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"Damn it, Kouske. You went too far this time." Madan gritted his teeth and muttered. 

The whole world was losing sleep over the strange insects that had invaded the planet, but this guy alone was still fully occupied with his obsession with Liam.

If human beings started pulling each other down like crabs in a bottle even when powerful, world-ending enemies were present, then what was going to happen to humanity in the future?

Madan was so frustrated that his stealth almost came off. If he had known about this before, he would have never invited Liam here in the first place.

Liam might be strong enough to face whoever stood in front of him, but he was currently injured. This changed everything. Madan had no idea about the extent of his injury, so he couldn't afford to take any chances.

This was because, come what may, he did not want to betray Liam. His brother's life depended on it. The hunter chewed his nails and thought about the situation for a second.

It had already been several minutes since they arrived here. If the news had somehow traveled to the other person, then it was already too late. 

But if it hadn't, then he still had the time to make some preparations. It all depended on when Liam was going to step outside of the dungeon.

Considering the strength he had demonstrated in the dungeon, this shouldn't take long? It was not like he was going to tackle the entire dungeon. Even for Liam, that shouldn't be possible at this stage?

"No. I have to warn him before that. I have to enter the dungeon again and warn him." Madan made his decision and quickly hurried over to the dungeon portal after recalling his little snake.

He continued maintaining his stealth, so the other party did not notice him doing this. 

However, once inside the dungeon, reaching Liam was easier said than done. Although all the mobs in the dungeon seemed absent, the thick wafting nether in the air was enough to put a stop to his advance.

Madan started wheezing before he could step onto the third floor, and when he forcefully did, his health started dropping. 

The concentration of nether at this point was so thick that he couldn't handle even standing there for a couple of seconds. The energy that was pure magic for Liam was only poison for him.

So without any choice, he once again climbed back down and reached the entrance of the dungeon. This plan was a dead end. Now, what other choice did he have remaining? 

All he could do was wait and hope that Liam finished the fight inside the dungeon quickly and got the hell out of there fast.

No matter how strong he was and irrespective of his affinity for nether, surely he shouldn't be able to cross the third floor of the dungeon, right?

Madan reapplied his [Stealth] after stepping out of the dungeon and stayed still, hiding behind a nearby tree. "Come on, Liam. Get out of there soon." He sighed as he nervously waited.

Unfortunately for Madan… soon this plan also proved to be a dead end. Minutes turned into hours as he continued waiting, but there was no sign of Liam.

To add to his dismay, the other party also responded. 

Madan held out a small hope that the 'friend' was not betraying him and that all of this was happening just by some bizarre coincidence.  please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ

However, this was soon broken down as several people arrived in front of the dungeon. Madan did not recognize any of them, but their movement speed alone told him that these were all high-leveled players. They were at least as fast as him, if not more.

"Aiyo! It's over. Everything is over." Madan shook his head in panic and collapsed on the ground. He was not afraid of these guys. What he was afraid of was Liam's reaction! 

By now, who hadn't heard about the Crimson Abyss guild leader's ruthlessness? Heck, he had firsthand experienced it, and he did not want to be on the wrong side of Liam.

But now he was completely trapped. He couldn't leave this place and return back to the magic shop to inform the rest of the guild about this ambush. 

Because if he did that, it would take him half a day to make the trip, and by then, Liam might be out. He would be caught all alone with a dozen people waiting to kill him.

At the same time, he also couldn't simply wait here while the other side made complete preparations to cut down Liam once and for all.

Madan's anxiety only began to increase when he saw that the dozen quickly became thirty and then forty. It looked like this time, Kouske was really going all out to take down Liam once and for all.

But what Madan did not understand was where was the main head? He had expected Kouske also to show up here along with the rest of the group. 

However, no matter how long he waited, there was no sign of Kouske or Barrett or the Oracle or anyone else he knew from that team.

While this was good news in a way, as at least Liam did not have to worry about fighting these monsters, it did not make him feel any better. The bad feeling he had at the bottom of his heart only became worse and worse.

What was that snake planning? Sweat trickled down Madan's face as he sat in that cramped space, waiting for the inevitable. One second, everything was falling into place, and the next second, he was in deep shit.

His only way out of this was… if Liam truly managed to find some sort of treasure inside the dungeon.

But knowing that this was all a trap, Madan knew that the possibility of something like that happening was very, very low.

Meanwhile… a new wave of chaos and commotion swept across the rest of the world. The various guilds across the world and the guild chat were abuzz with activity about a new development, a joint endeavor to take care of the isons.


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