Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 279 National Celebration Of The Fall Of The Vandora Kingdom

The Goal of the Holy Church was to take over the Almace Continent.

However, for that to happen, they had to take the tribes and government under the Zodiac families of the Round Table.

Also, they slowly destroyed all religions in the area that was not in line with the same worship of the Holy Church.

Abel had disappeared.

According to What he had said, he was going to the West to cause problems for the Vandora Kingdom.

Even Chiron was smart enough to know that for that to happen, Abel would be needing a lot of Man power. Even with the Mirror egg, The Vandora Army was not one of push overs.

Chiron turned his head left and right.

The Mc of the book used to be a member of the holy church. He had knowledge to a big part of their secrets and ways. One look at the Crowd and he could distinguish those that were people of the Chanland Kingdom and those that were not.

Even though they dressed like people of the Kingdom and blended well.

Chiron could see that most of them were leaving the crowd. No doubt they were leaving to achieve the same purpose as Abel.

This meant that for this operation he was about to carry out, the Holy church would not even be present to dose the fires for the Chanland Kingdom.

Of Course, the Chanland Kingdom still possessed experts.

After all, it was a strong kingdom that had even Challenged the Vandora Kingdom.

However, there was only so far power could go if it was accompanied by sheer ignorance.

An example would be human beings and core beasts.

After all, Core beasts were stronger than Human beings but the problem was that they lacked wisdom and knowledge, and that was why human beings were greatly superior to them.

Such was the current situation.

Although the Chanland Kingdom was strong, it lacked the vast knowledge and wisdom of this world that Chiron possessed.

In other words, it was not a worthy enough opponent. Especially when Chiron was even willing to go through the touch of hell just to make sure his plans came to fruition.

"My brothers and sisters! tonight we dine in honor of this great achievement by General Buckle's hands," King Ash addressed the crowd, and they was loud applause.

General Buckle stood by the side of the king.

King Ash motioned for him to step forward, and he did.

"General Buckle, for your forward Contribution against the Oppression of the Chanland people, I hereby award you the Hereditary title of Duke! You shall be given your own land and have a people you shall rule."

As the King talked, he placed a Lapel on the General's Chest.

This was the Kingdom's signature for Duke.

General Buckle bowed to the king to show his gratefulness.

The king waved his hands and patted him on the back, "You have done a great deal for our people. As your king, it will be unjust for me not to recognize your efforts!"

The king Chuckled a bit and General Buckle smiled.

This was it. This was what he always wanted.

Such recognition rarely ever came.

Especially with the kind of nature this new king possessed.

Most Generals in the military sort ways to become part of the beaurecrate. After all, they lost their military power when they retired.

After the taste of power and authority they had enjoyed, retiring to a simple cottage by the country side was not in their desire.

This was it. This was what Advisor Gon meant when he said that he would be greatly rewarded.

Advisor Gon stood not so far from the King.

General Buckle gave him a knowing look.

The Political situation in the Chanland kingdom was stable for the time being, but that did not mean that like most countries, they were no under-storms and violent currents.

By helping General Buckle get recognition before the eyes of the King, Advisor Gon had automatically secured an Ally with a powerful fist in the Military. Thereby increasing his influence.

Such was the Dynamic of power.

Unknown to these men, their future plans were at risk because of the existence of the very thing that had lifted them up.

"I King Ash, thereby declare this glorious day a Public Holiday for the Chanland People."

The crowd screamed at such exciting news.

"The Royal Winery will be opened up. Let the Celebrations Begin!"

The crowd went wild again with joy. Musical instruments were brought out, and music was played all around the capital city.

All this was in celebration of Chiron's Capture.

As the festivities continued, some people from time to time would Come and throw food at Chiron.

Some would throw feaces and other animal excrete at him.

Of course the guards did not let the people get too close. After all, he was still a valuable Prisoner.

If the people had access to him, they would just rip him to shreds.

Even some of the soldiers would stand and piss directly on him.

He had some how become a public toilet.

Meanwhile, some others saw it as an opportunity to worship the big Spiritual stone Stature of the Bear mother.

After all, the other religions apart from the Holy Church had been removed from the Capital city by the King's orders.

Although it was not allowed, King ash decided to turn a blind eye to the sight of people worshipping the stature of the Bear mother. After all, the stature was to be destroyed the next day.

Also, the stature spoke volumes of the defeat of the Vandora Kingdom.

In this manner, the Winery was opened to the public and the Celebrations continued until deep in the night.

Many people out rightly passed out on the streets.

It was a celebration, meaning that it was also an opportunity to publicly fornicate.

Many of whom slept off in each other's arms on the streets.

Chiron had sat in silence and watched the entire thing.

The more they drank and became Merry, the happier he became.

However, in the dead of the night, a soldier walked up to Him, "The King will see you now!"

(author's note: Sorry for the long break guys, but we back in business)

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