Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 862: return of missing persons

Chapter 862 The return of missing persons

Zenidar, as the name suggests, this ship is the ship of Zela, Mother of Light.

Her size is of course much smaller than the Tempest Fortress, but it is several times larger than the auxiliary spaceships such as the Energy Ship and the Exodar, reaching the standard of a medium-sized warship.

Velen lost contact with Zenidar when he escaped from Argus. He originally thought that the Mother of Light was in danger, but it seems... It seems that the oldest naaru is still alive and well.

But it is now, the commander on Zenidar may have been excited when he saw the arrival of reinforcements, but this kind of behavior of recklessly breaking away from optical invisibility is obviously quite... irrational.

At this time, an unusually tall demon on the ground of the Burning Legion had already ordered his subordinates to aim the giant cannon "Exterminator" beside him at Zenidar, who was flying at a constant speed.


The powerful fel bombardment hit the right rear of Zenidar's hull before the Enterprise and Storm Fortress had no time to rescue.

Although Zenidar's energy shield helped her block part of the power at the critical moment, the severely damaged spaceship still fell crookedly downward.

"not good!"

Velen said solemnly, "There are a large number of legion demons where they crash-landed. We must rescue Zela. If we let her fall into darkness, the Mother of Light will become the most difficult enemy to deal with besides Sargeras." .”

Over the years, Velen has already been familiar with the light-dark transformation form of creatures like naaru. No matter how powerful the naaru are, once they exhaust their energy, they will fall into the void. At that time, their thinking patterns will appear huge. Change.

Charlemagne patted Mimiron's shoulder, "Captain, did you hear me, go in that direction, but before that..."

Mimiron jumped on his feet and said, "I know, I know, the main gun is aimed at the giant anti-aircraft gun below, prepare for two salvos, and fire!"

460 guns are equal to all beings, so it goes without saying that this super-large-caliber magic cannon, which is regarded as the killer of the Sun-type space battleship, is used to wash the ground.

The huge demon squatting in the ground disguised as a turret was completely plowed out of the ground, and the large demon suspected of being the commander was also bombarded into pieces by two rounds of 12 rounds of 460 shells.


Velen noticed the situation around the "Destroyer" lying dead on the ground, "Charlemagne, let Maraad and Onara return to Storm Fortress, I want them to lead the Draenei elite into the mine below, where... It seems that our compatriots still exist."

"Compatriots?" Charlemagne looked surprised, "Are you sure? In this harsh environment?"

Velen shook his head, "I'm not sure, but the survivors in the form of the Broken Ones should indeed be our former compatriots, and we must rescue them."

After consulting Maraad and Onara for their opinions, the Enterprise opened a fixed teleportation channel with Storm Keep, and steadily sent the two draenei commanders back to Storm Keep.

"The Storm Fortress will stay where it is for the time being and rescue the group of broken people. Let's continue to search for survivors at the Zenidar crash point."

The ship of Zela seemed to have gone through some friction with the ground when it landed, and Krokuun, who was originally overflowing with evil energy, was forcibly plowed out by this spaceship into a shining passage of holy light.

Thanks to this path of the Holy Light, Charlemagne and others did not spend much effort in finding the Zenidar fall point.

But at this time, a large number of demons have gathered around Zenidar, and there are many epic and even junior demigods among them.

However, the defense line set up by the crew of Zenidar outside a gap was extremely strong. A group of draenei warriors shining with powerful holy light formed a biological barrier to keep the demons from the Burning Legion out of the circle.

Charlemagne held his chin and looked down at the group of draenei warriors with great interest. "Lightforged draenei? The manifestations in the real world are much more obvious than in the game. I'm afraid their strength is at least hero-level." ? '

"Eh? That's not..." "No way?"

Khadgar and Cirvanas exclaimed at the same time, their eyes fixed on the group of light-forged draenei below.

Although the holy light shining all over the body comes from the same source as the surrounding light-forged draenei, there are two individuals that are exceptionally conspicuous among the group of tall and golden draenei.

One of them is a white-haired human with a broken sword in his hand and wearing a golden armor. The broken sword is replaced by the sharp holy light. At this time, he is directing the battle as a commander.

The other is a blond high elf wearing leather armor and shooting arrows of holy light in his hands. Although there have been some changes in temperament and energy expression, Charlemagne still recognized him at a glance.

This high elf was Halduron Brightwing, the lieutenant of the ranger army who disappeared with Turalyon.

Having recognized Halduron, the identity of the other human is not difficult to guess.

Although the appearance of Tulayang, who used to have a head of blond hair, has undergone great changes, with scars on his face and a strong majesty and bravery all over his body, the broken sword clearly proved his identity.

"Quel'zalam, are you broken again..."

Shaking his head helplessly, this reforged great royal sword broke once after all, and the state at this time did not surprise Charlemagne too much, and it was thanks to this sword that he recognized the picture of the changed appearance. Layan.

"Mimiron, release the four space battleships of Quel'Thalas. It's time for us to attack and rescue them as completely as possible. I have a hunch that they should know a lot of important information about Argus."

"No problem!" Mimiron immediately ordered kindly, "Open the rear hatch, and the space battleship on standby will attack!"

Charlemagne took Solidar from his back, walked to Cirvanas and said, "Let's go, go and pick up our hero home. After decades of wandering, it's time for him to find his way home."

The bouncing Vereesa and Valeira also clamored to go with them, so Charlemagne simply took these two little naughty ones with him. The three Windrunner sisters and Valeira climbed up to Oni with a group of five. Kexia's back, followed the space battleship and left the Enterprise.

At this time, Turayang below obviously also noticed the space battleship released by the Enterprise, he cheered up and ordered loudly, "Hold on, our reinforcements will arrive soon, don't let the legion break through the line of defense, Zela can't make any mistakes !"


With the assistance of Enterprise's 203mm rapid-fire secondary guns, four Sun-type air-space battleships also joined the battle immediately. The Burning Legion's assault force was cut off from the middle, and the anti-aircraft guns on the ground were also called by the mech squad one by one.

Onyxia and her dragon rushed towards Zenidar first, and when they flew near the defense line, the black dragon queen's shadow flames sprayed all the way towards the attacking legion demons.

And more support from the rear also started from the Enterprise. The four dragon kings led the dragon army to launch air strikes from the air to the countless demons on the ground, and quickly stopped the Burning Legion's attacking team.

Charlemagne and others came to the top of the light-forged Draenei position and jumped off the low-flying Oni's back. The Black Dragon Queen returned to the battlefield to command the black dragon under her command to fight, and Charlemagne walked to Tula with a smile on her face. In front of Yang and Halduron.

"Long time no see, Turalyon, Halduron."

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