Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 354 Witnessing the use of the Mirror Egg 2

Chapter 354 Witnessing the use of the Mirror Egg 2

Chiron stood before the towering mountain, surrounded by the rugged peaks on all sides. The laughter of the Vandorian soldiers echoed through the highlands. They believed they had him cornered. They circled around him, confident in their perceived victory.

A knowing smile played on Chiron's lips as he faced the seemingly impassable obstacle.

The soldiers, blinded by their overconfidence, failed to notice the subtle anticipation in his gaze.

"You are trapped one of the soldiers muttered!"

Chiron chuckled "I know right? If I was you, I would pity you too!"

With a sudden flourish of his hands, Chiron unleashed a surge of Aura energy that resonated through the mountains.

The very earth beneath their feet trembled, and rocks cascaded down, sealing off the only exit. The laughter of the Vandorian soldiers abruptly went silent.

They now found themselves trapped in a natural fortress of stone. Confusion and frustration etched across their faces as the mountains stood guard, impassive and unyielding.

Chiron, still wearing that enigmatic smile, reached into the folds of his cloak and produced the Mirror Egg—an object of mystical significance. Its surface shimmered like polished silver, a vessel of untold power. With deliberate precision, he made a small cut on his hand, and crimson droplets fell onto the reflective surface of the Mirror Egg.

It was his own blood. The mirror egg absorbed it all.

In an instant, the Mirror Egg absorbed Chiron's blood, its previously serene glow intensifying into a blinding radiance. The air crackled with magical energy as the light enveloped the surroundings, casting an otherworldly brilliance across the trapped soldiers and the rocky expanse.

The soldiers shielded their eyes from the overwhelming glow, their expressions shifting from bewilderment to fear. Chiron, undeterred by the blinding light, continued to channel his energy into the Mirror Egg. The air resonated with the hum of ancient magic, and a palpable tension enveloped the mountainous terrain.

As the light reached its zenith, the Mirror Egg released a burst of energy that rippled through the highlands.

As the blinding light faded, the Vandorian soldiers found themselves in an eerie silence. The air was thick with anticipation, and an unsettling feeling settled upon them. Something was amiss, but they couldn't quite grasp the nature of the impending danger.

Confusion etched across their faces as they glanced around the enclosed mountainous space. It wasn't until a low, ominous hum resonated through the air that a collective unease gripped the soldiers. The sound seemed to materialize from the very fabric of the mountains, an unsettling prelude to the imminent threat.

Suddenly, from the midst of the disoriented soldiers, Chiron emerged like a phantom. His broadsword, gleaming in the moonlight, was a harbinger of swift and calculated destruction. The soldiers, slow to react, turned toward the source of the disturbance just in time to witness the lethal precision of Chiron's strike.

With a single fluid motion, Chiron swung his broadsword through the air. The blade sliced through the first soldier with surgical precision, separating him into two halves. The man's body crumpled to the ground, one half falling in one direction and the other in the opposite, an image of gruesome finality.

A stunned silence followed, broken only by the distant echoes of the falling halves. The remaining soldiers, now fully aware of the peril they faced, hastily unsheathed their weapons. Fear and urgency flashed in their eyes as they attempted to rally against the unexpected assailant.

Chiron, undeterred by the chaos he had unleashed, moved with an almost ethereal grace. His cloak billowed like the wings of a vengeful spirit as he engaged the soldiers with a deadly dance. Each swing of his broadsword was a testament to years of honed skill and the fury of a rebel with a cause.

The soldiers, caught off guard, struggled to coordinate their defense. Chiron moved seamlessly between them, striking with lethal precision. His attacks were a whirlwind of steel, and with each swing, another soldier fell before him. The once-confident Vandorian army now found themselves facing a lone warrior, a force to be reckoned with.

"The blessing... The blessing of the bear mother is gone!" One soldier screamed before he was cut into pieces.

The mountainous enclosure, once a trap for Chiron, now became a battleground. The moonlit night bore witness to the chaos unfolding among the rocky terrain. The air was thick with the metallic scent of blood, and the groans of the wounded soldiers echoed through the highlands.

Chiron's face, masked by the shadows of his hood, remained a stoic visage of determination. His eyes, however, betrayed the fire within, fueled by the injustice that had driven him to rebel against the Vandorian tyranny. The soldiers, now reduced in number and morale, fought with desperation against the relentless force that Chiron embodied.

However, the Aura of death was one that got stronger with the presence of the dead. Chiron only got stronger with each dead that touched the earth.

Right here and now, these soldiers did not know and definitely would not believe that Chiron was their loving prince. After all, he cut them down like vegetables.

As the battle raged on, the once-confident laughter of the Vandorian soldiers had transformed into agonized cries and desperate pleas for mercy. The mountains, silent witnesses to the conflict, bore the scars of the rebellion etched into the very fabric of their rocky expanse.

Chiron, his broadsword now stained with the blood of his adversaries, stood amidst the aftermath of the skirmish. The remaining soldiers, defeated and demoralized, retreated tried to escape but the exit was sealed.

Having swiftly dispatched the Vandorian soldiers with the cold efficiency of a seasoned warrior, Chiron found himself confronted by a new challenge.

Before him stood Bronze rank cultivators, their presence radiating power that surpassed the mere foot soldiers he had effortlessly cut down moments ago. The air crackled with an aura of formidable strength, and the moonlit night bore witness to a clash between forces of greater magnitude.

"You are dead meat, boy!" one of the Bronze rank cultivators sneered, his voice dripping with arrogance as he advanced toward Chiron. The moonlight glinted off the polished surface of his weapon, a testament to the deadly skills that accompanied his elevated rank.

A chuckle escaped Chiron's lips, a sound laced with both confidence and a touch of amusement. "That is what I was about to say to you!" he retorted, his hooded figure standing defiantly against the backdrop of the highlands.

The Bronze rank cultivators, unmoved by Chiron's defiance, exchanged glances that spoke of silent camaraderie. They approached him with measured steps, the very ground beneath them seemingly acknowledging the weight of their prowess.

As the first cultivator lunged at Chiron, his weapon slicing through the air with a lethal grace, Chiron met the attack with a calculated parry. The clash of steel reverberated through his body.

Chiron felt as if he had stopped the attack of a mountain.

Chiron frowned. "The bronze rank is more formidable than I gave it credit for!" Chiron thought to himself. "If I used my spirit energy, the battle would be easier. But that Witch, Barbara would see me. she supposed to have shown up by now. where in the bloody moons is she?"

Meanwhile, Barbara stood at the top of one of the mountains as she looked below. The plan was that she and Chiron were supposed to take care of all the soldiers when Chiron created the distraction and used the Mirror Egg. However, from the beginning of the fight till this very moment, she had not made a move.

Instead, she observed Chiron's battle with careful attention.

Till this moment, she still had her questions about him and therefore took every opportunity to observe him.

"That sword!" she muttered to herself.

Chiron suddenly gave a side smile as he fell on the ground, allowing the blade of one of his opponents to cut through his side.

"Hmmm, a copper rank is still a Copper rank after all!" She muttered as she suddenly leaped down from the mountain top.

With a determined expression, she leaped into the abyss below, her descent marked by a seismic impact that resonated through the very earth. The air crackled with the unleashed energy as her red aura, primal and potent, oozed out from her body, enveloping her in a shroud of power.

As Barbara descended, the atmosphere around her seemed to warp with the sheer force of her presence. The mountainside, a witness to her descent, quivered beneath the might of her landing. The ground, already scarred by the tumultuous battles that had unfolded in its midst, yielded to the overwhelming impact of Barbara's arrival.

Her red aura, a manifestation of untamed power, radiated with an intensity that colored the very air with a pulsating energy. The crimson hue danced like flames, an ethereal manifestation of the primal forces that coursed through her being. The atmosphere crackled with the sheer potency of Barbara's prowess, a display that echoed with the echoes of an elemental force unleashed.

In the midst of the mountain trap, Barbara stood as a harbinger of raw power. The very ground beneath her quaked, bearing witness to the convergence of Aura energy and earthly might. The air, charged with the aftermath of her descent, seemed to hum with the residual echoes of her impact.

Barbara's eyes gleamed with the ferocity of a creature untamed, a force of nature unyielding in its resolve.

"Leave them for me Igbi! They are mine." She licked her lips.

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