Re: Evolution Online

Chapter 1035 The Undead Everywhere!

1035 The Undead Everywhere!

"We have thirty injured severely who need immediate attention, and fifteen slightly injured slightly who can recover on their own. We have ten casualties in total whose families need to be compensated."

"Other than this, we have several weapons and equipment that have lost their durability and broken beyond repair. I have already prepared a detailed list of these items."

Lan Deming read out aloud the report of the Grand War's aftermath to a room full of Crimson Abyss core members.

"Ten casualties... "" Master Ning sighed.

"I agree. This is unacceptable." Alex added.

"All ten casualties are newly joined members. I reckon they did not have enough combat experience. That's the only way they could have died even with all the items we distributed."

Lan Deming went through the list to double-check as he shared his observation with everyone.

"Hmmm... You are correct. I think we need to implement a new rule."

"Work dungeon runs into guild contribution points and then set a barrier of certain points for being considered for war missions like this in the future. We might also need to assign guild ranks from regular intra-guild sparring matches."

Alex made a note in her book to flesh this out later. "Shall we move on to the next item on the agenda?" She then asked the room.

This was the first guild meeting after the war so they had naturally looked at the outcome of the war to start with.

However, there were far more pressing matters. For example, the undead spilling out of the red pillars and the three new human beings who had suddenly popped up in the guild.

And also Liam...

"Did bro wake up yet? Can I go see him?" Rey raised his hand, asking the obvious question on many people's minds.

When Liam had returned back to the guild several hours ago, not only was he in a bad condition but he had also brought with him three new people, one of whom looked very questionable, or rather all three of them were questionable.

Alex creased her brows especially when she thought about the lying piece of shit dressed in the saffron robe. The monk had given her the worst possible prediction back in the game.

Not that she believed in these things but she absolutely detested scum like that and did not want him doing any business with the guild. He was the least trustworthy person she had ever come across in her life.

The woman also looked extremely weird. There was something about her that made the hair on Alex's back stand up.

Regarding the final individual, he appeared to be rather unassuming, yet his association with Liam and these two caused her to question whether he was truly as unremarkable as he seemed.

Alex had no idea what she was supposed to do with these three.

More than that, she was worried about Liam as he had been sleeping straight ever since he got here. She tried healing him but she could feel that it was not going anywhere.

She let out a sigh and tiredly replied. "No. He is still resting. Let's move on to the next topic of discussion. Which team is currently hunting down the undeads near the guild base?"

"Lan Fen and Ning Xi's team." Lan Deming answered. "I have also received an update from them."

"Ok." Alex nodded.

"The undead seem to be fairly low-leveled. They are mostly humanoid skeletons with pieces of flesh hanging here and there."

"None of them so far have any special abilities. They do not have any weapons. Taking them down is also proving to be rather easy."

"Some of them are oozing with strange greenish liquid along with a putrid smell. The fighters are being careful with these ones so that they are not taking any hits or bites or scratches from these creatures."

"This is also not that difficult because these creatures are extremely slow."

"The only danger so far that we have come across is that these creatures seem to have strong regeneration ability and more speed and attack power when they are close to the pillars."

"It looks like the red pillars of light or energy are strengthening them."

"We are also not able to reach these pillars to take a closer look because the moment the undeads in the area are cleared, a new horde breaks out from the red pillar."

"Lan Fen's theory is that for every undead put down, another undead pops out from the red pillar. If we don't kill anything then more of them don't come out."

"So in other words..." Alex stood up, clicking her tongue. "The number of undead roaming about on our land is the same no matter what we do."

"Yes." Lan Deming nodded.

Everyone in the room had shocked expressions after hearing this.

For a second, it seemed like the undeads were going to be the easy ones after the first wave of frenzied beasts and the second wave of weird insects but now it looked like this third wave would also not be so simple.

It was almost as if they were all waiting for something, a special trigger? A special leader?

Right now the maximum they were doing was playing defense. So when their offense truly began, only then everyone would finally be able to see what new hell this wave of the apocalypse was going to unleash on them.

And... just in case this one was going to be more difficult than the last one...

Alex did not want to think about it. She shook her head and refused to let herself be brought down by the uncertainty of the future.

Especially now that Liam was recovering she needed to stay strong.

"Alright." She clapped her hands loudly. "I don't know what is going to happen tomorrow, but one thing is for sure. These damned undeads are a good way to get our levels up."

"They are easy to hunt. They give us experience points and they are endless!"

"Let's go and get them! Let's hunt them down again and again and again until we can't move any more! Understood?! Go!"

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