Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 869: fuck him first

Chapter 869 Fuck him first

These two mechas are not finished as a windfall.

According to what the tribes who came to reconcile after blowing up the evil fire armory said, on the way to reunite, they found two deformed giant dogs running wildly on a plain outside the arsenal.

Hearing the big red and purple dog described by Gouill, Charlemagne suddenly recalled the painful memories of being trampled to death by these two stupid dogs.

"Those two dogs should be Sargeras' favorite pets, Shatug and Falger. I didn't expect that they were killed by you on the road..."

High King Saurfang grinned and said, "Because they blocked the way of the Horde, the space battleship fired first and wounded them, and then we dismembered those two stupid dogs."

Charlemagne shrugged, "Well, they will be killed sooner or later anyway, it's just a matter of time."

The two-line legions in the Antoran wasteland were successfully assembled. I don’t know if the Burning Legion, which has lost four big killers in a row, will be a bit calm. At least in a short period of time, Charlemagne did not see any demons rushing out of the gate of the Burning Throne.

"It's a bit of a surprise... I was originally prepared that Aggramar would come out to support the scene. It seems that they are preparing to start a decisive battle with us in Antorus."

Charlemagne is not joking, he has ordered Mimiron to adjust the Light of Azeroth in advance, and the muzzle is directly facing the gate of Antorus.

As long as Aggramar shows up, he intends to let the Titan warrior enjoy the brilliance of what is called magic science... But now it seems that this preparation was in vain.

Five days later, Storm Keep finally arrived from Mac'Aree. But the amethyst and metal frame surrounding the outer layer of this vertical spaceship have completely turned into a piece of gold, looking... very much like a live target that attracts firepower.

After listening to Velen's narration, Charlemagne suddenly realized that the Prophet had taken the original path to reassemble the three parts of the Consul's Crown.

When Charlemagne was fighting Garoxi Annihilator and Garosi World Destroyer, Velen and Turalyon were not idle either.

Turayang caught the tail of Governor Nezar through the tragic breaker named Arcann, and killed the leader of the shadow guard ethereal with the assistance of an order-side ethereal named Double Realm Walker.

Of course Arcann’s ending was not so good. The poor guy was finally swallowed by the void and turned into a void monster as irrational as his compatriots. Turalyon had to take action to free him.

Velen's actions were bigger than Turalyon's. After obtaining the Enlightenment Mark, Storm Keep moved all the way to the Kil'jaeden platform in the north.

In the Arno Garden area, they were baptized by fel artillery fire from the ground.

Storm Keep is not a typical combat spaceship armed to the teeth like the Enterprise. This ship has very few weapon systems, which was why Mimiron complained that it was a flying coffin board.

Velen and Illidan could only put down the ground forces and advance all the way from Arno Garden to their destination. Here...Velen finally met the traitor he had been looking for for a long time—Talgath.

There is nothing to say. With the blessing of hatred, Velen broke his habit of providing support for his comrades in the background, and rushed to the front line to attack and attack Targas.

Finally, a round of lightsaber was used to drive Tartas to the ground, and Velen personally blasted his head with ultra-high-purity holy light fire.

During the chatter with Talgas, Velen got a piece of news that the crown of knowledge he was looking for happened to be in the seat of the consul.

After the meeting with Tulayang, the coalition forces penetrated the defense line of the Void Shadow Guard all the way and came to Lula.

Speaking of this, Velen sighed softly, "With my ability, I can't save Lula. Fortunately, at the last moment, Zela personally took action to purify Lula, but Zela also consumed a lot of Holy Light energy for this."

"After combining the three parts, the Crown of the Consul was reappeared. I placed it in the core area of ??the Storm Fortress. As a result... As you can see, the entire Storm Fortress has been changed by the powerful holy light energy .”

"Zera and other naaru can absorb energy from the Archon's Crown to replenish themselves, and we can now use the inexhaustible energy in the Archon's Crown to form a powerful energy attack."


Charlemagne touched his chin with great interest, "It's just right, now that the Burning Legion has closed the gate of Antorus, and the entire fortress is still covered by a powerful fel barrier, let's see how effective this artifact can be. Come on, blast the door open."

Veylon nodded confidently, "No problem, Romul!"

"Yes, Prophet, the recharge of the seat of the consul has begun, target the gate of Antorus, launch!"

As the golden light on the surface of the Storm Fortress converged, a thick beam of light was sent towards the gate of Antorus, and it hit the center of the gate heavily.


Veron didn't brag, the Antorus gate covered with powerful evil energy was directly pierced by the holy light energy cannon of the Storm Fortress, a huge hole appeared on the gate, and the entire castle's evil energy barrier completely disappeared.

Charlemagne nodded in satisfaction, "The power is good. Now the Storm Fortress has a decisive attack power. How long does it take to charge this kind of bombardment?"

Velun wielded a beard and smiled and replied, "About 2-3 hours, but use it twice a day at most, otherwise the energy supply of the Crown of the Consul cannot keep up."

"Enough, how is your current state, can you continue to fight?"

Illidan waved the double blades of Azzinoth, and said impatiently, "Of course I'm fine, it's better to say that I can't wait to completely destroy the Burning Legion and complete my mission!"

Veron and Varian also nodded to indicate that there is no problem. Charlemagne said solemnly, "Then let's start the attack directly, according to the information we obtained before..."

Charlemagne told everyone about Eonar, and the leaders of all ethnic groups had no objection to his battle plan.

Turayang said with some emotion, "Titans...I didn't expect that I would see them with my own eyes one day. I hope to save the souls of the titans before Sargeras reaches Azeroth."

Charlemagne got up from the conference table and looked around at the bosses present. "Everyone, let's start to act. The first goal is to set the endless passage hall first."

"In this hall there is not only the portal to the Temple of Life, but also the teleportation hub of the Legion to all walks of life. The troops who want to block their return from the planets in the universe must also capture this place."

Turayan rested his chin on his hand and said, "According to the information of the Legion of the Holy Light, there is a command center called the Eye of the Legion in the depths of the other way through the door. Now that Sargeras is not here, probably the command of the entire Burning Legion has been handed over to The Antoran High Council stationed here."

Charlemagne raised his eyebrows, turned to look at Turayang and asked, "What do you mean... divide the troops?"

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