1027 Yes or No?

Ding <Ison King, Level 500>

Liam gaped at the 10 feet tall creature standing firmly just a few feet away from him.

Perhaps because the draconian princess had already told him that the creature was Level 500, he was able to [Inspect] the details.

But that was not of much use. Liam had never seen or fought against something like this before. It resembled none of the isons, including the Elite Generals and the Queens.

Unlike the typical isons, this one did not have a weird combination of limbs, pincers, and mandibles, and it also did not possess a mess of sharp metallic wings at the back.

Instead, this creature looked more elegant and refined.

It had a lean and muscular human-like physique, and it was made of flesh and bones, at least parts of it. It only had a single pair of sharp scaly wings at the back, and its limbs ended in sharp metallic claws. 2

The creature was essentially a mix of human and ison structurally.

As for the other things... they also seemed very human. The pair of eyes on the triangular carapace head were locked onto Liam, scanning him from top to bottom.

A powerful undefined aura seeped out of this monstrosity that made even the fairies in the shop shiver.

This was the next opponent he had to face? Liam clenched his fists. The other two standing by his side shivered and trembled at the sight of this unbeatable enemy.

What were they supposed to do against something like this? Earth had only barely evolved, and they had had access to mana for just a few weeks.

In that small span of time, they had to become strong enough to face a creature like this? In what world was this considered fair?

This was merely a death sentence handed to the human beings!

Both the Oracle and the Monk inched towards Liam subconsciously, dread filling their faces.

Thankfully they were still within the protective space of the magic shop, so even if death was staring right at their faces, they were momentarily safe, not that this provided much of a relief.

If not today, then their turn was going to come tomorrow.

However, the last member of the group was shockingly in high spirits. The draconian princess seemed to be thrilled at the sight of the unwelcome visitor.

"LOOK. AT. HIM." She laughed. "He is a Level 500 supervillain."

"Do you think you can take him on without my help? He He He."

"You are doomed!"

"Just give in and take my help. You are not capable of defeating him, but I can guide you to your victory."

Liam was standing frozen, staring at the King, so she continued taunting him without holding back.

"Trust me. In this situation, I am the only one who can help you."

"We might have started on the wrong foot, but you will not regret this decision.

Come on. What are you waiting for?"

She snapped her fingers, and the next second, a system notification appeared in front of Liam, only that this notification was a bit unusual.

The words on the notification were dancing. They looked alive. Liam had to blink twice just to make sure he was not seeing things.

However, the content on the prompt looked fine. On it, all the conditions the draconian princess had mentioned were clearly written in bullet points.

Liam's gaze shifted from the monster to the contract as he went through the details one by one. It was indeed legitimate and did not contain any tricks.

It was even clearly mentioned that the two of them would not harm each other in any way or bear any ill will toward one another. They would be allies for eternity.

He also did not have to succeed in helping her get revenge. He only needed to try his best and help her without holding back.

Overall, except for the way the cunning draconian woman had forced this contract down his throat, there was nothing else that bothered him about the whole thing.

'Am I that easy to manipulate?’ Liam sneered inwardly.

Taking advantage of his current condition, the woman was clearly trying to force his hand, but he wasn't willing to agree to her just yet.

His brain racked for any other possible way that he could get out of this alive.

He had indeed made a breakthrough in his soul manipulation skill recently, but would that be enough to bring this monster down?

There were 400 levels of difference between the two of them! That was not a joking matter!

As if she could read Liam's thoughts, the draconian princess immediately taunted him again.

"Wait. Don't tell me you are counting on your soul manipulation techniques?

Surely, you couldn't be that strong to affect the soul of a monster like this?"

"It is simply impossible."

"Don't even think about trying. If you step out of the shop's bounds, you will only die."

Her words echoed in Liam's mind, and he also knew that what she was saying made perfect sense. His hand went over to the 'yes' option on the screen.

That was his only way out, but... he then stopped.

A thought popped up in his mind. Who was truly desperate here... was it him, or was it her?

Liam had a feeling that this draconian princess needed him a lot more than he needed her. His gut instincts screamed at him to call her bluff.

He quickly took back his finger and now pointed it at the 'reject' option.

And just like he thought, the woman's face instantly contorted. "You brat! Get a hold of yourself! Stop acting so stubborn! Have you gone completely insane?

Just take what I am giving you!"

"No!" Liam bluntly replied.

And just as he was about to hit that 'reject' option, he once again withdrew his finger back and unexpectedly pointed at the 'yes' option.

However, it was barely for a second. Before the princess could even look relieved, he once again changed his option.





He started playing around with the two options as if he was now deciding his fate by playing Eeny, meeny, miny, moe. His action drove the poor princess crazy.

"Damned brat! Stop it! What the hell are you doing? Why can't you simply accept it? You are going to kill yourself!" The draconian princess shouted in exasperation.

Why can't anything ever be easy with this guy?

She cursed her bad luck for hitching her wagon to this maniac, but the next second, once again, something unexpected happened, and Liam paused.

Surprisingly, even a smile appeared on his face. He then all of a sudden accepted the contract without doing anything else questionable!

The draconian princess looked shocked for a moment and then let out a big loud sigh. It was finally over. This time it was real.

She calmly walked over to Liam and started saying several words of encouragement.

"This is good. You definitely won't regret this decision. will not break your trust. We can be good allies and help each other out..."

The princess continued talking, but she did not know that the person she was talking to was no longer paying attention to her.

Liam was in his own world. He was busy reaching deep into himself to test something out.

In fact, there was a reason why he had finally accepted the contract.

Just now, when he was messing around with the contract, he had noticed something, something that he had never expected.

The soul contract had reacted to him!

A soul contract was an agreement between two souls, and it was as strict as a contract could get. It was magic that would be engraved on both of their souls.

But today, Liam felt something different.

It was just a fleeting feeling, an inkling, but he could tell that he might one day be able to alter this contract. At least it was not impossible for him.

After all, he did have the ability to manipulate souls.

Then wouldn't it be possible for him to reach into his own soul and alter any trace of this contract, thereby making the whole thing null and void on his side?

In the past, he had healed his injured and wounded soul several times in this exact same manner.

So at least theoretically, something like this should be possible.

While the draconian princess was going on and on, spewing nonsense on the side, he couldn't help but attempt to do this.

However, a few tries later, it was clear that he needed more soul strength and more experience. His soul manipulation technique was also rather lacking to achieve something of this magnitude.

Liam exhaled, temporarily setting this matter aside. For now, this can wait. He currently had other important pressing things to take care of first.

He then turned toward the woman standing near him and flashed a big smile.

"Congratulations on getting what you wanted." He said. "Shall we now talk about how to defeat this Level 500 Ison King?"

Liam brought the focus back to the predatory creature that was standing in front of them and glaring right at them.

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