Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 305 Warning Of A Madman

Ironically, so did Chiron.

This was the opportunity he was waiting for.

After all, Chiron had his own conjectures about the Fate Change System.

And ever since that day when he almost died and saw those two giant beings and the MC of the book in a prison, he knew that the origins of the system was quite questionable.

Danger and Success were two sides of the same coin.

It was either one failed and tumbled down the road of death and despair, or Succeeded and awarded the merit of achievement.

It was risky, and a part of Chiron had already set his mind that he was not going to recover from the blow. Aafter all, failure in this case would result into death, but then again, the gains for this were just be too much to resist.

Chiron set out to do what he had never done before.

He used the system against Fate.

He had been thinking about it for a long time.

After all, the System was called 'FATE CHANGE SYSTEM'. This meant that this was supposed to go against fate itself.

So why not do just that.

At the exact moment that Razad had spat on him, Chiron exchanged all his points for healing his hands, and his entire body.

Before the Joker's poison could kill him, the Fate Change System kicked in, and healed his entire body.

This proved to Chiron two very important things.

Firstly, whosoever it was that gave him the Fate Change System was not on the same side with Fate.

Secondly, just like in the past, if he had enough points, he could be shielded against Fate's attacks.

This made Chiron smile.

However, it also roused many other questions in his heart.

This were questions that he would need to work hard at solving.

Then again, many of them involved him getting stronger.

Chiron had a feeling that he might have more than he bargained for, waiting for him along his path to Power and eternal life.

>>Congratulations on Defending against Fate<<

>>You have been awarded 20 major points for defending against Fate<<

>>You have been awarded a Change Fate Minion<<

This made Chiron raise a brow. He had gotten a lot of Alerts from the Fate change system in the past, but this was the first time that he was seeing one like this.


Meanwhile deep within the UNHOLY TOWER, the once proud and cunning knight Sheyi was busy in his cell.

These cell walls were not ideal.

Aside from their constant depressing look of the walls, there was the marriage of blood, piss and rotten flesh in the air.

However, after staying here as long as he had, his nose had long since considered this smell to be a mixture of roses and lavender.

There were also other troubles like the echoes of the walls at night.

Sheyi had heard before that The Unholy Tower was formerly a home for the forces of evil. Of course, this was about five to ten thousand years ago, when the great Evil Ruled the land.

However, the Holy church had conquered them and after driving the evil away, decided to occupy the place.

Even after purifying the place with holy light time and time again, the evil in these walls could not just be fully washed away. The amount of souls both innocent and corrupted in this place were in their billions.

Even for the only church, it would take many years with great expense to full Sanctify the place.

The only way to go about this was to seal the souls.

The place was later made a prison for those that sinned against the church.

However, the grievances of the dead still penetrated through the dark walls, singing the anguish of their pain at night.

Sometimes, even during the day.

It was not abnormal to hear the screams of other prisoners begging the souls to stop, and even running mad. Some even ended up destroying their own ears just to get some peace, and some others out rightly killed themselves.

Sheyi was a former Knight and as a magic user that specialized in curses, he had a way of managing the attacks from these creatures whispering their hatred and curses in his ears.

One of such methods was what he was currently doing.

He was painting. I think you should take a look at

However, both the ink and the brush were produced by him, or better still, from him.

Yes! he was currently writing on the wall with his own blood, after all, these were the only materials available.

A long time had passed in this place had Sheyi had already developed a full face of beard. With his eyes red from a lack of sleep, and his body shriveled from the poor feeding, he looked no different from the other prisoners.

Even though he was a former Knight, that did not matter. After all, the punishment for the offence he had committed was actually death.

Being sent to the Unholy tower for a hundred years was the authorities being uite considerate of his past achievements and that of the magic community.

Sheyi was enjoying yet another day of the howling aggrieved souls trying to penetrate his soul when he felt something strange.

This was a perculiar feeling that steamed from his blood.

"He erased it?" he suddenly frowned.

He was connected with the curse he placed on Chiron. The moment The Fate Change system eliminated it, he felt the curse wash away.

He suddenly had an incredibly disastrous feeling.

He was a magic user. Magic was the most mysterious of all energies in the world. Only those that cultivated it knew about it secrets, and even them were not allowed to share it with another person.

The methods by which Chiron could remove the Curse on his body could literally be counted on one finger.

At least that was to the best of his knowledge.

With the resources and capabilities of the small Almace continent Chiron should not have been able to do such a thing.

Sheyi suddenly had a forbidding feeling.

He immediately ran to the metal cage.

"WARDEN! WARDEN!! WARDEN!!! I need to speak with the Warden. I need to get out of here. Its an emergency! A great evil is coming."

One of the prison guards turned towards his cell, however, he turned pretending not to hear or see anything.

After all, in this prison, even at this moment, Sheyi was not the only one screaming.

The torture from the aggrieved souls in this place was a part of the punishment, and they was no lack of prisoners screaming to leave, or that they did not belong here.

This guard had heard it over and over again.

There was nothing Sheyi was going to say that was going to change his mind.

His Screams would go unheard and unattended to. Even though what he was saying was true. Even though what he was saying was a strong Prediction.

it would be regarded as the useless rumbling words of a mad man.


At the same time, another person was also at his wits end.

Prince Victor had left to conquer the opposition in the north and in the west.

That is, he was against the hunter tribes of the north highlands and the beast kingdom of the west.

At first, it had been a breeze through.

His armies blessed with the ability to see the future from the Bear mother had swept through the battlefield like ants through a cube of sugar.

Destroying any and all armies that stood in their path. And taking any thing that he wanted.

Initially, all he was supposed to do was make sure that the other countries knew who was still boss in the Almace continent.

However, power was a drug that intoxicated both the knowledgeable and the stupid in the same way.

He allowed the power of his continuous conquest to overthrow his sense of reason. The people of the Vandora kingdom were singing his praises, his men and their armies too.

He thought this as the opportunity that he had always wanted to prove to his father that he was worthy of the throne.

After all, although no one had said anything about it, even after Chiron, Nora was still a direct descendant to the throne.

He wanted to crush all opposition to his ascension to the throne with pure force and will.

for this reason, he continued to push further into the lands of either kingdoms ordering his armies to pillage and conquer.

As far as he was concerned, he was expanding the map of the Vandora kingdom.

Unfortunately and unknown to him, this was part of the plan.

From the very beginning, he was not going to succeed. At least not while the Giant Mammoth that was the Holy church were interested in this matter.

(Author's note: Wow three hundred Chapters in. next, we are going to take a look into Victor's suffering).

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