Liam erected a mana barrier to block the attacks from all sides, but surprisingly the attacks were strong enough that the shearing force of the wind ripped apart his mana barrier. 

It looked like this particular General wasn't as weak as the previous one. At least his mastery of the wind element was remarkable. However, Liam also had some experience in this element.

He churned his mana core and created his own wind ripples to cancel the ison's attack. The ison did not stop there, it started screeching loudly once again.

"This damn thing!" Liam cursed the guy and immediately moved. The ison was using some sort of sound and wind combination, using the sound waves to propel the attack.

This was not really an issue, but it definitely made it difficult for Liam to predict where the next attack was going to come from.

And since he was momentarily distracted by this ison General, the other one quickly got back up. It used this chance to shoot dozens of extremely fast purple arrows at Liam.

While he evaded the first one's attack, he fell right into the trap of the second one. The two isons were beginning to do some small amounts of damage here and there, which were quickly adding up.

Liam noticed this and decided to put a stop to this fight immediately. While he did not want to go all out here, he also did not want to accumulate any injuries.

The next second, his figure blurred as he used the mana in his core to enhance all of his basic abilities. He was stronger, faster, and his body became barely visible.

This lasted for a moment, but then surprisingly, his body split apart into six! There were now not one but six Liams in the battleground!

[Illusionary Sword]

All six Liams dashed towards the two ison Generals from six different directions with a speed that was difficult for the insects to handle.

The two Generals screeched loudly and started targeting all six versions of Liam. However, Liam was already in front of the one wielding purple flames and used the strongest attack in his arsenal, Fire Slash.

As the black dragon sword danced around, the ison could not even sense the sword strikes to block the attack. 

All the insect could see was the flaming aura engulfing it completely. The General's health was low to begin with from the previous injuries, so it could barely last for a few seconds. 

After the futile fight it put up, the General screeched and fell down on the ground. Its body was slashed and burnt to a crisp in several places and twitched before becoming limp and lifeless.

<Ding. You have gained 10000 experience points>

  Liam bitterly laughed as he saw the pathetic amount of experience points gained, but it was not all for nothing. 

The soul minions who were sharing his experience points also shared his burden, and by the time he was done with the first ison General, three of the wyverns were freed up from dealing with the swarm.

The swarm size was already down by more than half. The draconic beasts charged toward the remaining two ison Generals, two of them assisting Liam and one assisting Helikatos.

With this, the fight now became completely one-sided. 

On the front, the Level 40 ison swarm was almost entirely slaughtered, with the pure white snow now marred by their putrid, disgusting blood. 

On the other side, Helikatos and the undead General who had two-teamed against one of the Generals were now close to finishing their task.

And finally, Liam had killed off one of the Generals and now dashed toward the last remaining General along with the two wyverns.

The ison's beady eyes flickered with a bright glow. The dire situation it was in did not escape its attention. It could see that its end was near. Its mysterious sound wave attacks were not going to work in a three to one combat where one of the opponents was already overpowered.

Liam also knew that the insect wouldn't probably go down so easily. It was definitely going to unleash some sort of powerful attack. He was fully prepared for it.

And just as he thought, the ison once again opened its mouth, or rather… it did so much more than that. This time the triangular head, its body, everything was wide open!

It was almost as if the whole damn insect split apart on its own without Liam even laying a finger on it, and a loud, ungodly noise erupted from the creature.


For a second, every single living being on the battlefield stilled in response, including the isons. Even Liam winced in pain and couldn't take a step forward. 

The effect of the horrid noise was too paralyzing, and his brain froze. But it was only for a moment or two, after which he was able to shake it off a little bit. 

"Hmmm. What is it up to now?" Liam frowned. The horrid noise had stopped, but that was just the beginning. He knew that the actual attack hadn't started yet. It was always the noise first and the attack next.

He could sense the huge ripples of mana being generated due to the General's attack. What was the attack? Where was the attack going to come from?

He hurriedly signaled the wyverns to attack the ison from a distance and then moved in a zig-zag manner so that his movements were unpredictable. He dashed toward the General at full speed.

But in the meantime, his target also seemed to be moving. 

After letting out the ungodly scream, the General's figure blurred, and for a moment, the ison appeared to be an illusion, just like Liam.

The next second, unexpectedly, several clones of the same ison appeared all around the battlefield. In an instant, this number became a hundred!

"What did it just do? Did it mimic my attack?" Liam slashed down at one of the clones, and just like he thought, it was just an image, not a clone. 

If it were a clone, it would have been a lot more difficult to deal with. However, this was also not an easy situation. Everywhere he turned around, there was only this ison General. 

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