Re: Evolution Online

Chapter 634 Back to the elven lands?

Chapter 634 Back to the elven lands?

The barbarian chief's eyes reddened as he saw his health quickly dropping. He also wasn't able to react to the attack properly and almost stumbled and fumbled out of the zone.

"Hrrmm! That tickled insect!"

Liam ignored the barbarian as he dashed forward again to finish the fight. The guy's health was now 50% down so he wanted to bring it down to zero before anything unexpected happens.

However, the barbarian was no longer on the defense as he was previously. The big guy grunted and moved his legs apart, throwing out a punch to meet Liam's attack.

Thud! The power-packed punch clashed with the sword sending shockwaves in multiple directions. The barbarian was still standing solidly in the same spot while Liam was pushed back.

"Oh? So he is finally starting to attack?" Liam also did not hold back and immediately cast [Ring of Fire] around them.

He sent out a [Sizzling Tornado] right after it but he sent this outward and not towards the opponent. This was because he wanted to tag as many barbarians as possible and this was easy since everyone was standing together in a crowd and watching the show.

The [Sizzling Tornado] hit the barbarians and several of them scattered like bowling alley pins. Also, Liam suddenly disappeared in front of the chief.

Using the chaos and commotion that ensued he sped through the rest of the crowd that was not tagged and slashed wildly in different directions.

His mana core was rotating wildly and he used all of it to boost his movements so his figure appeared like a blur in between the crowd. No one was able to react. The barbarians were completely helpless.

Many wondered what was going on as the fight became suddenly different. This also visibly angered the chief as this was blatant disrespect to him.

"Your opponent is me!" He shouted and thundered behind Liam, who on the other hand grinned and continued running wildly as he had his own plans.

"I will do what I want." His voice was not heard by anyone in the ruckus and commotion. This cat and mouse chase continued on for a few seconds and the barbarian chief started to notice something weird.

Liam's speed was continuously increasing. Logically he should tire out but instead, he was becoming faster and stronger. How was this possible?

Just as this thought popped inside his brain, suddenly Liam stopped moving. "I think I have enough." He grinned and stood around to face the barbarian chief who was bolting towards him.

The other party had no idea but right now Liam's stats were boosted to almost 100%. The legendary item in his neck was glowing white.

Because of all the barbarians gathered around, the rabbit's foot was working in overdrive and boosting all of Liam's attributes. This was the perfect time for the legendary item to shine.

Using the momentum from this insane boost, Liam swung his sword and sent out two of his most powerful attacks, attacks which combined mana with his swordplay, two back to back [Fire Slash].

A visible cross of burning flames appeared and the attack burned through the sturdy defense of the barbarian chief.

With his stats already boosted and combined with the increased fire damage from the affinity, the two attacks charred the barbarian's body, draining whatever was left of his strength.

The big guy's health rapidly dropped and was almost down to the last 5%. Liam grinned. It was time to deal the last blow. He dashed forward to send out two more [Fire Slash] to end the fight.

Boom! The battleground reverberated and, the impact of the attack blasted the barbarian chief away, his humungous body flying and hitting something in the distance.

For an instance, the entire place became eerily quiet with only the dust and the rocks settling back down on the ground. All the barbarians stood shell-shocked. They couldn't believe that their chief actually lost.

The elves who were currently being held captive by a few barbarians also looked shocked. Lyana did not think that the human had it within him but somehow he had accomplished it! This was it!

So they were going to escape from this hell after all? They were going to go back home? Back to the elven lands?

While everyone stood stunned silly, Liam alone did not relax. He frowned staring at the body on the ground or at least the spot where the body was supposed to be. Was he dead yet?

No. Liam knew it because he didn't get any system notifications. Also, he could not sense the soul that slipped out of the man's body on death.

No, the barbarian chief was definitely not dead.

A sudden chill crept up his back as an ominous feeling rose in his heart. Something was wrong. What could it be? He needed to step forward and finish this fight once and for all.

Liam dashed ahead to the spot where the barbarian's body had flown away, but before he could get a grip on the surroundings and observe the things around him, suddenly something came flying at him from the side.

Pa! Liam's body turned stiff from the attack that connected to his jaw as if his entire body was electrocuted. It was Liam's turn to go flying back.

But in the last moment, he at least managed to catch a glimpse of the enemy who had managed to take away half of his health in a single attack!

No, more than half as his health bar was still dropping. What the hell was this attack?

Liam stared at the barbarian chief still standing tall in front of him.

As the dust and smoke cleared, the big bulky body was clearly visible. The armor and the clothes on the guy were shredded and tattered but his body itself looked good as new. The previous injuries that Liam had personally etched on the man's body were no longer to be seen.

Instead, there was a visible red glow on the barbarian, something that exuded far more pressure and power than before.

Liam gaped as he watched the other thing that was different now, the guy's description.

<Level 80; Barbarian War Chief; Health: 50,000,000>

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