Chapter 1228  Let's go!

"Nymphomania, Lord Liam! The world that every man desires to vacation in! I have a token and it just became activated which means we can teleport there." Eldrin exclaimed again, only to find the same indifferent expression on Liam's face. The man was still in deep thought even after the mention of the godly world?! Eldrin sighed in exasperation. Why does he even have two wives? This human being truly tested his patience sometimes.

"Lord Liam, it is a place where you can access system shops." He explained in words that Liam might understand. He then paused to glance briefly at the fairy standing next to them and added. "Better ones."

"Yes. I get it." Liam nodded, still looking skeptical. The name of the world and the short description provided by the elf were not welcoming. He did not want to get teleported to a random world, especially when Luna's teleportation skill was on cool down. This was another reason why he had decided to wait a year but Liam also did not want to miss out on the opportunity that had presented itself. "First, tell me more about this world."

Eldrin's excitement seemed to bubble over as he began to explain, "Nymphomania, Lord Liam, is a world unlike any other in the multiverse." "It is a paradise where the art of pleasure is elevated to its highest form, a place where the most enchanting nymphs from across realms reside. It's a world centered around beauty, desire, and the fulfillment of every conceivable pleasure."

Tilia, who had been watching the exchange with a hint of disdain, interjected, "It's a world infamous for its indulgence and excess. A place where beings from all over the multiverse visit. In other words, an extremely dangerous place for you, Lord Liam."

"It is not good to stand out in the myriad realms without a proper backup, Lord Liam. I suggest that you please think twice before visiting a world like this."

"Especially because your world is in a remote sector in the myriad realms."

Eldrin snorted. "If you think like that, then you cannot ever step out of your world. A man must take risks."

"Besides, we will keep our heads down, have some fun, and get the information that is needed. What could possibly go wrong?"

Tilia clenched her fists in irritation. "Not all worlds are lawless like these cheap areas."

Eldrin rolled his eyes. "What do you mean cheap? Excuse me, Nymphomania is a pretty expensive world where only the elites get to enjoy the luxuries. It is a cluster of luxury islands Miss Fairy. Have you ever even been there to make all these comments?"

"Have you been there?" Tilia immediately shot him down.

Seeing the two of them glare at each other, Liam shook his head. "How many can we take through the teleportation token? Is there a limit? And what kind of information can we expect to find there?" he inquired, his tone indicating he was still considering the option.

Eldrin's eyes lit up. "Everything, Lord Liam! The system shops there are renowned for their rare collections, including artifacts, tomes, and information packets that you won't find anywhere else." "The diversity of visitors also means that the latest news and rumors from across the multiverse are always circulating."

"Five people at most can use this token to teleport together."

Tilia added reluctantly, "He's not wrong about the information part." "Nymphomania is like a crossroads of the multiverse. You could gain insights into advanced magic, rare resources, and even potential allies. But it's a double-edged sword. You can gain a lot, but you could also attract unwanted attention."

Liam pondered for a moment, then made his decision. "Alright. We will go there and check things out."

Eldrin beamed with excitement, while Tilia still seemed apprehensive. "You will need to prepare thoroughly," she said. "Disguises, fake identities, and understanding the customs and laws of Nymphomania are essential. You can't afford any slip-ups."

"Yes, mother." Eldrin snickered.

Liam, however, silently nodded in agreement. "We'll take all necessary precautions. Let's start preparing and gather all the information we can about Nymphomania before we depart."

"Yes, Lord Liam." Eldrin beamed and bolted out of the magic shop, unable to contain his excitement. But unexpectedly, he returned the very next second with the same speed.

He stood dumbly staring at Liam with his jaw dropped on the ground. "You are… you are… Lord Liam… what level are you?"

"Hmph. Only now you realized." Tilia sneered.

However, the elf was simply too shocked to pay attention to her as he kept staring at Liam in a daze. "You monster."

Liam chuckled but did not say anything. He simply patted the elf before leaving the magic shop. There was something else on his mind that he was deeply thinking about.

"Hmmm… Now, who should we take with us?"

The little fox played her part as the lazy spoilt young mistress and Liam walked behind her with his figure shrouded in a black robe. The two of them returned to the guild territory in silence and teleported within the Crimson Abyss sector without anyone noticing.

Once they were inside, Shen Yue immediately rushed to greet Liam with big open arms, placing a few kisses on his face.

Liam laughed and hugged her close. "Do you know where Alex and Rey are?"

Shen Yue's face changed a little but she could tell that Liam wanted to talk about something serious. So she quickly responded. "I think they are out on some hunt."

She then quickly sent out a few messages from her system interface, asking a bunch of people to meet up.

A couple of hours later, everyone assembled in the main house where Liam currently resided. Shen Yue, Mei Mei, and Alex stood close to Liam, looking at him with puzzled expressions on their faces, wondering what was going on.

On the other side, Lan Deming, Lan Fen, Rey, Madan, and Shin Soo stood, all staring at one another in confusion. Everyone assembled here belonged to the core team of the guild and were some of the most talented fighters in the guild so the best guess at the moment was that Liam was perhaps assembling an A-squad to tackle a dungeon or raid an elite?

Liam surveyed the room, noting the anticipation and curiosity on the faces of those present. He cleared his throat, drawing the attention of the room. "Thank you all for coming on such short notice. I have something important to discuss, and it involves a unique opportunity for us."

He paused for a moment, ensuring he had everyone's undivided attention. "There is a chance for us to visit a world known as Nymphomania."

The room immediately revealed shocked expressions. "Liam, do you mean another world? As in another world?" Alex asked.

Before Liam could answer, Rey overtook him and rushed forward with a face full of glee. "Sis, how dumb can you be? Yes, of course, it is a different world. Just from the name can't you tell?"

Alex frowned and by the second, the frown was deepening.

Rey's grin widened as he inched closer to Liam. "Brother, you are taking me right?"

Liam let out a sigh. It looked like this guy had figured it out first. "Yes, that's why I called you all here. There are three slots available so I can take three of you."

"Me! Me!" Mei Mei immediately jumped up and down, running to Liam, even pushing Rey out of the way.

Liam grabbed the little girl and patted her head. "Not so fast. Let me finish. At this time, I am unable to take any women with me." He clearly said.

The looks of the women in their group were not ordinary and bringing them to such a place probably would not result in anything good. In fact, Liam wouldn't be comfortable bringing any woman to that place. There were always some rich idiots waiting to cause trouble.

"It's a shady place," Liam explained as he could see many disappointed faces in the room, including his two wives.

"You are leaving me again?" Alex's face became small. Though Shen Yue did not voice it out, she also looked crestfallen.

"It's fine. You don't have to worry. This time we are not going on any dangerous mission. We are simply going there to access the system shop and see what the world has to offer."

"Even though it is a shady place, that world is still a lot more developed than ours. The place has been essentially up and running for centuries and centuries. We need to go there and learn some things about our situation and if possible about our enemies."

Liam talked a bit about the world, essentially repeating the same details that Tilia and Eldrin had told him. After making sure everyone understood the risks and benefits, he came to the main point.

"I can take three people with me. Decide among yourself who I should bring along and let me know." Dropping the bomb, Liam then casually retired to his room upstairs.


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