-ho gasped.

He was very sensitive to performance.

“The presentation will be done by the product planning team.”


Kim Ho-geol swallowed his dry saliva and stepped back.

While Kim Young-gil, the manager, was preparing, there was silence in the conference room.

In this situation, Yoo-hyun knew a few facts.

No one had reported to Go Jun-ho in advance.

That meant the team and the person in charge were disconnected.

And Go Jun-ho was very dissatisfied with the advanced product team itself.

And the people here were very wary of him.

In a word, it was a total mess.

Kim Ho-geol, the team leader, passed the baton to Kim Young-gil, the manager, who bowed his head.

“Then I’ll start the presentation.”

“Go ahead.”

“Yes, sir.”

Following Kim Young-gil’s signal, Yoo-hyun displayed the screen on the laptop.

The project title appeared in large letters.

-Ultra-high resolution panel project: Phase 1 (Prototype production)

Kim Young-gil calmly continued the explanation.

“Let me explain the overview of the whole project first…”

The total project period was two years, but considering the development performance, it was divided into three stages.

The first one was the prototype production that would take place this year.

The schedule was to complete by October, and the goal was set for the Apple demo.

“And the second stage is to secure price competitiveness, starting from next year…”

Kim Young-gil was in the middle of his speech.

Go Jun-ho slammed the desk and drew attention.

“Cut out the nonsense. So you’re going to make a prototype and demo it this year?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“To Apple?”

“Yes. We are currently targeting Apple and preparing in advance.”


There was silence in the conference room for a moment.

Go Jun-ho’s expression was not very good.

He was the person who had been in charge of Apple until recently.

Of course, he knew Apple better than anyone.

It was easy to say, but if you touched them wrong, they would make you pay dearly.

“Kim Manager, you know that because you’ve dealt with Apple kids with me.”

“Yes, sir.”

“But, you’re pushing a project that looks like it won’t work to Apple?”

“According to what I’ve found out, with the skills of the advanced product development team…”

“Stop the nonsense. Do you think this is really possible?”

Go Jun-ho’s gaze turned to Kim Ho-geol, the team leader.

It meant that he wanted an answer right away.

“Kim Team Leader, tell me.”

“I thought it would be nice to make the goal a little more specific with the idea we were going to do this year…”

“Don’t be frustrating, just tell me if this is possible.”


Kim Ho-geol bowed his head at Go Jun-ho’s snort.

The part leaders turned away from the team leader.

The team members looked away as if it was not their business.

That made Go Jun-ho boil with anger.

“Why can’t you even figure out the project you’ve raised?”


Did he get angry because he thought it wouldn’t work?

Yoo-hyun didn’t think so.

Apple was difficult, but he knew better than anyone that it would be a hit if he caught it well.

But he didn’t trust the advanced product team at all.

This was not a project that could be done with willpower.

If he failed after making a fuss, he would have to take full responsibility.

That was not pleasant.

Yoo-hyun watched Go Jun-ho’s expression and waited for the right time.

Eventually, the key here was Go Jun-ho.

He had to make him do it even if he thought it wouldn’t work.

To do that, he needed to raise the tension more.

That’s when it happened.

Yoon Ki-chun, the senior engineer, who had been constantly looking around, came out.

“Sir, I have something to tell you.”

“What is it?”

“Actually, I’ve looked into this project carefully, and it’s a project that won’t work as you said.”

“Yoon Senior Engineer, that’s…”

Kim Young-gil, the manager, who was surprised by the unexpected remark, opened his mouth.

Whether he did or not, Yoon Ki-chun spoke without hesitation.

“Of course, Kim Young-gil Manager worked hard, but there are more than one or two problems.”

“Tell me.”

Go Jun-ho nodded and he spoke with confidence.

“First of all, the panel itself is a problem. What part is it…”

It was all the content that Kim Young-gil had investigated and explained.

He twisted it cleverly and said it all in a negative direction.

As he listened to the explanation, Go Jun-ho asked with a strange expression.

“Why did Yoon Senior Engineer raise a project that won’t work?”

“The project itself is possible, but I thought the schedule was too tight.”

“Then this is the product planning team’s unilateral decision?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Go Jun-ho, the executive director, snorted and turned his head.

“Fine, I get it. Any other opinions?”


No one refuted Yoon Ki-chun’s opinion.

Kim Young-gil, the manager, felt like his stomach was about to explode.

The person who had offered the idea and smiled until a moment ago suddenly changed his mind.

Not only that, but he stabbed him in the back.

Kim Young-gil, who was furious, spoke with conviction.

“Sir, what Yoon Senior Engineer said is all based on our research. And we agreed on a feasible solution with the team.”

“What about Yoon Senior Engineer’s opinion on this?”

“Sir, I think Kim Manager is mistaken. He said the idea was possible, but he didn’t agree on the schedule.”

Yoon Ki-chun’s words made Kim Young-gil ask in disbelief.

“Yoon Senior Engineer, didn’t we make the schedule together?”

“Kim Manager, you have to be clear. The product planning team was the one who got the customer and made the target, right?”

“The advanced product team was the one who agreed to do the idea together.”

“Oh, this guy, he still has the habit of being stubborn in front of people.”

Yoon Ki-chun skillfully backed off.

The team leader, who had no authority, tolerated this atmosphere.

The other team members just watched, and no one intervened.


Go Jun-ho, the executive director, watched with his arms crossed, wondering what he was thinking.

Yoo-hyun smirked at the sight.

‘They’re playing around.’

They were mistaken about something.

The success of this project did not mean the success of the product planning team.

It was ultimately related to their performance.

He thought he needed to sort out the situation at this point and stepped forward.

“Sir, may I say something?”

“Who are you?”

“I’m Han Yu-hyun, an employee. I’m working on this project with Kim Young-gil Manager.”

“That’s right, sir. Yu-hyun worked hard on the research.”

Kim Young-gil, the manager, quickly stepped in to help, but Yoon Ki-chun cut in at the right time.

He had a confident attitude, as if he had said a few words in the conference room.

“Yu-hyun has no place to…”

“Just listen.”

Go Jun-ho stopped his words.

As Yoo-hyun expected, Go Jun-ho was not reckless.

He might look like a hothead, but he had a reason for getting angry.

And behind that, his desire to climb higher was hidden.

Yoo-hyun bowed his head and then drew Go Jun-ho’s attention with a strong tone.

“Sir, this is a feasible project.”

“Are you saying that because you’re an employee? You have guts.”

“Thank you. Then I’d like to explain why.”

“Go ahead.”

“Yes. First, let me show you the data.”

Seeing is believing.

As Yoo-hyun switched the screen, everyone’s eyes were drawn to the screen.

“This is the list of things that we thought were difficult in this project. It’s also the detailed project items of the advanced product team.”


He gathered all the situations where there was a risk in the circuit and panel.

He revealed the difficulties without any exaggeration.

Anyone would think it was an unreasonable project.

Go Jun-ho tilted his head in wonder, as if it was unexpected.

“Looking at this, where do you think it will work? It looks like it won’t work at all.”

Yoon Ki-chun immediately responded.

“That’s what I was talking about. The risk is too high.”

Later, voices popped up here and there.

“Well, I don’t think it’s impossible, but it’s difficult.”

“It seems impossible to meet the schedule.”

They were all trying to win Go Jun-ho’s favor by eating their own flesh.

This team was not trying to work, but farting around.

The only ones who had their heads on straight didn’t even have the courage to open their mouths.

This was not the image of the skilled advanced product team that Yoo-hyun remembered.

At this point, they were nothing more than a grain of sand organization.

He needed to shake up this atmosphere.

While Yoo-hyun waited for a moment, Go Jun-ho’s expression became more distorted.

He was disappointed by the ridiculous sight of the team members.

As the voices died down, Yoo-hyun opened his mouth.

“I agree that this project is difficult.”

“You’re not just saying that.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Yoo-hyun nodded and Go Jun-ho flashed his eyes and asked.

“Then what do you want to say?”

“I wanted to talk about this while looking at this.”


As he said that, Yoo-hyun pressed the button.

The corresponding departments were listed in the blank space next to the detailed project items.

Ultra-fast interface new development: CTO (LCD business unit affiliated research institute) circuit technology team.

Multi-channel new IC development: CTO IC development team.

LTPS substrate design: Future product research institute OLED panel development team.

High-density liquid crystal integration method: CTO SLC panel research team.

High-resolution multi-touch method: CTO convergence technology team.

Yoo-hyun continued the flow before it was interrupted.

“These are the departments that we met in person and confirmed their availability.”


Of course, he only confirmed, not agreed.

In fact, the chances of it happening were slim.

But that was not important right now.

The point was that Go Jun-ho was silent and his expression hardened when he saw the screen.

He spoke boldly to him, who looked serious.

“Although difficulties are expected, there are corresponding departments for all items.”


“If we get help from these departments, I think we can easily solve the problems that you are worried about, sir.”


He was polite, but the meaning behind it was not.

If Yoo-hyun’s words were true, the project could proceed without the advanced product team.

In this case, the advanced product team only gave the idea, but had no performance.

Yoo-hyun confirmed Go Jun-ho’s twisted expression and delivered the final blow.

“And currently, Team 3 is interested in the next-generation iPhone business…”


As expected, Go Jun-ho flared up.

He was silent with a complicated expression, and Yoo-hyun waited for him.

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