Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 337 Entrance Of A 'Hero' 2

As the villagers watched in awe and disbelief, Chiron, the unimportant young lad they knew as Igbi whom they had always looked down upon, stood with his sword raised high, its blade now gleaming under the stark light of the sun.

A sudden hush fell over the crowd of villagers that had managed to survive this ordeal as a potent wave of aura energy rippled through the air, enveloping them like a sharp, electrifying breeze.

Every soul present could feel the raw power emanating from the sword, a force that seemed to vibrate through their very bones, leaving them both exhilarated and terrified.

In that moment of eerie stillness, the world seemed frozen in time, as if nature itself held its breath. Even the Blue-cored mountain lion, once a fearsome creature, lay severed in two, its muscular body that had caused chaos and destruction, sliced apart by Igbi's swift and precise strikes. 

The beast's eyes, wide with shock, reflected the horror of its sudden demise.

Then, it happened.

A long, gory trail emerged from the beast's head, winding down its body to its tail. Blood sprayed like a macabre fountain, staining the ground beneath it in a deep, crimson hue. 

The atmosphere was thick with the metallic scent of blood, and the villagers could almost taste its tang in the air.

With a sickening, final sound, the mountain lion's body split apart.

The first half fell heavily to the right, muscles twitching in a futile attempt to escape the inevitable. The second half followed, slumping to the left, its fur matted with blood and gore. The once-proud creature was now a gruesome tableau of death, its life force extinguished in an instant.

A collective gasp escaped the onlookers, a mixture of horror and amazement. The power of Chiron's strike had been nothing short of supernatural, a testament to his mastery over the art of combat. The ground beneath the fallen beast was now a morbid canvas, a reminder of the ruthless efficiency with which the warrior had dispatched his foe.

Silence hung in the air, heavy with the weight of what they had just witnessed. The villagers exchanged glances, their eyes wide with a blend of fear and reverence. 

In that gruesome moment, Chiron had become more than a mere warrior; he was a living legend, a force of nature to be both feared and admired.

As the reality of the scene sank in, the villagers slowly began to retreat, giving the fallen beast a wide berth. They whispered in hushed tones, their voices tinged with a mix of awe and trepidation. The mountains that surrounded the village, once echoing with the roars of the mountain lion as it devoured in its rage, was now eerily quiet, as if the very rocks mourned the loss of one of their own.

In the midst of the gory aftermath, Chiron stood unmoved, his eyes reflecting the somberness of the moment. 

The battle was won. The cost of victory was etched in the lifeless eyes of the fallen beast. Chiron's grip tightened on his sword, a silent vow that the people acknowledged to be him swearing to protect his people, no matter the sacrifices that lay ahead.

There was no one more surprised and emotionally moved than Claudia right now. 

Chiron suddenly turned to her, offering a hand to get her to her feet. She did not know why or if she had at all taken his hand, or he had just grabbed her from her waist and unto her feet. 

"Sorry i am late!" Chiron whispered softly.

Just then, a loud voice was heard, "SORRY! SORRY!! If I had not woken you up from your sleep, you would have not opened your eyes with all the roars that useless beast was making." Old magu stepped forward.

She dressed as she normally would but a closer look and one could see some new ornaments on her. However, they were just some teeth.

She walked past the dead lion like it was rag on the ground and walked up to Chiron to give him a knock on the head. This was action that made the crowd gasp in shock. 

After all, Chiron had just proven his strength, and in this world, strength ruled it all. 

All of a sudden, Old magu's status had been elevated several level in their hearts. After all, it meant a lot of things. Especially that the relationship she had with Chiron, her grandson was very good.

Even able to scold him regardless of his obvious strength, and his behavior was evidence that he respected her greatly.

"You stupid child, you still allowed poor Claudia to be scared silly before you saved her!"

Chiron bowed his head respectfully, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry Mama Magu. Its just that the blue core double headed Gorilla soup you made last night was so delicious that I over ate and that was why I over slept!" 

Once more, the crowd gasped in shock and awe. Some one even fell to their knees.

After all, this was treasure that many would rather preserve as heirloom for hundreds of generations, and this grandmother and son pair used it for soup.

Old Magu rolled her eyes, "Was it not your fault. i told you to hunt down the three headed blue cored bear, I wanted to use its fur as a blouse. But you got me the Blue core double headed mountain Gorilla instead."

"But you ended up using the Blue core double headed mountain Gorilla for your assories. Was it not good? After all, that will still help your health and even help you chase away lower ranked creatures." Chiron protested.

It was only now that the crowd looked at old Magu with focused eyes and noticed that it was actually true. Those with good aura energy sent little waves to check the jewelry she was wearing and noticed the traces of blue core energy still emanating from it.

Old Magu rolled her eyes at him, "Either ways, dont forget to hunt it later. I want to use it as a rug in my hut." She suddenly took Claudia by the arm, "Come my dear, I have some blue cored double headed mountain Gorilla soup you can enjoy at home. You must have been scared. Let this old woman help you!"

Just like that, Claudia, unable to complain, and thoughts still muddled as to what was going on, was led away. 

Old Magu only went a few steps before she paused and turned, "And bring some of that meat. I have an amazing idea for a dish!"

"Yes Mama Magu," Chiron replied respectfully.

Chiron waved his sword, placing it by his side. 

He dragged half of the meat by the head as he left after Old magu, leaving the villagers in awe. 

As he walked away, Chiron could tell what was going to happen next, and it was so.

Soon, rumors about the very strong boy capable of killing a blue core mountain lion would spread, and as one would expect, it would reach Barbara's ears....

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