Chapter 1194 A fruit?

The fox did not need any detailed information. Luna knew exactly what her master wanted her to do as she stood next to him with a watchful gaze. Her eyes stared daggers at the known and unknown enemies who might be present in the location.

Her aura was also completely unleashed. This was not just any other ordinary aura, it was the aura of a divine beast.

It did not affect Liam so he did not realize what was happening but the other elves standing in the vicinity could clearly feel the oppressive aura, something that could only belong to a divine beast.

This was a skill Luna had unlocked when she first arrived in this world. This was also the skill which had helped her become the queen of the crazy fanatic elves in front of her.

She did not know how she even unlocked it. For the first time since her birth, she was truly alone. She couldn't even feel her master. She was scared that she would never be able to meet her master again.

She didn't have a mother or father or any other family. Her master was her everything and when she couldn't sense him, she fell into a pit of despair.

At that time, without her knowing she had apparently started exuding this aura. She only realized it after she watched many beasts and elves scurry away from her in fear.

Luna unleashed the same aura at the moment, her killing intent stronger than ever, guarding the only person who mattered to her in the whole universe.

Though she was completely vigilant, she couldn't help but look at her master every so often and sigh in relief that they were finally back together again.

Tears threatened to fall from her eyes again but she forcibly pushed them back in as she glared at Eldrin. One look at the elf and she did not like him.

Sitting beside her, Liam shifted uncomfortably. He was unable to concentrate with Luna's thoughts blaring loudly in his head. Since when did the little fox have so many emotions? He was thankful that the beast loved him as much as he loved the little thing.

He pushed away her thoughts to the side and once again tried to focus. He first paid attention to his mana core to see what was happening. Was there any chance that the guardian's blessing could have healed his opposing cores?

But unexpectedly, there was nothing there.

Liam stiffened as he was dumbfounded. He thought that his cores might have healed or merged or something like that but how could they completely disappear? There was still the mana flow which made this all the more impossible.

Perhaps he had to form a mana core all over again. Liam stopped getting anxious and continued examining the rest of his body. He tracked the mana flow and felt the rhythm of his body.

But nothing. He couldn't sense anything at all. It was just his blood that was pumping.

Liam then sucked in a big breath as he filled his lungs with air and his body with mana, trying to form a mana core from scratch. He instantly noticed what had changed.

The mana he had observed didn't really gather at the core of his body where the mana core should typically reside. Instead, it was gathering in his heart!

Liam shuddered in excitement as the moment he paid attention to his heart, everything became apparent. The world tree had indeed given him a gift. There sitting in the inside of his heart was something new.

It was something small like a fruit? A fruit? That was the first thing that came to Liam's mind. The thing had compartments inside like that of an orange fruit, except this one had nine compartments.

And inside one of these compartments, the mana he had inhaled earlier was swirling like a wisp of blue smoke, dancing freely.

Liam's heart rate immediately sped up as he understood what this meant. If what he thought was true, then this was something far more valuable than a limit breaker fruit.

To test things out, he quickly activated the function of his ear ring and a few seconds later, black miasma started gathering near him. Soon, they became threads of black tendrils that seeped into him effortlessly.

Liam hastily started trying to control them to avoid returning again to the situation that he was in before but to his surprise, he did not even have to commandeer the nether wisps. They directly got sucked into the fruit just as they entered his body.

Liam carefully observed as the black wisps started bundling up in another compartment, a separate one from the mana wisps. They even started making the compartment their own by coloring it black.

At this point, Liam's theory was all but confirmed. The guardian had actually changed the entire configuration of his body in the span of a few seconds.

This fruit thing nestled inside his heart should be the container for his new mana core or rather multiple cores.

He tentatively focused on the compartment with the black nether wisps, channeling them through his body. The energy flowed smoothly, without the discord he had previously experienced.

Encouraged, he then tried to draw mana from the compartment with the blue wisps. Immediately he experienced the prickling pain again because the two energies clashed with each other.

However, this was no longer a concern because all it took Liam was a few seconds to push all the mana into the mana compartment while retaining only the nether in his body's pathways. For someone experienced with mana control or nether control this was a child's play.

At the same time, the reaction was adverse only because he tried to mix in two opposing energies. What would happen if combined two similar or complementary energies? The power outcome would be explosive.

This transformation was far beyond a simple enhancement. It was a complete reimagining of his capabilities. It improved his potential by several folds.

With separate compartments for different mana types, he could now experiment with various elements without the risk of the conflicting energies that had plagued him before. He could store, mix, and utilize these energies in ways he had never been able to.

As he stood there, absorbing the significance of this transformation, Liam began to understand the true extent of the World Tree's blessing. It had not just healed him; it had remade him into something more, something that he should not be physically capable of considering his origin.

More importantly, his problem of having high nether affinity as a human being was now solved as far as he could see.

He still needed to thoroughly analyze what fruit this was and how long it could hold but at least for now, he could go all out without worrying about the nether corroding his body. He did not have to go through that crippling pain every few days when his cores clashed and combusted.

Liam clenched his fists in excitement. This was enough. This was more than enough. He had clashed with Crawford before and he knew that he would be able to face him properly now. It was time to return home.

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