Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 860: Let’s go, Argus!

Chapter 860 Let's go, Argus!

Although Charlemagne persuaded the reckless faction headed by Thorim with reason, he actually felt a little impatient in his heart.

Eonar is the only member of the Pantheon who is at large, and her movements must be watched by Aman'Thul and others at any time.

Now the life-giver is the only hope in the hearts of the Titans. As long as Ionar is not caught, there will still be a ray of light in their hearts, and the torture of the Witch Council will not seem so difficult.

But once Eonar is also caught... the last string in their hearts may be broken, and it is hard to say what will happen at that time.

Charlemagne returned to Quel'Thalas with a heavy heart after leaving Ulduar. Veteran drivers of the Air Force and Navy of various races were already gathering at the Stormy Cliff, including the four space battleships belonging to Quel'Thalas.

With the huge size of the Enterprise, it is no problem to accommodate the Sun-type space battleship of about 100 meters. Even the 70-meter-class Skyfire and Breaker of the Alliance and the Horde were also sent on board.

After returning home, Charlemagne only had time to say hello to his wives, and immediately called the leaders of all ethnic groups for an emergency meeting.

At the meeting, he told the leaders of the three forces about Eonar's situation, and as expected, he received a frowning expression.

"That is to say, we must speed up the progress and strive to complete the preparations to board the Enterprise in the shortest possible time?"

Charlemagne nodded to Varian who asked the question, "Time waits for no one. Once Eonar falls into the hands of Sargeras... maybe the Dark Pantheon he is preparing will really take shape."

Veylon frowned and said, "Then there is no other way. The preparations for all races should have been almost completed. The key is... that spaceship."

"Enterprise, I've named her that."

Muradin seemed quite satisfied with the name. The new dwarf king stroked his beard and said, "Okay, the little **** the Enterprise still needs to spend time getting used to it with our young man. How can we compress this time?"


Illidan sneered. He played with the green diamond-shaped stone in his hand and said sarcastically, "I always think that the best way to grow is to force them to learn in actual combat. Those who can't learn...are destined to be eliminated."

"Illidan! Your approach is too extreme!"

"Really? How do you ensure that the Burning Legion will not take the lead in breaking through Eonar's defenses in your meek way? My dear brother."

Vol'jin and Rastakhan exchanged glances, the great chief stood up tall and said, "I agree with Illidan, if Eonar falls, then everything will be closed, and we might as well let the crew Quickly adapt and grow.”

"Huh, I object!"

Daelin gave a different opinion with a cold snort, "We in Kul Tiras have always cultivated generations of crew members in the way of old sailors leading rookies."

"As soon as I get started, let the rookie take an important position, and the head of the owner of the entire ship is equivalent to tied to the waistband. I don't want to take this kind of ship that may capsize at any time."

Both sides have their own opinions, and they all have certain reasons. Charlemagne weighed the gains and losses with his chin in his hand, and then said, "Well, let me summarize the opinions of both parties, and give the boys and girls another half a month."

"In this half month, I will limit the course that was originally scheduled for one month, and hope their bodies can bear it."

Queen Azshara crossed her arms and voted for it, "I have no objection. Compared with inexperienced people, it is always better to learn suddenly. At this critical moment, I believe that the crew will do their best to improve themselves. "

After some whispering, the opinion put forward by Charlemagne finally became the final decision.


At the beginning of September 32, Dragonbone Wilderness.

The crew of the Enterprise, who had a precious day of rest yesterday, returned to their posts rejuvenated.

At the same time, except for the necessary left-behind personnel, all the races of Azeroth basically put all their elite combat power into this giant spaceship with a total length of 450 meters.

Wearing a captain's cap, Mimiron, who looked somewhat nondescript, sat on the captain's throne and waited for the final preparations to be completed.

When the last green dragon landed on the side deck and entered the interior, all the entrances and exits except the main deck were closed, and Mimiron, who couldn't wait for a long time, jumped up.

"Crew containment is complete, the engine countdown starts."

"Ten, nine...one, start!"


Enterprise's powerful magic and crystal hybrid engine started with a huge roar, and the anti-gravity barrier was also activated immediately, and the hull gradually flew into the air against the dazzling arcane rays of light ejected from the jets below.

The front main deck, including the guardian dragons and titan guardians in mortal form, all gathered here. Charlemagne solemnly said to Illidan, "Let's start, open the passage to Argus."

Illidan rarely put away his cynical evil smile, and activated the Sargerite Keystone in his hand with a solemn expression.

As the green diamond-shaped spar spins into the sky, powerful evil energy is released from the keystone, and a space gap in the sky gradually appears, and becomes bigger and bigger with Illidan's urging.

The other end of the channel is a planet dyed green by evil energy. Needless to say, it is the planet Argus that has been deeply corrupted by the Burning Legion and is now dying frequently.

Veylon stared blankly at the unrecognizable planet, with an extremely sad expression on his face, "What did the Legion do to our home planet..."

At this time, Mimiron made a sound through the ship's radio, "Um...uh! Test, test, Charlemagne, can you hear me? If you can hear me, hurry back to the ship, we are going to pass through this passage .”

Charlemagne patted Velen's arm comfortingly and said, "Prophet, let's go back first. After defeating the Burning Legion, maybe the Titans can restore this tortured planet to its original state."

Veylon shook his head with a wry smile, turned his head and walked sadly into the cabin without saying anything.

When all the bosses entered the bridge, Mimiron ordered again in a sharp voice, "Send a signal, let the erected coffin board of Storm Fortress follow our steps..."


Lyden's angry reprimand came, and Mimiron reacted now, and looked at Velen awkwardly.

Fortunately, the Prophet was still in a trance at this time, and he didn't seem to have heard Mimiron's insult.

"Cough... In short, send a signal to Storm Fortress. We are going through this gate to the outer layer of Argus. It may be a little bumpy. Everyone, please be prepared in advance!"

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