Re: Legendary Berserker's Advent

Chapter 118 Scarlet Eclipsing Blade


The gruff voice belonged to the only person allowed within this part of the building without prior permission—the mayor. However, according to Kieran’s knowledge, the mayor’s voice shouldn’t be so rough.

‘Could it be a different mayor altogether?’ Kieran wondered. Still, he placed his hand on the door handle and opened it. The scene inside the office was primarily standard aside from a large, rotund male sitting in an oversized chair.

After seeing the scene unfold before him, Kieran now understood why his voice sounded the way it did. ‘This guy is stuffing his face!’

Even after Kieran entered the place, Mayor Lowe continued to gobble his food as if there was no one within his company. The sight looked no different than watching a hungry lion devour its prey!

“Ahem!” Kieran cleared his throat and stepped forward. “As I’ve told your receptionist, I’ve come on account of the War Deity Council. It appears you had filed a request with them some time ago?”

“Ah, yes, yes!” Mayor Lowe nodded. However, because his mouth was filled with food, ostensibly chicken, particles spewed over the table, which he wiped up with his sleeve.

‘Still as I sloppy as I recall,’ Kieran mused with a disgust-laden frown. Of course, he wouldn’t let his opinion of the Mayor’s conduct get in the way of clearing his quest. In Kieran’s eyes, personal opinion and opportunities to progress were entirely different categories.

After realizing the looks he received, Mayor Lowe first coughed into his handkerchief before wiping his mouth.

Afterward, he picked up on where Kieran left off. “We’ve contacted the War Deity Council for a variety of matters, but the only one that has gone unaddressed is the matter regarding the Merchant Association. I assume that’s what you mean?”

“Correct,” Kieran nodded.

However, after listening to Mayor Lowe’s confirmation, some questions began to surface in Kieran’s mind. For example, why was a seemingly effortless request ignored when it could be solved by dispatching an individual with the skills to combat assassin-type individuals?-.

“As you know, the request isn’t like others. We aren’t offering any large sums of money. Instead, this request relies upon the patriotism of the one who chooses to accept it. After all, the negative impacts to Aeredale City could be immense if the issue persists,” Mayor Lowe said solemnly.

At the same time, he continued to analyze Kieran.

Kieran’s eyebrows furrowed as he listened to Mayor Lowe’s explanation. “I see. But, there’s something I don’t understand. If it could severely impact the economy, why let it escalate to these levels instead of uprooting the issue before it festers?”

“That’s because we aren’t in the greatest situation. A large portion of this city’s economy travels directly to the hands of the royal family. The remainder circulates throughout these city gates to support developmental and required services. Do you think this city’s knights, guards, and garrisons are all free? No, we have to pay!” Mayor Lowe scoffed.

He could tell from Kieran’s gaze that he was being judged. But, what right did a youngin like Kieran have to evaluate his decisions?

“Still, I feel as if those are excuses. If this was truly an issue you wanted to solve, you could have requested the Adventurers’ Guild’s aide. After all, aren’t they present to assist in these situations?”

“Bah! Are you here to accept the request or heckle me with your foolish opinion? I’d much rather not seek out the Adventurer Guild!” Mayor Lowe scowled.

Because of this response, Kieran felt Mayor Lowe was hiding something. Why wouldn’t he seek out the Adventurers’ Guild, whose sole purpose was to contribute to the safety of any location their branches were stationed inside? Something was amiss, especially since this type of request even made it to the War Deity Council in the first place.

A flash of realization hit Kieran as he crossed his arms. “You know the culprit, don’t you? Or at least you know of their location. This request must be inexplicably dangerous if you aren’t seeking out the Adventurers’ Guild. If a member of the Guild were to die, there’d undoubtedly be an investigation surrounding the cause. However, the standard of the War Deity Council is much higher, making you doubt the death of anyone they send.”

Mayor Lowe’s eyes narrowed as his lips turned up into a sneer. “You’re too smart for your own good, aren’t you? What you say is correct… I have it on good authority that the culprits behind the thefts are a group with hegemony over a certain area in our trade route. They’re known to be brutal, so I’ll be damned if I accrue heavy fines from the death of guild members. I’ve already sacrificed a hefty amount for our lost guards and their families!”

“So in the end, that’s what it boils down to—money, though I get it. As the mayor of this place, you have an obligation to secure its financial stability. You’ve treaded upon the War Deity Council’s policy of needing no recompense for requests to hide the fact this kingdom grows edges toward becoming destitute with each passing day. The more trades are interrupted, the higher the chance of a collapse in your economy. However, you are gambling here. You know the War Deity Council accepts requests based on severity. A mere kingdom doesn’t begin to tickle their worries,” Kieran said while leaning over the table.

Silence filled the room while the two exchanged severe gazes. Finally, with a faint smile, Kieran continued. “I can accomplish this request of yours, but I’ll at least need 1,000 Gold for the troubles. No rewards? Asinine. Without me, there’s no telling how long this request will go unanswered. In the meantime, your city will continue to suffer. Sadly, you can’t look to the royal family for assistance because they’re an independent entity with wealth irrespective of this city.”

“Fine! 1,000 Gold, is it?! That’s doable!” Mayor Lowe snarled. In truth, a request of this magnitude usually costs fifty times that amount. However, Kieran wasn’t interested in the gold. No, his interest lay in the mayor’s worth—a position that commanded high rapport in this city.

〈System: Due to your actions, the D Rank Quest has become a B+ Rank Quest «Protecting Aeredale’s Economy»!〉

「 Protecting Aeredale’s Economy (Main, City Quest)

Quest Rank: B+

Recommended Party Size: 1 – 6

Recommended Party Level: 30 – 45

Objectives: The stability of Aeredale City’s economy is in a worse state than anyone cares to admit. The reason for this being the inability to get goods across main trade routes without suffering dire losses. If this issue isn’t rectified soon, the city risks the loss of its guards and other vital components, leaving it susceptible to invasion. Security must be restored to prevent peril for a kingdom’s capital.

– Ensure the safety of the merchant crew. 0/1

– Escort a collection of trade caravans through nearby routes. 0/1

– Record the area of malicious activity. 0/1

– Deliver all findings to Mayor Lowe. 0/1


– 1,000 Gold

– 400,000 Experience

– Favorability with Mayor Lowe increased by 500

– Exposure to the next quest

Failure Penalty:

– Aeredale City Reputation -1,000.

– All item shops will experience a 300% increase in price.

-Nearby Leveling Fields will suffer a -75% coin drop rate.

Time Limit: 7 days

*Special Notes: The reason for current events always pierce deeper than the surface. 」

‘The circumstances extend beyond me… Every player inside the Aeredale Kingdom would feel the effects if I were to fail,’ Kieran thought.

Unlike earlier quests, the penalty didn’t solely affect Kieran’s character. Instead, it would harm everyone who chose Aeredale City as their starting place. This was how wide the scope of main quests grew; everyone could be roped in.

“How strong were the guards you sent before?” Kieran question. He noticed that Mayor Lowe mentioned a large payout made to families of fallen guards.

“They were all plenty strong, with enough power to be classified as Tier 1 existences. The large loss of life shows this menace is no small threat. After all that I told you, do you truly believe you can accomplish this?” Mayor Lowe muttered doubtfully.

Although Kieran had accepted the quest, escorting a collection of caravans wasn’t exactly a job a single person could accomplish, especially if they needed to defend against multiple assaulters with power equal to a Tier 1 existence.

‘That would mean the bandits are Lv.35 at the very least since guards in these cities tend to be Lv.35 and above. Of course, that would change if the city were to increase in grade; right now, it is a basic capital city,’ Kieran thought.

The strength of guards and leading staff inside cities and villages corresponded with the city’s ranking. Aeredale City was classified as a Basic Capital City, meaning at most a Tier 3 existence resided inside this place.

Such individuals were people like Captain Liam, who Kieran sparred against earlier. Even Mayor Lowe was only a Tier 2 existence who had yet to surpass Lv.120.

‘I can see why Aeredale is graded so low as a kingdom. There are some with individuals far stronger than Captain Liam. Who knew its staring point was so abysmal, but that’s perfect for me,’ Kieran inwardly thought. His excitement manifested as a grin he couldn’t keep to himself.

“Don’t worry. I won’t be alone, but I will undoubtedly solve this issue. So, make sure to amass that reward for me.”

“I’ll believe that once you bring me back good news. In the meantime, you should prepare because the Merchant Association’s next caravans are scheduled to be dispatched within three hours. I expect you to guard them.”

“Only guard it? You don’t want me to eliminate the issue at its source?”

“You must be an insane lad. This caravan is ahead of schedule and has been done purposely. Not to mention, we don’t know where their base is. The incidents stretch across a large area. Just stick to the plan and ensure that our merchandise makes it through,” Mayor Lowe commanded.

Kieran could only shrug and concede since Mayor Lowe was the issuer of the request. But, of course, that didn’t mean Kieran would follow all of the directives given. After all, Mayor Lowe wouldn’t be accompanying them.

Afterward, Kieran left the Mayor’s Office and stepped outside. However, his timing seemed impeccable because, at that moment, the others returned online while he bore witness to the spectacle created inside Aeredale City.

‘Isn’t that Ezra… the Scarlet Eclipsing Blade?’ Kieran inwardly muttered in shock. Due to his position as the Golden Brigade’s Commander, Kieran became familiar with all the great names of Zenith Online, one of them being Ezra. So even if she wasn’t at the height she would be in or as resplendent in terms of fame, Kieran could notice her at a glance.

Almost as if she sensed a pair of unusual eyes on her, Ezra turned and made uninterrupted eye contact with Kieran. Unlike the massive amount of eyes on her, she failed to notice any lecherous intentions radiating from his gaze.

“Who is that?” Ezra questioned.

Standing by her side, Lux followed her gaze but drew a blank. “I have no clue. They’re someone I’m completely unfamiliar with—why?”

“He feels… dangerous,” Ezra muttered with a frown.

“Dangerous?” Lux’s eyes widened. For Ezra to admit that someone felt dangerous, she believed this to be true. After all, she was one of the people with access to X-hancers, which means that she was much stronger than the average human and could well protect herself.

Nevertheless, Kieran soon averted his gaze. ‘Shouldn’t she be in the Aubrililes Kingdom? Why is she here?’

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