196 Retreat

"We are heading back!"

Alan's decisive proclamation rang through the air, as he made it clear that they were going to abandon their current position and retreat.

The garrison had served its purpose, but it was clear that it wouldn't withstand another onslaught, especially knowing the type of undead that would come on the sixth night. With determination, Alan issued the orders for everyone to prepare for the march back to safety.

600 players, marching the 20 miles back on foot would be a time-consuming endeavor, requiring at least four hours of travel. To ensure their arrival before the next battle, they needed to start preparations and move out as soon as possible.

"How many horses do we have?" Alan's inquired. Bill, responsible for logistics, was the one to respond. "Just a little over one hundred," he informed the group.

Seeing the look on Alan's face, Vicky couldn't help but narrow her eyes suspiciously. She had a hunch that Alan was about to propose yet another daring plan. "Let me guess," she said, her voice tinged with curiosity. "You have another crazy plan, don't you?"

"Yes, I do."

In the following hours, while Luis diligently prepared lunch for the players, Alan carefully handpicked a group of 100 individuals to remain with him at the garrison. His choices primarily consisted of the support team, including crafters, gatherers, and the special units led by Sergeant Daniel. Alan knew that these players possessed valuable skills needed for the tasks at hand.

In terms of combat, Alan made strategic selections. He included Merle's team and Rose renowned for their exceptional long-range combat abilities.

"I am staying as well!"

Vicky declared with unwavering determination, her resolve clear in her voice. This time, she wouldn't accept any arguments to the contrary. Daniel also expressed his desire to remain behind, entrusting Milo with the leadership of the Wolverines during their absence. Lieutenant Marsh would accompany Milo to support the group on their journey back to the main force.

As the 500 players began their march away from the garrison, Alan assembled his chosen team and briefed them on their tasks. The atmosphere was charged with a sense of purpose as they prepared to face the impending challenge. Each member of the group understood the significance of the role given to them.

The special units and crafters would join Alan in the hall, where they would focus on creating more [uncommon] fighting equipment and [black powder], a critical resource for their defense. Meanwhile, the remaining players were tasked with gathering essential materials; They ventured into the forest for wood, scaled the mountains for sulfur, and explored caves in search of bat excrement, all necessary ingredients for black powder production.

With the fighters accompanying the gatherers, the garrison appeared empty, devoid of any visible souls on its walls. "We have 6 hours, let's start!"

Alan wasted no time, immediately setting his plan into motion. He worked closely with the crafters, including Gus, Marie, Shamus, and their team, to manufacture as much uncommon equipment as possible. Their coordination and expertise were essential in this critical task, and they operated at peak performance, crafting the necessary components and materials.

When it was ready, Alan took over for the last touch,

[You have successfully crafted an item]

[Your (Science - Master) allows you to successfully create an uncommon item]

[Your Inventor Jobclass allows you to successfully create a higher quality item]

[Name: Metal Sword]

[Name: Metal Shield]

[Name: Metal Armor]

[Name: Medical bandage]

On the other side of the hall, Sergeant Dylan and his team of engineers diligently prepared the necessary components for crafting homemade bombs, and just like teh metal items, Alan also took charge of the final assembly process. Alan meticulously combined the steel tube bodies, gunpowder, and fuses, applying his high Science level and Inventor Jobclass expertise to craft a superior explosive item. The result was a much stronger item of remarkable quality.

[You have successfully crafted an item]

[Your Inventor Jobclass enhances the quality of your crafted items]

[Name: Dynamites]

[Type: Explosive]

[Rarity: Common]

[Attributes: Firepower 120-180]

[Effect: Area damage 15-45 (5 meters)]

[Able to Bring Outside the Game: No]

[Remarks: Don't make this without proper supervision]

Thanks to Alan's expertise, these Dynamites not only packed 25% more firepower but also had a significantly reduced risk of malfunction or unexpected detonation, ensuring the safety of those who wielded them.

Five hours flew by in a flurry of crafting and preparation, during which Alan managed to successfully create 400 new sets of uncommon equipment and 100 Dynamites. With these items in their arsenal, they were better equipped to face the impending undead threat.

Alan prepared all the gatherers and crafters for their departure. Bill was appointed to lead them, and they wasted no time in mounting horses to make their way back to the Roman walls. Their mission was to deliver the newly created items to the players stationed there. If they set out promptly, Alan believed they could avoid encountering any undead on their way back and reach their destination in time to assist their comrades in the upcoming battle.

The sun's brilliance began to fade, a harbinger of the approaching dawn, and only 18 figures remained within the confines of the old garrison. Alan, Rose, Vicky, Daniel, Merle, and his rednecks team, the three champion NPCs; Percival, Daganot, and Guinevere. Lastly; Sergeant Dylan and his special unit of engineers – Gaston, Naymar, Simon, and Johnny. All of them were fully engrossed in setting up the preparations for Alan's plan.

Merle, feeling the mounting pressure, couldn't help but voice his concern. "How much longer!?".

However, Alan was deeply focused on the task at hand, and it was evident that they needed more time. Unfortunately, as the darkness enveloped the land and shrouded their surroundings, a notification arrived, casting a foreboding shadow over their efforts.

[The source of darkness has arrived in Britannia Land].

The sixth night had begun.

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