Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 295 Come Watch The Show With Me

It was an instinctive reaction for a baby to open its mouth and suck on its mother's breasts when it was hungry, and this instinctive reaction happened even when the child was still hours or days old when the light of the world was too bright for them.

This was a reaction that was engraved in their very genes.

It was the same way the flight and fight was engraved in the bones of a frightened animal.

When commander Hardstone had felt Carla's approach, that instinctive reaction for flight and fight had been activated.

It was without a doubt that the commander had felt threatened.

It had come as a sudden shock, and if he was not a trained warrior with many years of experience, a safer bet would have been falling on his knees and hugging them tightly waiting for the Monstrous beast to mount him and feed as it willed.

It was only when he had jumped, instinctively releasing his Spiritual energy that he had noticed that the illusion of threat had come from from the little servant girl of the prince.

The worst part was that he could feel that her demon cultivation level was lower than his own.

In this was world, demons were not exactly accepted. A better term for them would be 'Tolerated'. But still, as long as they did not summon hated devils, they were regular people.

After all, demons were just humans that had borrowed on the power of devils to make it their own demon energy.

During the great war one thousand years ago, they fought side by side with all the other races against the Elves.

Of course, the Holy church, being a special entity of its own tolerated neither Demons nor Devils.

The true hated of this world were Elves.

They were to be killed on sight.

Yet, commander hardstone found himself struggling with the decision of whether he was to pull out his blade or not.

This, was still on instinct, even though he was looking at the little girl pass.

She was fully dressed, revealing only the runic symbols Chiron had carved out on her forehead.

Her eyes were at the moment a deep shade of bloody red.

As she walked past them, every step she took seemed to make the earth underneath her feet sink in and break.

it was as if she was carry very heavy load and walked on very light glass.

However, it was obvious that her steps were light to her.

Commander Hardstone had to have a proper look and notice that her steps had that illusion because of the presence of the bloody ferocious beasts on her body.

Commander Hardstone looked to Chiron with a puzzled expression, but before he could say anything, one of the lower ranked soldiers following him saw his reaction and wanted to approach her.

This was a mistake he would never make again in his entire.

He had only been three meters from her when she waved a hand, much like waving off an annoying flying during lunch.

That was all it took for the man to remain grounded in place. He could not move and shook fiercely like he had a seizure.

She walked a few distance away, before his body abnormally swelled like a balloon, blood suddenly gushed out of his orifices and some even creating new holes out of his body.

It was as if his blood denied his body as it rushed out of him in quick flush.

As the blood poured out of him, it flowed on its own out of the palace into the pit that Emma and hunter stood next to outside.

"No! VENTA!!!" Vanguard screamed in obvious pain. However, Commander hardstone immediately held her back.

These were forces he knew too little of and really did nor want to mess with.

Just like that a member of his team that choose not to mind his business had lost his life.

His corpse fell to the ground like a sack of meat.

Vanguard screamed and struggled to be released from his embrace, but commander hardstone would not have it.

Captain Timi saw what had happened and shook his head.

He was very clear as to the relationship Vanguard had with the young soldier. Venta was her cousin.

Venta was an example no one was willing to follow.

Then again, captain Timi and his men knew by now that Chiron's personal slaves did as they wanted.

Whether it was Emma and her Sexual desire for the Orc men, or as low as Hunter and his eating human eating habit.

The only person that could command them or they ever listened to was Chiron.

Captain Timi turned to Chiron.

The young Prince had a smile on his face.

This was not a smile that any one wanted to wake up to.

Chiron suddenly turned to him, "Captain Timi! is everything ready as planned?"

Captain Timi immediately bowed to him, "I have done as requested your Highness. While you were in your lab, I instructed Dylan and Deamon to mount the ballistics on the walls of the south gate."

"Good!" Chiron nodded.

At this time, they was suddenly two loud explosions and even louder crashing to the ground.

"It would seem like the show as started," Chiron turned and walked towards the King's balcony.

As he did, he was unaware of the malicious look that Vanguard gave him as she buried herself in Commander Hardstone's Embrace.

Her eyes spoke volumes of her hate for Chiron.

Meanwhile, Chiron stood at the balcony and looked down below at the people rushing for his Palace.

In front, was their leader.

Razad led the charge after exchanging eye contact with Chiron and they followed.

It was at this moment that She stepped out.

The moment Carla did, all attention was pulled to her, after all, she was carrying the presence of ferocious beasts.

Chiron turned behind, "Commander Hardstone, Captain Timi, Please, come and enjoy the show with me..."

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