Re: Evolution Online

Chapter 652 Filthy rich elves

Chapter 652 Filthy rich elves

When the both of them arrived at the teleportation gate, Lyana was immediately prepared to use her tone of authority.

However, unexpectedly, the elven guard standing at the teleportation gate bowed respectfully to both her and the human being standing next to her as he made way for the two of them to use the gate.

Lyana had no idea what was happening while the person next to her continued to wear an obscene smile. "After you…" Liam politely stepped back, showing her the way.

"Ugh. uh.. Ok." Lyana nodded and used the teleportation gate first.

The auction house was located in a different place compared to the rest of the city as the elves from various kingdoms arrived there for the auction event.

The streets were heavily crowded, and the patrolling elven guards were also larger in number. Liam was once again amazed to see the thriving, vibrant city in front of him.

"This is a neutral place for all the elven kingdoms to meet and exchange goods," Lyana whispered.

Apart from the auction house, there were many other shops selling all kinds of wares. Only the more valuable items were sold in the auction house.

The other trades were conducted through street hawkers and shops. Since many elves were here, it was a good place in general to sell items.

When Liam pulled up the system map to take a look, he saw that they were no longer within the Kimoria Kingdom. They were somewhere in the middle of a bunch of elven kingdoms.

As the only human being caught in between the entirety of the elf population, Liam would have been more nervous, but… things had changed now.

With the big smile still plastered on his face, he followed Lyana as she led him to the auction house. Once again, the guards bowed respectfully and allowed the two of them to enter.

Though it was a huge auditorium with generous spacing, finding a spot to sit was troublesome. It took a while before the two of them could find seats.

And when the elf looked at Liam to see if he was comfortable, he still had the same big smile on his face. In all the time she knew this person, Lyana had never seen him so happy. The elf even began to wonder if something was wrong.

Soon the whole auditorium became filled with elves and loud bells chimed, indicating the beginning of the auction.

Liam's gaze finally turned serious as he stopped elf-watching and paid attention to the first item that was being currently announced.

"Gold potions! Starting bid! 500 gold coins!" An elegant elven woman's voice rang loudly. Next to her, another female elf stood carrying a tray of five small potion bottles.

Liam was waiting for an explanation but nothing of that sort came up. It looked like everyone was already expected to know about the items.

As a result, he could only ask Lyana, "What is a gold potion?"

"Oh? It's a potion that boosts your luck temporarily." The elf explained to him casually.

However, Liam immediately became shocked at hearing it. "What? Temporarily increases luck?" He had never heard of something like that. He definitely wanted to buy this batch as something like this could definitely come in handy.

He immediately prepared to raise his hand to make a bid when the next bid was read out aloud by the auction conductor.

"10000 gold coins. 11000 gold coins… 11500 gold coins… 13000 gold coins…"

The worst thing was that this bid kept on continuously increasing until it reached a final price of 50000 gold coins.

Liam was stunned speechless. He turned to look at Lyana who had a rather bored look on her face. "They really lucked out. Luck potions went for almost double this price in the last auction."

"Double this price?" Liam looked at his own empty pockets. It seemed like he would most probably have to sit this auction out. Just like the Milky way auction, this one also was beyond his limits.

But he was not completely done yet. He still had a trump card which he reserved for one and only one item in case something of that sort popped up.

After the luck potion, there was the high-grade health potion and mana potion up next.

This was followed by a long list of several other potions such as Invisibility potion, Strength potion, Focus potion, Transfiguration potion, Flight potion, Enlightenment potion, Beauty potion, Disguise potion and the list went on and on.

More importantly, every single one of these potions was high quality and had long-lasting effects. They were extremely useful potions that could potentially be life-saving in many instances.

Liam's hands were itching to buy them, at least any one of them, but all he could do at the moment was stare at them and drool over them. Each of the potion sets ended up going for 100,000 gold coins to 1 million gold coins and he did not have this sort of ridiculous gold.

"Are these damned elves mining the gold themselves?" He sighed in frustration when Lyana chuckled and nodded. "Yes, some of us have gold mines."

"What…" Liam was completely speechless. He shook his head and continued watching the show, now with expectant eyes. It should be anytime now, right?

Just as he was thinking this, the elf on the stage walked over, carrying the next item. This was actually a chest guard which meant that the potions section was finally over.

"Syllia's Blessing" The auctioneer announced listing out the stats of the armor one after another.

And to Liam's shock, this was a semi-legendary ranked item!

Legendary items were too few in the game and sprinkled across the vast world but right now he was actually able to buy this semi-legendary ranked item?

However, the next second, the harsh reality came crashing down on him. The starting bid was 1 million gold coins. He smiled bitterly and simply continued watching the show.

The next item, the one after that, and the other after that were also of the same semi-legendary grade, but every single one of them quickly shot up into the millions.

Finally, the last one had a lower value, only barely reaching one million and this was an Epic-ranked item. Liam's eyes immediately lit up. It was finally his turn. The big smile was back on his face as Lyana stared at him in confusion.

Soon, the subsequent item arrived when the human being sitting amidst the numerous elves almost couldn't contain his excitement.

"Staff of the Moon Temple" The auctioneer announced loudly and Liam's grin widened.

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