Chapter 343 Ralphs Revenge

"It is time for the vows!" The chief announced as he tied the Yellow ribbon around the hand of Chiron and Claudia.

"As it is tradition, the bride will go first!"

However, the moment Claudia opened her mouth to speak her vows, a loud sound of a sword smacking the ground was heard. "I object. Claudia is my woman."

"HUH!!!" Everybody gasped.

They all turned behind, and they he was. It was no one other than Claudia's former betrothed. Yes, it was Ralph.

He dressed for the occasion. The only problem was that he dressed in a fashion that was very different from the other people.

His dressing was not one of celebration but of battle.

Immediately, the Chief rushed over to his son in obvious anger.

"Ralph! what is the meaning of this nonsense. You are embarrassing me and yourself in front of the entire village and our guests too. Stop this foolishness immediately and return back to your room!" The Chief ordered.

However, Ralph did not back down. Instead, he pointed at Chiron

"I challenge Igbi to combat for the hand of Claudia!" Ralph immediately stated

"Huh!?" Once more, the crowd gasped in shock at this.

The chief instantly got angry, "How dare you boy? Did you not hear what I just said!?" the chief raised his hand to smack Ralph. However, Ralph suddenly waved the broad sword in his hand.



The chief had raised his other hand in a hurry to defend against the incoming attack. However, the attack still landed squarely on the chest, instantly SLASHING the Chief.

The Village Chief was sent flying a distance and he smacked into the mountain behind.

Immediately, a few people rushed to check on him. One of whom was Old Magu.

The cut Ralph had given his own father had instantly severed his hands and dug deep into his chest.

"Impossible!" Old Magu exclaimed, "he is dead. The chief is dead!"

Instantly, there was an uproar in the environment.

Many people instantly backed off from Ralph. This was not just the chief that he had killed but also his father. He was a man that was in the peak of the Stone rank.

And yet, he had killed him with one move.

Most people, especially those that came from this village were aware of Ralph's cultivation rank. He should not be able to do what he had just done. And yet, it was reality before their eyes.

It was at this moment that Old Magu's eyes narrowed on the sword in Ralph's hands.

"That Sword! That weapon belongs to my Igbi! You stole my Grandson's sword!"

Everyone looked at the sword and instantly recognized it as the sword that Chiron had used the other day in other to kill the Blue cored mountain Lion.

Chiron who was Igbi, stepped forward, "Ralph! how dare you!? What are you doing with my sword? How did you get it?"

Ralph suddenly Chuckled loudly, "So it was true about this sword. This sword is the reason for your power. I know you are surprised as to how i stole your sword. Well, guess what, I did not steal the sword. i did not need to. it came on its own to meet me!"

"What!?" Chiron's expression was evident of his surprise. "Who told you!? tell me right now, who told you about the ability of that sword!"

At this point, everyone's interest had been fully drawn to the sword in Ralphs hands. This included Barbara and Mani.

Ralph chuckled some more as he explained.

... After the day Chiron had come in like a hero and saved Claudia's life, Ralph had entered a terrible state of depression.

He had lost it all. Because of his actions that had been revealed as being the reason for the chaos of the village the other day, he had really lost it all.

He lost his reputation, he lost his respect in the eyes of his people and that of his father. he had also lost the woman of his dreams, Claudia, the most beautiful woman in his village. In fact, he was even lucky to have not been expelled out of the village because of what he did to both the village people and especially to his ex betrothed.

it was only because hi father was chief of the village and had a lot of respect to his name. Regardless, he was still to suffer punishment for his crimes.

One of them had been to receive lashes on his back and ass naked. it was the most embarrassing thing that had ever happened to him.

As one that saved the village, igbi had been graced with the honor of delivering the unforgiving lashes.

He had cried terribly. Whether it was because of the pain or the shame of it was not known but pain whether physical, emotional or mental, was still pain.

He had lost it all because of his foolishness.

The worse part of it all was that he had to watch all the accolades and praise be given to a person that he once considered to be nothing more than Trash. Yes, it had all been given to igbi, the one person that had been below him.

This filled him with Jealousy and hate.

He wanted nothing more than to kill Igbi and feed on his flesh. To be taken from glory to trash was the worm of anger, disgust and hate that ate him up from the inside out.

However, there was nothing that he could do about this. Chiron was just too powerful. After all, he was even able to bring down a core beast of the Blue core rank.

He had no choice but to swallow his pain and hurt like a child.

In this world, power ruled it all. there was no one that knew this principle more than him.

He knew it and had lived it for a very long time.

As the bottom of the Barrel, he had no choice but to suffer like the others that he had once despised to not have power, influence or talent.

For a person that had been born with Talent and all the good things that the world could offer from birth until this point, Ralph was completely lost.

It was in no time did he spiral into uncontrollable drinking, drowing himself in his pain and hate the only way he knew how.

He could not even sleep at night. hunted by the pain of the lashes on his backside and the nightmare of the entire village laughing at him, especially of Igbi calling him trash.

It was at this point that he contemplated suicide. After all, if he was dead, it would all be over. At least, that was the thought in his head.

However, he suddenly came across a wild man with his face covered.

this person had come as a begger, however, the person immediately whispered sweet words into his ear.

It was only one sentence, "If you want to know the secret to Igbi's sudden power and get your revenge, climb to the highest mountain of the land. There, your answer awaits."

The person had disappeared almost as soon as they had appeared, making Ralph think that he had heard the whisper of the wind. however, for some reason, it made sense to him, and out of sheer curiosity, he opted to do it.

At least, before he died, he wanted to tick out all the boxes. And so he rushed for the tallest mountain.

Ralph, faced a daunting challenge as he embarked on his ascent up the mountain, each step fraught with peril.

The path ahead was treacherous, winding through rocky terrain and dense forests, haunted by the looming presence of core beasts, ancient creatures that roamed the mountain, their eyes glinting with predatory intelligence.

The first hurdle Ralph encountered was the steep incline, forcing him to summon every ounce of strength in his young body. The air grew thinner with every step, making each breath a struggle. His legs ached, and his muscles screamed in protest, but he pressed on, driven by an unwavering determination to reach the summit.

As he climbed higher, the mountain's challenges escalated. Loose rocks threatened to give way beneath his feet, and sudden gusts of wind threatened to throw him off balance. Ralph's hands, scraped and bloodied, clung to the rugged surface of the mountain as he navigated narrow ledges and precarious footholds.

The core beasts, ancient guardians of the mountain, added an additional layer of danger to Ralph's journey. Their massive forms moved stealthily through the shadows, their senses finely tuned to detect any intruders. Ralph had to remain vigilant, constantly scanning his surroundings for signs of their presence. The distant echoes of their roars sent chills down his spine, a constant reminder of the peril that lurked just out of sight.

In his quest to reach the top, Ralph had to rely on his wit and agility. He devised clever strategies to evade the core beasts, using the natural terrain to his advantage. He moved silently, minimizing his presence and treading carefully to avoid attracting attention. Each encounter with a core beast was a heart-pounding ordeal, a test of Ralph's ability to outmaneuver these ancient and powerful creatures.

Despite the hurdles and the ever-present danger, Ralph pressed on, fueled by a fierce determination and an unyielding spirit.

Truly, pain was a propeller of man.

He faced his fears head-on, confronting the challenges of the mountain with unwavering courage. With each obstacle he overcame, Ralph grew stronger, more resilient, and more confident in his abilities.

Finally, after days of relentless climbing and heart-stopping encounters, Ralph stood at the summit, breathless and exhilarated.

It was here that he met...


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