Re: Evolution Online

Chapter 1125 An S Rank Affinity Is Not Too Bad

Meanwhile, Liam arrived at another location, still within the same world of souls and blood. Just as he arrived, his soul minion, one of the elves disappeared, dissipating into nothingness.

He had switched places with his soul minion, escaping from everyone in the nick of time.

Huuu. Liam sighed in relief. The technique worked out.

This technique was precisely why Liam had confidently wandered about the ruins even after the huge disturbance with the drake that was sure to not go by unnoticed.

In the time-dilated training area, while trying to gain more insight and depth into healing his soul by absorbing the soul blood beasts and his soul minions, Liam stumbled onto this technique of switching places with his soul minion.

The technique was not perfect as he hadn't completely understood it but it was good enough to work 50% of the time. The only drawback was that it erased his minion out of existence.

Liam could tell that he would be able to remove this flaw in the future, but for now, this was good enough for him to take some risks.

He had stationed twelve minions just in case the technique did not work out. Luckily, it did work out and he was able to get out of the situation unscathed.

At this point, he needed to take more risks. There was simply no other way.

Liam dismissed all of his remaining soul minions and then stared at the swirling energy in front of him.

The place he had 'teleported' to was looking a lot similar to a dungeon portal, except that this energy was a lot more violent.

This was why he had come here, this small crack in the space that the soul blood beasts had told him about. They knew a lot more about the ruins and apparently, there were many exits from this world.

Liam took a step forward and immediately gasped as he could feel the oppressive aura spill around him. Was it really ok to use this? He did not know.

The energy seemed extremely turbulent and unpredictable. The swirling maelstrom was akin to a storm, threatening to swallow anyone foolish enough to approach. 

But Liam had no choice; the alternative was to face the wrath of an entire elven civilization that he had just offended. He only had a few seconds left until they sniffed him out once again and this was his ticket out of here.

Liam took out a cloak and donned it in a fashion that covered his head and face. He then approached the crack in space. He reached out to the storm of energy, feeling it roiling and churning beneath his fingertips. 

A sharp pain shot through his hand, but he gritted his teeth and pressed on.

The next second, the violent energy wrapped around him, pulling him into its depths. Everything around him became a blur, a whirlwind of colors and sensations that assaulted his senses.

Time seemed to stretch and warp, the passage of moments becoming meaningless. Liam felt himself being torn apart and then stitched back together, over and over again, as the turbulent energies had their way with him.

Then, as suddenly as it had begun, it was over. The storm ceased, and Liam found himself stumbling out of the crack, landing in a completely different place.

Liam had teleported inside the game several times and experienced Luna's Blur skill, but this was an entirely different experience.

He felt disoriented, dizzy, and overwhelmed. His very soul seemed to have been shaken by the violent journey. It took him a few seconds to regain his bearings and take in his surroundings.

Instantly, he was shocked.

A wave of intense mana slapped him on his face. 

The landscape was unfamiliar, filled with strange vegetation. It was untouched by the corruption and decay that seemed to plague the world of souls and blood. Everything was green.

This was it, the world of the elves.

Liam blinked and looked again.

It was like standing in the heart of a primordial forest where nature ruled with an iron fist.

The trees towered overhead, their branches twisting and winding, reaching out like the arms of ancient giants. The air was thick with the smell of damp earth and blooming flowers, carrying a magical fragrance that seemed to penetrate deep into Liam's very core.

The energy here was different from anything he had experienced before. It was raw, wild, and full of life, resonating with a power that both beckoned and warned.

As he moved through the dense undergrowth, Liam could feel the eyes of countless unseen creatures on him, watching and assessing. The forest was alive in a way he had never thought possible, each leaf and twig pulsing with a mysterious life force.

But it was the mana that truly astounded him. The whole place was saturated with it, so dense and potent. His tired body felt refreshed.

And there was something else.

Liam could feel a different energy, so distinct and vibrant that he couldn't possibly miss it. 

Completely opposite to the corrosive energy filled with death and decay that he had seeped into half of his body, the energy around him was warm, nourishing, and full of life.

"Nature element?" Liam pondered. 

He had a rather high affinity with the nature element but until now he had never experienced it like this. He was not even actively trying to feel out the energy but it was sitting right on his face.

"An S Rank affinity is also not that bad!" Liam nodded in contemplation. 

He did not know if this development was because the nature element was overflowing in this world or because his own level had increased or perhaps it was another effect of the verdant heartroot herb. 

But whatever it was, Liam knew that he couldn't ignore it. 

It was an intuitive feeling but he could tell that his body was craving this energy filled with lifeforce. Could it be to negate the nether running in his veins?

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