Chapter 192:

Chapter 192

That afternoon, Yoo-hyun went to the outdoor terrace on the 20th floor with Deputy Park Seung Woo.

The cold wind still blew his hair around.

Leaning his chest on the railing, Deputy Park Seung Woo stared blankly at the Gangnam skyline.

Had he found the answer?

The chances were still slim.

But he seemed to realize that his actions were not in the right direction after going through a series of events.

Deputy Park Seung Woo, who had been silent for a while, asked Yoo-hyun.

“Do you think I did something wrong?”

“What do you mean?”

“You saw it, right? I keep failing. Honestly, it sucks, doesn’t it?”

“No way.”

“You must be embarrassed by me, huh?”

Was it because he was stubborn after being humiliated in front of his mentee?

On one hand, Yoo-hyun felt sorry for him, but he also understood.

Instead of being blunt, Yoo-hyun said in a roundabout way.

“Deputy, you said you were going to get an MBA, right?”


“Can you do that if you have so much work piled up?”

“Of course I have to.”

Deputy Park Seung Woo said so, but his expression was full of anxiety.

He had realized too late that he had messed up without thinking about his situation.

Yoo-hyun, who was looking at the same place, said calmly.

“I don’t know for sure, but I think you were considerate of me.”

“Huh. Is that so?”


It was not just empty words.

What if Deputy Park Seung Woo was not in charge of the color phone project and had no plans to get an MBA?

Yoo-hyun thought he could have carried out the project in an experimental way.

It was true that Director Jo Chan Young had rejected it, but the data preparation was thorough.

He could have coordinated with other departments to fix the problems.

The success rate was low compared to the effort, but still.

Anyway, the resources he had were limited, and he had to make a choice.

Deputy Park Seung Woo had a lot of other things to do.

“Huh. Thinking that way makes me feel even more ashamed, really.”

“You don’t have to feel that way.”

“Phew. Hey, but how do you know all that?”

Deputy Park Seung Woo, who was scratching his head, sighed and asked.

His stiff expression did not suit him.

Yoo-hyun answered cleverly.

“Isn’t it because I’m quick-witted?”

“Are you saying I have no tact?”

“If you do, why don’t you ask Chief Choi for a drink? He probably cares a lot about you inside.”


“And it’s the same with Team Leader Kim. You know they all look after you, right?”

It was the moment when Yoo-hyun finished his sentence.

Deputy Park Seung Woo chuckled and stopped.

“Wow. This guy, you’ve really grown a thick skin.”

“Who do you think I learned it from?”

“I should have a drink with you first. How dare you play around with your mentor?”

“OJT is over.”

“Hey, but once a mentor, always a mentor.”

His arm wrapped around Yoo-hyun’s shoulder.

If it were the usual Yoo-hyun, he would have shrugged it off lightly, but this time he pretended to give in.

He felt his still cold heart.

Deputy Park Seung Woo, feeling awkward, changed the subject.

“Hey, what are you doing on the founding anniversary day? Do you want to hang out with me?”

“Just the two of us?”



Yoo-hyun shook his head.

He understood Deputy Park Seung Woo’s lonely heart, but that was not it.


“I have a date.”

And he really did.

A few days later, the day of Hansung Electronics’ founding anniversary came.

That day, Hansung Electronics was officially classified as a red day.

It meant that all employees had a day off.

Even if they came to work, they got the same overtime pay as weekend work.

Some people came to work on purpose because the money was good.

Of course, Yoo-hyun was not one of them.

That day, Yoo-hyun went to school to keep his promise with Jung Ye Seul, the daughter of the gomtang restaurant.

He wanted to introduce her to the school after she finished the college entrance exam.

He wanted to make it a meaningful time for her.

So he also invited Jo Eun Ah, her tutor and Yoo-hyun’s junior.

Jung Ye Seul, who was standing in front of the main gate of Inhyeon University, asked.

“Brother, who else is coming?”

“Huh? Is there anyone else besides us?”

Jo Eun Ah, who was next to him, was surprised by his words.

Yoo-hyun answered Jo Eun Ah and then asked Jung Ye Seul.

“Yeah. One more person is coming. You said you applied for the journalism and information department, right?”


“She’s a famous reporter. She’ll be helpful to you.”

He also called Oh Eun Bi, the reporter, for Jung Ye Seul.

Actually, he didn’t call her, but she insisted on coming, but that wasn’t important.

Soon after.

She showed up after finishing an event nearby.


“Oh, reporter, you came quickly.”

“Of course. It’s a date with someone.”

Oh Eun Bi, the reporter, hooked her arm around Yoo-hyun’s, and the two people next to him glared at her.

Yoo-hyun pushed Oh Eun Bi away and said.

“Reporter, I have someone I like, you know.”

“So what, huh. This is just showing off our friendship. Hoho.”

Even though the day had changed, Oh Eun Bi was still the same.

But the atmosphere between Jo Eun Ah and Jung Ye Seul was not good.

Jo Eun Ah asked in a trembling voice.

“Brother, is it true?”


“That you have someone you like.”

“Uh, yeah.”


Why are you making that face, Ye Seul?

Yoo-hyun made a bewildered expression, and Jo Eun Ah quickly asked back.

“You never said that before.”

“You never asked.”


A cold wind blew into the restaurant where they were gathered.

Seeing that, Oh Eun Bi, the reporter, burst into laughter.

“Yoo-hyun, you’re popular.”

“…Let’s eat first.”

They had their meal at a newly opened restaurant near the school.

It was quite fancy, unlike the school atmosphere.

The food was good too.

Was that why?

Jo Eun Ah, who had been excited since morning, became very serious.

“I’m just going to focus on the Hansung recruitment briefing today.”

“Good. That’s a good idea. It’ll probably help you.”


Today, Hansung Electronics’ LCD division came to the school for a recruitment briefing.

It was just the right time for Jo Eun Ah to get a job.

That was also why Yoo-hyun chose today as the date.

Then, Jung Ye Seul asked Oh Eun Bi, the reporter.

“Sister, is it true that you wrote the article about brother?”

“Yes, I did. The picture came out well, right?”

“Yes. Can I get the original picture?”

“Sure. I’ll give it to you if you ask me to.”

The two got along surprisingly well.

But why would she ask for someone else’s picture?

And why would she give it to her so easily?

There was something strange about it.

It was vacation, but the school was crowded with people.

There was not much time left until the regular admission announcement, so there were many people who came to visit the school like Jung Ye Seul.

They saw students holding their parents’ hands everywhere.

Jung Ye Seul, who was looking around the school with curiosity, saw a poster and asked.

“Brother, what is that amba surgery place?”

“Oh, that’s an advertisement for the judo club recruitment.”

“A club? Is it good to join?”

“Well, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

At Yoo-hyun’s words, Oh Eun Bi, the reporter, handed her a flyer.

“Ye Seul, you said you want to be a reporter, right? Then you need to have a lot of experience.”

“Oh, really?”

“It’s good to try everything. I’m right about this.”

Oh Eun Bi, the reporter, pushed her firmly.

Yoo-hyun nodded his head, as it was not a wrong thing to say.

“Yeah. Try different things and choose what you like.”

“Okay, I got it.”

Jung Ye Seul smiled brightly, and Jo Eun Ah, who was walking behind them silently, said.

“Brother, I’m going to go to the recruitment briefing then.”

“Okay, I’ll be there soon.”


But her expression was not very bright.

“Ye Seul, what’s wrong with Eun Ah?”

“Oh, it’s because brother has someone he likes.”


“She’s young. Brother, understand her.”

Jung Ye Seul, who was still in high school, said something she shouldn’t have.

Oh Eun Bi, the reporter, laughed for a long time.

“Hahaha. Ye Seul, you’re my style. You’ll be a good reporter.”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

Yoo-hyun shrugged his shoulders at Jung Ye Seul and thought she looked like Oh Eun Bi, the reporter.

He felt like he knew why the two became friends so quickly.

Yoo-hyun didn’t have to tell them anything.

Oh Eun Bi, the reporter, explained various things to Jung Ye Seul.

“When you enter, there will be male seniors. Then…”

“Really? You too, sister?”

“Of course. I killed it. The boys from other departments were all over me.”

She said a lot of useless things, but they were just right for Jung Ye Seul’s level.

Leaving the two behind, Yoo-hyun went to the auditorium.

There was a large banner at the entrance announcing the recruitment briefing.

-Hansung Electronics LCD Division Recruitment Briefing

It was not much time left until the Hansung Electronics public recruitment season.

The recruitment briefing was a good opportunity for students who had only studied.

They could fill in the gaps with experts on how to take the aptitude test, how to write a self-introduction, how to do the interview, whether their current grades were good, and what specs they needed to improve.

They also had a chance to meet seniors who were working in the field.

That process would surely help them get a job.

On the other hand, Yoo-hyun felt sorry.

‘Why do they have to do it on the founding anniversary day?’

He could understand that it was a good time to use manpower because it was a weekday and the company was closed.

But this kind of thing always made the lower-level employees suffer.

He could tell that there were only young people wearing suits.

Yoo-hyun went closer with a curious mind.

He thought he might see his colleagues.

Sure enough, there was Seo Chang Woo, his colleague from the personnel team.

“Huh? Yoo-hyun, what are you doing here?”

“Looks like you’re here too, hyung.”

“Yeah. This is what our personnel team does.”

“Still, it’s a holiday, are you okay?”

“Well, what can I do? I have to do it if they tell me to.”

He grumbled and glanced at the side.

There was a man holding his arms and weighing the situation at the door of the auditorium.

He looked like a deputy level.

He seemed to be in charge of this place and kept weighing the situation.


There were not many employees, but a lot of students came.

Seo Chang Woo had no choice but to work hard.

Yoo-hyun offered his hand to his tired colleague.

“Can I help you?”

“Nah, it’s okay. I’m getting paid for this, you know. And it’s almost done.”

“Okay. Let me know if you need anything.”

“Thanks for saying that. I have to go and run the next event.”

“Okay. Good luck.”

Yoo-hyun said goodbye to Seo Chang Woo and walked down the hallway.

Seo Chang Woo’s voice echoed from inside the auditorium.

“Job aptitude counseling will be held in the hallway shortly…”

Soon after, the students poured out into the hallway.

They should have been prepared in advance, but they were not in sync.

The preparation was not smooth, so the students could not find their direction.

“Didn’t they say they would do it inside?”

“Yeah. The pamphlet and the time don’t match either.”

“What? I wasted my time somewhere else and couldn’t get in line.”

“I have to wait a long time for this.”

There were complaints everywhere.

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