
Due to the looming battle, Kieran’s adrenaline began pumping, which by effect, made it feel as if time had slowed down.

Now that Kieran gave Crimson Ashrune another glance, he realized that although the weapon was extremely heavy, the weight distribution was spectacular. While it was classified as a greatsword, Crimson Ashrune’s shape was oddly similar to a longsword.

In fact, the design seemed to be inspired by zweihanders, a foreign-style doublehanded weapon. As part of the archaic cloth fell down, it exposed a ruby in the center of the weapon’s guard that was partly modeled after Agrianos’ silver blade.

“You’ll be my partner, correct? Then we shall walk into battle and forge our path forward,” Kieran murmured while gazing at Crimson Ashrune. It was faint, but the ruby seemed to glimmer with a demonic intent that dissipated as fast as it appeared.

Afterward, Kieran exhaled and pointed his blade at Rautori. A swirl of bloody energy flowed from Kieran’s body in the shape of a spiral that coated his blade like never before. The difference between a sword made to accept this power and one that couldn’t withstand it was miles apart.

Rautori’s cold eyes narrowed upon seeing Kieran activate a skill that posed a threat.

At the same time, Kieran took the necessary precautions.

〈System: 20 Skill Points have been consumed. [You have learned Abhorrent Paroxysm.]〉

〈System: 20 Skill Points have been consumed. [You have learned Blood Bind.] 〉

〈System: 12 Skill Points have been consumed. [You have learned Death Avoidance.]〉

By the time he finished learning his new skills, the blood encasing created by Blood Mania had reached its endpoint. Because he took over 500 damage from Rautori’s earlier attack, after activating Blood Mania, Kieran’s Health was currently below 50%.

Needless to say, Kieran received an instant boost in Attack Power, Movement Speed, and Attack Speed. Immediately after, Kieran turned into a crimson blur as he exploded toward Rautori. After receiving that last attack, it was only fitting that he repaid the favor.-.


Both Crimson Ashrune and Rautori’s collided, causing a gust of strong winds. The ground gave way below Kieran’s feet, but his gaze remained cold, emotionless, and focused as madness brewed inside their pits.

“Hehe, so this human indeed hides some power. But it isn’t enough! Even when weakened, there is zero chance you overpower me,” Rautori roared pridefully.


The ground shattered further in a ring shape as the rate Kieran lost Health increased. Of course, how would Rautori ever know that Kieran desired this situation? He needed to reach his optimal state and do so quickly.

50%… 45%… 40%…

Kieran’s Health bar steadily moved from a green to yellow, followed by an orange shade as it declined further. After a certain point, Rautori could no longer press Kieran deeper into the ground, which he found extremely odd.

“Eh? What folly is going on here? If I want you to be buried in the pits, you are to do so!”

Whoosh! Bang!

Rautori lifted his large axe for a second before smashing it down without any prior indication. This attack was heavier than the last since there was no gradual increase. Because of how devastatingly strong the attack was, Kieran collided against the ground, leaving a path of destroyed earth as he slid.

However, halfway through the slide, Kieran stabbed Crimson Ashrune into the ground and sprung to his feet with unmatched vigor. Now that his Health had fallen to 19%, there was no reason for him to be so passive.

〈System: Physical Attack Power has increased to 8,912!〉

〈System: The effects of «Tormented Beliefs» Phase III have been activated.〉



This time, the one who was forced back in their collision was Rautori. Despite that, only a paper-thin cut opened on his torso that closed two seconds later. Compared to other monsters, his regeneration was far too potent

Additionally, from the damage inflicted, it was clear Rautori’s Damage Reduction was insanely high, amounting to at least 60%!

Rautori tapped his finger against his chest and looked at Kieran. After seeing the drop of blood on his large fingers, Rautori’s eyes reddened, and his expression became crazed. “I was foolish to play with you, boy!”

Following his bellow, a burst of pressure released from Rautori’s body as his teeth grew in size until they protruded from his maw. “I will play this silly game of yours, but in the end, that power will be mine!”


Both Kieran and Rautori rushed forward at the same time. Numerous exchanges happened, followed by explosions so loud the others could only cover their ears.

Clank! Boom! Clank! Clank! Bang! BOOM!

Surprisingly, after his Health dropped below 20%, his consumption decreased considerably. During their several collisions, Kieran activated Sanguine Slashes, which opened minor cuts on Rautori’s body.

Because of those cuts, Kieran’s began to heal slowly through the slight damage inflicted on Rautori. Now that Rautori met each attack with a similar one, it was challenging to deal more than 300 damage with each attack.

Despite his overflowing pride, Rautori wasn’t one of those foolish individuals who let their opponent take cheap hits that could potentially change the tide of the battle. He had been confined to this place long enough, so his first objective was to leave, not find another worthy opponent.

Suddenly, after their next clash, Kieran pointed one of his hands to the ground. Three percent of his Health vanished, but in return, a small pool of blood formed on the floor, and from within that pool sprang twelve blood chains that wrapped around Rautori’s arms, legs, torso, and neck.

At that moment, Kieran created some distance with a strong backstep while stabbing his sword toward Rautori’s chest. Three violent tempests snaked around each other as Kieran focused on condensing them into one strike. Sadly, due to his inexperience, he failed to accomplish that.

At most, he could only decrease the area of the attack so that they all landed on Rautori’s center mass.




With the combined effects of Blood Bind restricting Rautori’s movements, Sanguinem Tempests dealt over 200,000 damage, decreasing Rautori’s Health to just under 75%. However, due to his confinement to this area, Rautori had come to loathe restrictions.

So, being bound by Kieran’s Blood Bind drove him insane until he tapped into a power that went beyond the limits of any current player.

“Roarrrghhhh!” Rautori released an earth-shattering roar while his body swelled until the blood chains holding him in place were stretched taut. His muscle mass nearly doubled as he increased from 6 to 8 meters.

Off to the side, the others watched in horror as this boss released a presence that felt like the coming of one’s doomsday.

“Aatrox…” Sera muttered while clutching her staff. As much as she wanted to help him out, she couldn’t. None of her heals had any effect on his Health, so it’d be pointless for her to intervene.

“Tch, are we really scared of one simple death? So what… I say we help him out,” Bastion declared after clenching his teeth until they creaked. When push came to shove, Bastion was indeed a person one could rely on, even going as far as forsaking his safety to render aid.

However, just when Bastion took a step, Kieran’s crimson eyes darted toward him while speaking solemnly. “Don’t you dare intervene! This is an order as your Team Leader!”


Suddenly, Bastion felt a hand on his shoulder and looked back. He saw Nemean shaking his head with a helpless smile. “Don’t. It’s the order from a superior; we have to honor it. We have to believe he has the ability to overcome this.”

Meanwhile, Luna silently watched as Rautori shattered all the blood chains holding him back. Once that happened, he pounced on Kieran like a hungry lion and cleaved his axe downward.

Kieran naturally didn’t contend against this attack, not because he didn’t want to but because he couldn’t. The aftermath of the attack was ridiculous. A 15-meter-long fissure extended well past their battle area and split the nearby stone wall in half. The type of power required to do that was absurd!

What’s more, Rautori’s Heath increased at a visible rate. From what Kieran saw, he estimated that he recovered somewhere between 2 to 5% Health per minute. If Kieran couldn’t find the opportunity to deliver heavy damage outside of Sanguinem Tempest, Rautori would inevitably recover from the wounds on his torso.

‘Come on… as an A Rank Skill, it should be more effective than that!’ Kieran thought. This thought naturally referred to his newly learned skill, Blood Bind, which specialized in crowd control.

「 Blood Bind (Lv.1)

Skill Rank: A

Skill Type: Active

Mastery (00.00%)

Description: This skill summons twelve blood chains by imbuing one’s Blood with Mana. These twelve chains can bind up to three enemies within a 10-meter radius. If only one monster exists, all bindings will target that entity, casting the highest immobilizing effect possible. Monsters affected by the blood chains will be immobilized for 6 seconds. (The effect decreases based on the Strength of the bound enemy.)

Consumption: 3% Health and 30 Mana

Prerequisites: Lv.25, «True Berserker», «Blood Mania» Lv.1

Cooldown: 30 seconds 」

‘Is this damned goat only a Unique Variant? I’m sure that their power didn’t reach this far at Lv.30… What the hell am I up against?’ Kieran wondered.

Unlike what was displayed in the skill description, Blood Bind barely held up for 1 second, meaning it was less than 20% effective on Rautori. Until now, the highest skill effect reduction Kieran faced was 50%, so this development infuriated him slightly.

“Damn oversized goat,” Kieran spat venomously.

“Goat!?” Rautori scowled as if he heard the most disrespectful insult even. After all, he wasn’t a goat. He was a bull blessed with a man’s physique and immense power.

Rautori didn’t appreciate the insult, apparent by how he rushed after Kieran nonstop and attacked haphazardly. “Are you a damned rabbit? Stop hopping about!”

Kieran scoffed in response. But when he tried to dodge the next attack, he came to the sad realization that it was a feint. Once he jumped away, Rautori grabbed Kieran’s leg and slammed him to the ground while slamming down his axe.

Left with no choice, Kieran could only lift Crimson Ashrune and defend against the attack while using his other hand to brace the blade.

“Arrgh….” Kieran screamed out as pain radiated throughout his body. His chest started to heave while his eyes reddened with a vengeful. The harder Rautori pressed down, the more Kieran’s reasoning faded until something seemed to snap and bubble up out of Kieran in the form of unbridled fury.


〈System: You have fulfilled the criteria. The restriction on «Deranged Spirit» has been lifted! You are free to activate the skill from here on out.〉

Author’s Note: Please check the Author’s Thoughts section for information regarding rewards. I thank you for your continued support! I appreciate it all <3 (P.S: This won’t increase the price of the chapter.)

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