Re: Evolution Online

Chapter 730 Keep Dreaming!

The draconian princess silently eyed Liam for a second and she then flashed a sweet smile. "Why don't you step inside and I will tell you all about it."

Liam rolled his eyes. This bitch was back to the starting point but he did not care as long as she coughed up the pay. "I think we can stop with these formalities. How are you enjoying your feast? Is your strength recovering?"

Hmmm? The woman grinned and then cocked her head to the side. "It's coming along." She curtly replied.

"In that case, shall we talk about your end of the deal? What can I do to improve my condition?" Liam didn't care about this banter and he came straight to the main point. He needed to know this.

The draconian princess, on the other hand, took one look at his serious expression and laughed in his face. "Heh. Slow down, my saviour. What's the rush? I have just started snacking. The main entree is still left."

Liam frowned. From the beginning, he did not plan on waiting too long before claiming what belonged to him. He didn't trust the person to keep her end of the deal, and he did not want to wait until she regained all of her power. 

Now she was simply showing what he expected all along.

"Don't be so predictable. I helped you and now it's your turn to help me. Or else…"

"Or else?" The woman raised her brow.

"Let's not do anything that you might regret." Liam calmly advised her.

"Who is the one overstepping their bounds here?" She grinned. "The deal was for you to help me recover my strength. Do I look like I recovered my strength?"

"I am not in the mood for an argument. I will ask you one more time. Are you going to hold up your end of the deal or not?"

"Sigh. I am feeling so weak that I am unable to even talk to you. Come back in a few hours and then we can definitely talk." The woman did not wait for Liam's response as she bent her head down as if she was sleepy and tired.

Liam's face twitched. "So you really want to play it like this?"

No response.

"This is the last warning." He repeated again.

No response.

"Fine. Then don't blame me for being ruthless."

With her head still bent down, the woman smirked. What could he possibly do? Everything was already set in motion and now even if Liam tried to stop things himself, it was impossible. No one would believe him.

However… the next second… 

"I can always tip the divine temple you know." Liam calmly uttered.

The draconian princess instantly jolted up and glared at him angrily. She no longer had the smug smile on her face, rather she looked very triggered.

"What happened? Didn't you say you were too tired?"

"You are lying." She seethed in anger. "You and them… you and them are also…" She seemed like she wanted to say more but she bit her lips and stopped herself.

"Hmmm…" Liam frowned. "I am not lying and I suggest that you do not test my patience. You made a deal and now you better keep your end of the bargain." His cold gaze was unwavering, making it clear that he was not joking around. He was definitely being serious.

The draconian princess stayed silent for a moment and then she bent her head down again. "Fine. Enough chit-chat then." She seethed through her gritted teeth. "The solution to your problem is rather simple. So I won't delay this anymore."

She sighed lightly and continued, "What you need is a fruit. It's a small tangerine fruit that is of unknown origin. It randomly appears on blessed vegetation. It is also nicknamed 'Limitbreaker'."

Liam's eyes instantly lit up. So, there was actually an easy solution? All he needed to do was eat this one fruit? He couldn't believe that he got this information out of this cunning person.

"But…" The woman continued. Liam's gaze hardened. "There is a but?"

The woman bitterly smiled. "Don't start celebrating too early. This was also why I didn't tell you this sooner."


"This fruit. This limit breaker is a rare celestial-grade treasure. Do you think something like this could be easily obtained?"

Liam remained silent.

"Pfffftt. Ha Ha Ha! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! The look on your face is simply priceless! A mere mortal from a lowly realm wants to become a dragon? Keep dreaming ant."

Liam clenched his fist.

"What are you staring at me for? See I kept my end of the deal, you foolish human. Don't you dare complain! I told you what you need. But as for whether you will be able to get it. Ba ha ha ha! That is not my problem. Goodbye."

Liam swallowed his words and calmly asked, "Do you know where I can find this at least? Maybe a location? Even a rough one?"

The woman paused but then she again burst into laughter. "You are an even bigger idiot than I thought. I am locked up in here, you fool. How would I know? Why are you asking me? Ba ha ha ha!"

The prisoner continued laughing while Liam remained silent for a while. He stared at the prisoner for a few more minutes before eventually turning back and walking away.

This was not the result he had expected but this was something, a start. 

Loud laughter continued resounding in the empty dungeon as Liam walked out, gulping down another invisibility potion. Hordes of players were still littered around the dungeon portal, all of them waiting for their godly opportunity.

However, Liam continued walking ahead without sparing them as much as a glance. Soon the pensive look in his eyes turned cold as he opened his system interface. He ran through all the names in the inner member guild list and there was one blinking green.

Liam's finger tapped as he contacted this person. "Tell Alex to make a move. Tell her to go to the temple high priestess immediately." He sent a simple message.

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