Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 309 The Unfortunate Village 2

Mani as well as Neely and the rest of the villagers had gone into hiding.

Living in such unfavorable environments made for adaptations to living circumstances.

For example, every home in the village had an bunker they could hide in.

In fact, they was a certain web of passages underneath the village.

This was were the villagers went to hide.

However, unlike the rest of them, Mani as stubborn as he was choose to hide from a point in the ground that he could observe the happenings outside.

It was while hiding and watching that the soldiers blasted the old man, his father with spiritual energy.

This agitated him and he wanted to rush out and fight.

However, he managed to hold himself back.

One of the soldiers alighted from his big mount.

He walked up to the Old man one step at a time.

"Hey, old man, do you think we are stupid or what? It's clear that this village was lively until a few minutes ago. Where are all your fine young daughters, huh!"

The old man spat out a mouth full of blood, and then he turned to the soldier, "I am sorry sir, but I am the only one in this village. All the others went for the war effort. As an old man, I was left behind."

The soldier kicked the old man once more, "you old fool, do you think we are stupid? We can obviously see there was some kind of party going on here. If you don't want to die like the old fart you are, then tell us where the Honeys are."

"Today is my dead wife's anniversary. I have been preparing for it for sometime now. This was just the way it was the day she left this world." The old man had a look on his face that showed that he was reminiscing on the face of his dead wife.

However, he still had a sly smile at the side of his lips.

Evidently, he was making a fool out of them.

The soldier got angry and gave the old man several kicks in the stomach.

Every kick was resounding and deafening.

If this old man did not have a little cultivation base, he would have died by now.

However, he held strong.

He was really a tenacious old man.

The squad leader frowned.

There was only souch time they had to mess around.

They would have to go back and report their findings as soon as possible.

He motioned for his mount to advance forward.

As he did, the other soldier took several steps back.

The squad leader chuckled lightly, "since you want to do it that way, then why not?

His mount suddenly stepped forward.

It's huge hoof went in the air , and then it came crashing down.


The loud sounds of bones breaking echoed off the walls of the village, only followed by the old man's screams.

His screams were so loud that they echoed off the high mountains surrounding the village.

Abel watching, shook his head, "Tsk tsk tsk, that must hurt a lot, are you sure you don't want me to act now?"

Barbara shook her head, "it's not yet time."

The harsh sound of bones breaking echoed loudly in Mani's heart.

His fist wrapped around the weapon in his hand tightened up.

Veins bulged on his well taunted muscles.I think you should take a look at

If his ears where deceive him, then his eyes were not.

Blood flowed from his father's crushed leg.

The the area of heavy indention on the leg by the Cored beast looked like mashed paste.

Whether it was flesh, muscle or bone, it was all crushed to a terrible degree by the heavy weight of the cored beast.

The Squad leader chuckled some more.

He raised his head to the empty village buildings, "Did you all hear that? If none of you comes out, then the next would be..."

"AHHHH!!!" The old man screamed again as his other leg was crushed by the core beast

"Oh! Forgive me. It's like my core beast is just too impatient. Who knows, the next attack might be his head."

The squad leader had barely finished talking when the Core beast raised it's hoof once more.

This time around, the target was the old man's head.

The old man's eyes could see it clearly. Right here, right now, he was going to die.

However, his years of experience told him from the look in the eyes of the soldiers that once they killed him, they would get bored and go away.

He closed his eyes ready to accept his fate.

After all, he had lived a good life.

Also, he was able to finally see his son take a wife for himself.

Although he would not live long enough to see the children run around him, but that was okay.

At least he would be saving the lives in the village.

Sacrificing his own for theirs was an honorable way to go.

However just when the hoof would land on his head.

He heard a loud scream of a very familiar voice.

He looked in a particular direction and there he was.

Mani had a weapon in his hand.

ƥ It was crudly made sword. However, this sword was made out of Vasma steel Ore.

Such a weapon was not to be underestimated.

He activated his Aura technique. Besides, Vasma still reacted well with Aura energy.

The sword served as an amplifier for his power.

*Slash of the Violet Serpent!*

His violet Aura rushed about him, through the sword, and then rushed out to the invaders.

It formed a lot of wild snakes in violet color.

The snakes rushed for the soldiers.

This technique was not so strong, but from the angle he had attacked from, these soldiers that were in the stone rank were bound to die.

One of the snakes even rushed for the squad leader's head.

However, an unbelievable scene unfolded before Mani's eyes

The commander only leaned a bit to the right to dodge the attack, and then again to the side to dodge all the other attacks.

It was as if he had eyes at the back of his head.

This was the same thing for all the other Vandorain soldiers...

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