Re: Evolution Online

Chapter 1056 The Lord Will Save You

Back at the guild base, Liam wasted no time and barricaded himself in his personal villa. He even assigned a couple of trusty golems to keep watch outside so that he was not disturbed. He then retrieved the stone tablet to take a look.

Liam took a moment to steady his nerves before delving into the tablet's pocket world. With a deep breath, he stepped into the otherworldly realm within.

And once inside, his senses were instantly overwhelmed by a sight that left him awestruck. In front of him was a sanctuary of verdant life. 

The herbs, countless in number, stood tall and robust, their leaves glistening with vitality. The air was thick with the fragrance of untamed herbs, their vibrant colors dancing in the soft glow of ethereal light. 

Not a single plant had withered or decayed. It was as if they had been preserved in a perpetual state of freshness. 

Liam reached out and plucked a few herbs from their flourishing beds. He examined them carefully, his gaze scrutinizing every detail. Not a blemish or hint of deterioration could be found.

Relief washed over him like a soothing wave. The value of these pristine herbs was immeasurable, and he had a lot of plans for them. Thankfully they were still intact.

However, Liam did not want to take any chances. He immediately summoned his undead army or, rather, a part of his undead army, more specifically, the elven soldiers. The bunch went around and started harvesting the herbs one after the other, very slowly and carefully.

Liam also summoned Dimitri, the dark elf who was proficient in alchemy. Together with the undead, he then started with the first potion he had chosen. 

It wasn't anything fancy, just the staple high-grade health potion, which would probably land somewhere between a B Rank and A Rank potion, but it provided solid support when it came to close battles. So Liam started with these.

Both he and the undead spent the rest of the day immersed in making several batches of this high-grade health potion. 

Without the abundant mana that was present in the mana-gathering array chamber, the process was a lot slower, but nevertheless, each batch was brewed to perfection.

After the health potion, it was the mana potion, then the stamina potion, strength potion, agility potion, and all the staples one by one were concocted, and almost an entire week passed by in this manner.

In the meantime, Liam also took frequent breaks as the group of four continued with their search for fortune. With the help of the monk, another few lucky coins were discovered, which brought up the count to an even twenty.

The entire process had been a slow grind as they had to search through one territory after another, but in the end, it was all worth it. Liam stared at the 400 number right next to his luck stat with a big grin on his face.

First, it was the stone tablet, and now it was these lucky coins. Finally, some things were starting to go his way. However, this was still not enough. He was yet to make progress on the more important avenues, those that really mattered.

"Well. I hope this much luck at least makes everything a bit faster?" Liam walked toward the magic shop after finishing with the last batch of potions. 

There were several things that he wanted to do today, but as soon as he entered he first searched for the familiar figure, the draconian princess. The woman had disappeared all of last week and was nowhere to be found.

Liam was curious, to say the least, about where she was and what she was doing. In the meantime, he walked over to the guild interface.

These past few days, he had waited for the Oracle to make a better prediction, but that did not seem like it was happening. Especially considering how powerful the monk's abilities were, he did not want to make light of the Oracle's prediction.

So Liam mulled over the issue and had a few ideas that he wanted to try. He decided to first start with the guild interface for this. If he was going to help others, then he might as well start helping the guilds to impact more people at once.

To do this based on that single prediction seemed foolish, but there was nothing wrong in trying. In the worst case, he would probably create some allies for the guild.

"Alright, one guild a day it is." Liam shook off his doubts and made up his mind before looking at the ever-bustling guild chat. He did not have to look for long as one message immediately caught his eye.

Frost Lords, a guild in Canada, was currently having problems with a group of yetis. At least, that was their description of the monster. It was only a level 40 monster, but it looked like the guild simply did not have the manpower to deal with such a trivial problem.

Also, their plight seemed a little bad as they were excessively begging other guilds in the guild chat, even offering the small number of mana cores they had saved up.

However, the other guilds, no matter how concerned they were and how willing they were to give advice, did not necessarily volunteer to help them out. 

After the ison attack, everyone was still sorting out their bones. No one wanted to risk their safety and put their neck out for someone else.

"Believe in the Lord. The Lord will save you?" Liam couldn't help but laugh as he read one of the comments. However, he did not judge them. 

Though he now had power, the days when he would have also trembled when seeing this same monster were still deeply etched in his heart. These were not memories he could forget just like that.

"Let's go, Luna. Time to take care of some snow monkeys."

Kyuuu! The white fox nodded and followed Liam to the teleportation portal.

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