Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 361 The Power of The Aura Vein

Chapter 361 The Power of The Aura Vein

While Chiron's eyes were on Mani, the priestess's eyes were on the bigger picture. 

"We need to activate the defenses," she cried out, stealing Chiron's attention.

Chiron nodded at her and the two of them rushed into the mountain, and up its stairs. 

Every step taken ensured that the passage lights automatically came on, on their own. 

Chiron could not help but observe the walls the further he climbed inside. These walls were all adorned with runes. 

But that was not all. Chiron could feel the lingering power that flowed within them. This was power that flowed right from the Aura vein far beneath their feet, thousands of miles into the earth. 

Even though they were rushing up as a result of the emergency, Chiron could not help but admire this place. It was absolutely beatuiful to behold. 

As they went deeper, guards that were in charge of protecting the place stepped forward to help. One of them was a bronze rank cultivator. he bowed to the priestess and even attempted to stop Chiron but she did not allow it. "You morons! Can't you see that he is one of us!? You bastards have only one duty and you cannot even do it properly. Now go out there and give your lives for this land!"

"Yes priestess!" they nodded as they rushed down stairs as some Vandorian soldiers had already started to make their way up. 

Finally, they arrived at the main temple. 

This place was even more filled with Runic symbols, but it had more, faceless statures that stood in a circle. these statures were so tall, that they were practically the pillars of the temple. Altogether, they were seven of them and each one of them, although faceless, were painted in a unique color. 

Of course, these were the colors of the tribes. 

On entering this place, Chiron suddenly felt as if he was being watched. This was a feeling that he had on any normal day since that time that he had the vision of those gods when he had first lost his hand. 

But this time around, it was as if he had come under the gaze of several others. 

Chiron looked at the statures. They did not have eyes but he could definitely tell that they were looking at him. 

The priestess saw his gaze. "Hmmm! it would seem as if they are interested in you. But they don't like you so much. But don't worry, they don't like a lot of people, me included." 

Those words shocked him and he turned to her, "who?" 

"The Aura gods. These statures represent all seven of them." 

"You can communicate with them?" As chiron said this, he had taken a step forward. If the priestess could communicate with gods, then the things that he wanted to do would no longer be possible. 

The best case scenario was to kill her here and now, and escape for his life. After all, gods were supposed to be all knowing and all divine. 

As far as Chiron was concerned, they could tell her of his intensions. 

 It bore the unmistakable likeness of the Priestess, yet it was adorned for battle, clad in spectral armor that shimmered with spectral light. In one hand, it wielded a mighty spear, and in the other, a shield that seemed to absorb the very light around it.

As Chiron gazed upon this towering figure, a surge of excitement and admiration rushed through him. this was not admiration for her, No! 

It was admiration for power that he would soon feed on. 

This was a manifestation of power beyond his wildest dreams, a symbol of strength and divine will. 

The projection turned its gaze upon him, its eyes piercing yet ethereal. "Guard my body," it uttered in a voice that resonated with authority and purpose before phasing effortlessly through the mountain wall, emerging into the open sky of the battlefield.

The moment the giant projection stepped into view, the entire battlefield fell into a stunned silence. Both friend and foe alike turned their eyes skyward, transfixed by the sight of this otherworldly warrior. 

Barbara and Mani, locked in combat at the front lines, paused mid-strike, their expressions a mix of awe and disbelief. 

However, Barbara chuckled lightly, "its about time you showed up." 

Even Prince Victor, leading the Vandorian soldiers with a confident air, found himself momentarily frozen, his eyes wide with a mixture of fear and fascination.

The Priestess's projection, glowing with a fierce determination, raised her colossal, red spear high above. The weapon itself seemed to pulse with an inner fire, ready to unleash its fury. 

With a swift, graceful motion, she hurled it towards the royal Tesseract. As the spear cut through the air, it left a trail of radiant energy in its wake.

The impact was cataclysmic. The spear struck the Tesseract with the force of a meteor, setting off a series of thunderous explosions that rocked the ship and the sky around it. 

The sight of the Priestess's avatar, a lone figure standing defiant against the might of the Vandorian empire, filled the hearts of the Highlanders with a renewed sense of hope and courage. 

Many of them screamed at the assault in praise of the priestess's might. 

While the Vandorian army, obviously understanding that things were no longer in their favor, had their morale go down. 

"Prince Victor, engine one and two are down! the terrseract has taken significant damage." A soldier reported. 

"Prince victor, the morale of the troops are down, we should retreat." Another commander suggested. 

Victor frowned, "Order a retreat!" he stated. However, a thought suddenly came to his head, "wait! are the cores charged?" 

The soldier nodded, "Yes sir!"

"good! give them one more volley before we leave. I want to see how strong this power of there's truly is..."

(Author's note: Happy new year guys. lets start the year with a bang. And remember to read my other books too. If you are a pervert, try: Grandad Is The Pervert God. If you love Villian, try : Devil's Slave (Satan System), and if you want an Mc pulled between duty and common sense, read: Werewolf Bloodline: Rise of The Immortal Hunter)

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