Chapter 195:

Chapter 195

A few days later, at the Future Products Research Institute in Yongin.

Some of the staff from the institute attended the meeting that Kim Young-gil, an assistant manager, had requested.

He did not bring up the project at the meeting.

Instead, he drew their attention with a different topic.

“OLED has been a hot topic in our department.”

“Didn’t LCD have no interest in it?”

Kim Pyeong-ho, a senior researcher (equivalent to deputy manager) from the institute, asked. Kim Young-gil shook his head.

He also showed them OLED and matched their mood.

“We have to look into it. We don’t know when we’ll switch to OLED.”

“It’s not easy. The yield is low every time we try.”

They chatted in a light atmosphere.

It was more like a tea time than a meeting.

The people from the institute also wanted to commercialize the product, so they did not push it away easily.

“But I heard that Ilseong is making a product. There’s a lot of interest in it internally.”

“They have the crown prince backing them up. We don’t have the conditions.”

“It looked good at the exhibition, didn’t it?”

“That was just a prototype. A demo and a product are different stories.”

Kim Young-gil led the conversation with a conventional compliment.

Meanwhile, Yoo-hyun observed the core members of the institute.

At the same time, he recalled his past memories and organized the necessary tasks.

The more he did, the more pieces of the puzzle he matched.

The outline of the picture began to emerge.

Yoo-hyun did not stop there.

He also contacted the CTO (LCD business unit research institute) staff and had meetings with other development team members.

He also coordinated the project with the pre-product team several times.

The more he did, the more he learned.

There were too many people involved in this project, and the interests between the organizations were complex.

The difficulty was incomparable to the previous contest.

Yoo-hyun expected this much, but Kim Young-gil did not.

He was on his way back from a long-distance business trip.

Kim Young-gil, who was walking on the street, slumped down on a bench.

Was it because of the frequent trips and the hard work of organizing?

A long sigh came out of his mouth, which had never complained.

“Let’s take a break and go.”

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah. I’m fine. It’s just… harder than I thought.”

“Thanks to you, it seems to be getting better.”

“Don’t say that. You’re working harder than me, aren’t you?”

The words that Yoo-hyun, who sat next to him, uttered were not empty.

He would have had a hard time meeting with other departments if he had been alone.

The position of an employee had a big handicap.

Also, thanks to Kim Young-gil, he was able to step back and draw a big picture.

Yoo-hyun said humbly.

“What do I do? I just follow you around and help you organize.”

“Hey, it’s thanks to you that it’s organized so quickly. If it weren’t for you, I might have given up in the middle.”

“Then what was the hardest part?”

Yoo-hyun asked what he was curious about.

Kim Young-gil had a lot of experiences lately.

He ran around without a break, met people he had never seen before, and built relationships.

He argued with the opposition, and stayed up all night to make evidence.

Which part bothered him the most?

Kim Young-gil thought for a moment and answered.

“Well… apart from everything else, the staff from the fourth division were too hostile.”

“The atmosphere there is pretty bad, isn’t it?”

“The office politics are severe, and they talk harshly, and it’s kind of like that.”

“I saw that too.”

“Yeah. They changed for the worse.”

As Kim Young-gil said, it was.

He knew that things had changed as the division and the staff changed, but the situation got worse.

They all shirked responsibility and looked around.

The core department of the project could not proceed with the work like that.

He shook his head again as he thought about it.

“And I really don’t know who the owner of the idea is. Why do they keep changing their minds, really.”

“They’re probably sensitive because their performance depends on it.”

“Even so. How can they change their words every time?”

“They’ll do well once they get started.”

“Really? You talk like you’ve been there before.”

“Just, that’s what they say.”

Kim Young-gil, who chuckled at Yoo-hyun’s answer, looked at the sky.

It was a clear day without a cloud.

He stayed like that for a while and then asked.

“But why are you so diligent?”

“It’s an important project.”

“They all say it’s a side project. It’s uncertain too.”

“I think this project is going to be huge. You saw what the Apple guys wanted, didn’t you?”

“That’s true.”

Kim Young-gil honestly felt like he was touching the elephant’s leg.

He couldn’t show it in front of his junior, but he was frustrated inside.

But he also had a desire to do it.

He had never felt such a challenge before.

He asked a rhetorical question as he was immersed in his thoughts.

“Is this how Park felt?”

“What do you mean?”

“No. Just, there’s something like that.”

Yoo-hyun saw his inner thoughts clearly.

He was grateful to Kim Young-gil, who was passionate even in a difficult situation.

And he was sure.

“You’ll do well, sir.”

“What are you talking about?”

“No. Just, there’s something like that.”

“Pfft, kid.”

In the near future, he would have to play a decisive role.

Then he would surely spread his wings that he had hidden and fly high.

He had the qualifications to do so.

Kim Young-gil, the assistant manager who had no idea what Yoo-hyun was thinking, dusted off his butt and got up from his seat.

“Anyway, I’ll count on you next time.”

“Yes. We have to nail it then.”

“Let’s do that.”

He smiled and straightened his body.

He didn’t look tired at all.

Yoo-hyun, who got up from his seat, picked up his bag that was on the bench.

“I’ll carry your bag for you.”

“Why are you suddenly like this?”

“Buy me a meal.”

“Hahaha. Okay, okay. Let’s go.”

The faces of the two people walking on the street were filled with smiles.

While Yoo-hyun was busy moving around, Park Seung-woo, the assistant manager, was also busy without a break.

After a few more trials and errors, he found his direction.

Inside the office of his division.

Park Seung-woo, the assistant manager, had a serious expression on his face in front of the staff from the third part, Kim Hyun-min, the team leader, and Jo Chan-young, the executive director.

He started his presentation with a stern voice.

“The project I propose is to apply the domestic touch panel used in color phones…”

It was a practical project.

It was about applying the innovative solution that was used in the existing color phones to other panels.

Since the development team had already agreed, he was able to proceed with the work easily.

It was also easy for the other part members to participate.

There was no reason for Jo Chan-young, the executive director, to reject this project, which had low risk and high impact.

Eventually, he gave his permission.

“Okay. That’s good. The project will be carried out by the first part, right?”

“Yes, that’s right. We received all the technology transfer from the fourth part.”

“Color phones were also transferred from the third part to the first part, right?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Park Seung-woo nodded and Jo Chan-young smiled.

“I guess we have to apply everything to the mobile business unit.”

“We will do that.”

“Look at that. Just by applying the color phone idea to other panels, you get this opportunity.”

“Yes. Thank you.

“Choi, you did a good job too.”

Jo Chan-young, who received Park Seung-woo’s greeting, praised Choi Min-hee, the section chief, this time.

It was an unusual thing, so Choi Min-hee quickly passed the ball to Park Seung-woo.

“No, it’s all thanks to Park, the assistant manager.”

“You don’t have to be humble. I know you worked hard behind the scenes.”

“Thank you.”

“Let’s hear the thank you after hearing the good news.”

“Director, what is it…”

Jo Chan-young threw a meaningful remark and everyone tilted their heads.

Yoo-hyun was the only one who understood what he meant.

It was something that didn’t need to be said right now, so Yoo-hyun swallowed his answer.

Surprises were important for good things.

Jo Chan-young knew that too and changed the subject.

“It’s nothing. Oh, Park, how’s the progress of the color phone?”

“Yes. It’s almost done. The product is doing well, and there’s already talk of the next version.”

“The development guys must be crazy.”

“Yes. All the development staff are involved, and I’m also following up.”

Jo Chan-young nodded at Park Seung-woo’s answer.

“See, if you had done the China thing, what would have happened to you?”

“Yes, director, thank you.”

Park Seung-woo knew what that meant.

-You’re being considerate, director. You have to go to MBA in the second half of the year.

Park Seung-woo, who recalled his conversation with Yoo-hyun a while ago, smiled faintly.

He then looked at Yoo-hyun, who was sitting next to him.

The junior guy gave him a thumbs up.


Park Seung-woo, who gave a hollow laugh, shook his head.

The good news that Jo Chan-young mentioned was announced a few days later.

It was when Yoo-hyun was sitting in his seat and talking to Park Seung-woo, who was next to him.

He heard Lee Chan-ho’s fuss from behind.

“It’s out, it’s out.”

“What is it?”

“The promotion results.”


Park Seung-woo quickly brought up the content on his monitor.

Yoo-hyun also sat down and checked the internal announcement.

As he had heard, the promotion results were up.

-LCD Business Unit Promotion Results.

Mobile Product Planning Team: Kim Hyun-min, director, Choi Min-hee, deputy manager, Kim Young-gil, section chief.

There were many promotion candidates on the list.

Among them, the ones that caught Yoo-hyun’s eye were of course the same team, the same part people.

Kim Hyun-min, the section chief who had been passed over for promotion for four years, was promoted to director.

Choi Min-hee, the section chief, was promoted to deputy manager for her work on the Hyunil Automobile and color phone projects, as well as becoming the part leader.

It was a more shocking result because she had a gap in her career due to maternity leave.

Kim Young-gil, the assistant manager, was promoted to section chief at the right time.

It was when he was checking the content.

Park Seung-woo, who was next to him, asked with a surprised expression.

“Hey, Yoo-hyun, did you see it?”

“Yes, I saw it. It seems like everyone in our part went up, right?”

“That’s right. Cough. Isn’t it amazing?”

Half of the six part members were promoted.

The people on the list were all promoted.

Among them, Choi Min-hee, the deputy manager, who was not a promotion candidate, was also included.

It was amazing.

This was a different result from what Yoo-hyun remembered from the past.

The perennial section chief became a director, the quitter was promoted, and the person who had been passed over for section chief promotion for two years was promoted on time.

The center of all this was the color phone.

Yoo-hyun passed the ball to Park Seung-woo.

“It’s all thanks to the color phone you did, sir.”

“I couldn’t have done it without you.”

“No, it’s all thanks to you, sir.”

“No, it’s not.”

As the two were having an awkward conversation, Kim Hyun-min, the team leader, popped his head out from behind.

“What are you two doing, complimenting each other?”

“Team leader, congratulations.”

“Ahem. Thanks to you, I got on well. I’ll buy you a meal once.”

“Hey, once is not enough.”

“Shh. I know, so be quiet. There must be a lot of people who are not happy.”

Kim Hyun-min, the team leader, covered his lips with his index finger as he looked at Park Seung-woo.

The other side of the partition was strangely quiet.

Park Seung-woo, who realized the situation belatedly, nodded quickly.

“Yes, I understand.”

“Oh, you two, did you check your email?”

“What is it?”

“It should have arrived by now. You’ll know when you see it.”

Kim Hyun-min, the team leader, left a meaningful smile and left.

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