Chapter 198:

Chapter 198

Kim Hyunsoo checked the cars one by one.

“It’s a flat tire. It looks like there’s a nail in it.”

“I knew it. I heard a loud pop and then the air went out. Can you fix it quickly?”

“Yes, I’ll do it as fast as I can.”

He moved busily.

But he was short-handed.

For some reason, more cars kept coming in.

His friends rolled up their sleeves and helped him.

“Please line up here…”

“Yes. Here…”

It was clumsy, but they managed to handle the customers.

Kim Hyunsoo, who was sweating profusely, said.

“Take a break now. You guys can’t fix it.”

“I’ll still watch your back.”

“No, really. I’m fine.”

Kim Hyunsoo shook his head and Yoo-hyun asked him.

“Are they all flats? Same reason?”

“Yeah. It seems like there’s a nail in it. I don’t know why this is happening.”

“Did a truck drop a pile of nails somewhere?”

Kang Junki asked with a puzzled look.

It wasn’t an impossible scenario, but someone should have mentioned it.

But no one knew the reason.

It was likely that the cause was not visible to the eye.

Yoo-hyun thought for a moment and said.

“Hyunsoo, I’ll go check something out front.”

“Huh? Oh, okay. Take a break.”

“Where are you going? I’ll go with you.”

As Yoo-hyun tried to move, Kang Junki followed him.

Ha Junseok was about to get up, but Yoo-hyun quickly directed the traffic.

“Then, Junki, you come with me. Junseok, watch Hyunsoo.”

“Are you going to have fun?”

“Do you think so?”

Yoo-hyun smiled at Ha Junseok and walked away.

Kang Junki asked Yoo-hyun, who was walking fast.

“Yoo-hyun, where are you going?”

“I have something to check. Junki, don’t you think it’s strange?”

Yoo-hyun maintained his pace and told Kang Junki his thoughts.

“What is?”

“There are too many cars with flat tires. Something smells fishy.”

There is no effect without a cause.

Whether they stepped on a nail or got torn by something, the cars had flat tires because of some reason.

So they flocked to the nearest car center, Kim Hyunsoo’s.

It was an unnatural phenomenon.

Kang Junki still tilted his head.


“Just follow me. I think someone nailed the road.”

“Why would they do that…? Wait. Could it be?”

“Did you catch on?”

“Is this some psycho’s doing?”

Yoo-hyun nodded his head vigorously as he walked.

They followed the road and reached an intersection.

Yoo-hyun stood at the narrow alley that led to Kim Hyunsoo’s car center.

If someone targeted Kim Hyunsoo’s car center, they would most likely choose this road.

“Junki, look for nails on the road.”

“Are they here? How do you know?”

“Just look.”

Yoo-hyun moved quickly and scanned the road.

His eyes stopped at the yellow-painted speed bump.

At the end of the speed bump, there was a nail cleverly inserted.

Kang Junki clicked his tongue.

“Crazy. They really did it on purpose.”

“Let’s hide for now.”

If Yoo-hyun’s guess was right, the target was Kim Hyunsoo’s car center.

Then the culprit would surely show up at the scene.


Because it was natural to pretend to be a victim and accuse the car center owner of the crime.

Of course, there were other possibilities, but Yoo-hyun was confident.

He had a good intuition for this area, having seen too many scammers and thugs lately.

Kang Junki, who was hiding behind a pile of rocks on the roadside, asked.

“How long are we going to stay here?”


“Wow, they’re here?”

It was when Yoo-hyun put his index finger on his lips.

A blue sedan was coming down the road.

It was noticeably slow, so it caught their eye.

Yoo-hyun took out his phone and recorded a video.

Kang Junki also saw that and took out his phone.

The blue car passed the speed bump and then backed up.

Anyone could see that it was strange.

But for some reason, it didn’t work out, and the man in the passenger seat stuck his head out of the window.

He waved his hand and signaled.

“Hey, move over a bit. More, more.”

The car moved to the side and then went forward again.

But it didn’t fit again, and the man was annoyed.

“What’s this, the nail doesn’t catch easily.”

They repeated this process several times.


Finally, the tire popped, and the blue car moved smoothly to Kim Hyunsoo’s car center.

Yoo-hyun spat out a laugh.

It was too clumsy even for a staged act.

Kang Junki asked incredulously.

“Why are they doing that?”

“It’s one of two things. Money or a rival business.”

“Damn, is that what it was? This neighborhood is full of trouble, really. Hey, let’s go.”

As Kang Junki belatedly understood, Yoo-hyun had already run to the front.

Kang Junki also ran after him.

When Yoo-hyun arrived, the three men who were in the blue car had already gotten out.

They looked like thugs, with their swaggering attitude.

How come the thugs all looked like they were playing Go-Stop, with their obvious signs.

The skinny thug, the fat thug, and the bald thug. The skinny one yelled loudly.

“Damn. Who nailed the road?”

His voice was so loud that the people who were waiting for their tires to be fixed turned their heads.

“They nailed the road?”


“I see.”

The fact that there was a nail on the road was not a light matter.

They were all victims.

The skinny thug’s eyes turned to Kim Hyunsoo.

He opened his mouth with a sneering face.

“Oh, look at that? The car center owner is here…”

“The culprit who nailed the road was here.”

At the same time, Yoo-hyun cut off his words and stepped forward. The skinny thug’s face twisted and he shouted.

“What the hell is this?”

“What do you mean, this is the person who came to catch the trash who nailed the road.”

“What did you say? You bastard.”

The skinny thug’s pupils shook.

The people’s eyes were already gathered.

He looked nervous.

Yoo-hyun spoke calmly but firmly.

“Why are you doing this?”

“You crazy. What are you talking about? I’m the victim.”

“What? Don’t you know there’s a CCTV at the intersection ahead? Let’s check it out.”

Yoo-hyun spoke more harshly, not letting go of the skinny thug’s arm.

Of course, there was no CCTV, but he took a picture.

That remark changed the skinny thug’s attitude.

“You bastard, do you want to die?”

“Tsk tsk. These thugs. Junseok, call the police.”

“Huh? Oh, okay.”

As Yoo-hyun spoke bluntly, Ha Junseok, who was blankly watching, moved immediately.

Kang Junki, who came late, and Kim Hyunsoo, who was watching the situation, had bewildered expressions.

In the meantime, the remaining thugs exchanged glances quickly.

It was a common pattern when they were caught off guard.

He was sick of seeing it too much.

Then, the fat thug and the bald thug showed their true colors.

“Hey, do you want to close your business? How can you do this to your customers?”

“This car center is totally conscienceless.”

They were perfectly in sync.


Meanwhile, Yoo-hyun twisted the skinny thug’s arm behind his back.

“Is it money, or are you a trashy car center owner like him?”

“Where did this bastard come from?”

“Let’s talk when the police come. I have all the evidence photos.”


Was it because Yoo-hyun hit the mark?

The thugs’ faces hardened in an instant.

Buzz buzz.

The atmosphere was not good.

The people murmured and blamed the thugs.

The choice they made here was obvious.

It was to run away.

And they tried to run away, leaving their colleague who just fell to the ground.


Yoo-hyun laid the skinny thug on the ground and twisted his arm behind his back.


“Damn. Let’s go together.”

The two thugs disappeared like crazy.

Yoo-hyun just smiled.

If he caught this guy, catching those guys was a piece of cake.

He had no reason to cause more trouble for Kim Hyunsoo’s car center.

But Yoo-hyun’s plan was twisted in a few seconds.

When the two thugs tried to get into the blue sedan, Kang Junki appeared out of nowhere and blocked them with his arms.

“Where are you running to?”

“What the hell, who is this kid?”


The fat thug pushed him and Kang Junki rolled on the ground.


Then, Ha Junseok flew in and kicked the fat thug’s back.


“Don’t touch my friend. Uaaah.”

Even Kim Hyunsoo joined in.

The car center turned into a mess in an instant.

Yoo-hyun sighed and twisted the skinny thug’s arm harder.

“Ha. Really.”


As the skinny thug fell to the ground, Yoo-hyun headed to the fight.

A while later.

Yoo-hyun’s friends and the thugs were lined up at the police station.

The thugs had a pitiful expression, unlike before.

“We didn’t do anything wrong.”

“What? You didn’t do anything wrong? You got caught doing the same thing in another neighborhood last time.”

“So what? Do you think the democratic police should suspect first? I’ll call a lawyer.”


“Call, kid.”

“Ah, really.”

“Who’s the car center owner you’re working for this time?”

“Stop it.”

The thugs shouted.

Whether they did or not, the police hit the thugs’ heads with newspapers.

He glanced at Yoo-hyun and his friends.

“These guys look familiar too…”


Yoo-hyun and his friends swallowed their saliva.

It was because they had been sitting in the same place a few months ago.

Back then, they were drunk and sprawled on the street and came to the police station.

The police, who scanned Yoo-hyun’s face with a fierce look, clapped.

“Ah, the fatigue recovery drink from last time.”

“Huh? Oh, yes. Hahaha.”

As Yoo-hyun scratched his head, the police said bluntly.

“You come here often.”

“I guess so.”

Yoo-hyun had nothing to say.

The police smiled and asked curiously.

“But why are you guys fine? Didn’t you fight together?”

“They hit us first. Look here.”

Kang Junki showed his bruised arm and made a sad face.

It was obviously an act, so his friends lowered their heads.

But the police’s sympathetic voice continued.

“That’s too bad…”

“We’re really hurt…”

The thugs’ complaints came from behind, but the police ignored them.

He went to the fridge and brought a fatigue recovery drink.

“Drink one each.”

“Thank you.”

“The world gives back what you give.”

At the police’s smile, Yoo-hyun looked at his friends.

Then, they smiled and shouted at the same time.

“We’ll drink well.”

It felt like he learned a life lesson in a strange place.

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