Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 857: Touch the head to kill

Chapter 857 Touching the head to kill


When the incarnation of Sargeras was killed by Malorne and other demigods, the battle between Kil'jaeden and the mortal demigods was almost simultaneously decided.

"Ahem... well done."

The fraudster knelt on the ground with his hands on his chest, with blood spilling from the corner of his mouth. Finally, under his weakness, he couldn't restrain the rampage of evil energy in his body. This is the price that users of chaotic energy like evil energy must bear.

The Thousand Souls Darkness Spell, which had been continuously emitting countless shadow **** behind Kil'jaeden, also dissipated, and the evil energy around the fraudster was obviously caught in chaotic fluctuations, and sooner or later it would explode.


Veyron took a deep breath after dispelling the protective barrier. Under the encouraging eyes of Charlemagne and others, he walked up to Kil'jaeden with his staff a little bit exhausted.

"Hehe... Sure enough, you came to see me off for the last time."

Kil'jaeden let out a weak laugh, he simply sat on the ground, and entered into a peaceful chat atmosphere with Velen like tens of thousands of years ago.

"To be honest, I have been jealous of you since a long time ago. Your beliefs, the blessings of Naaru, and your innate ability to foresight have become more important to me and Sakir, and even Akmon, who is a generation later than us. From De's point of view, your existence is too dazzling."

Velen shook his head dejectedly, "Old friend, you don't know how cruel my predictive ability is. I can see the final outcome of many things, but no matter how I try to change, in the end...time will point the ending to what I see. Arrived."

"Ha... That's right."

Kil'jaeden looked at the fel cracks that had begun to appear on his arm with a wry smile, "The acquisition of any ability comes at a price, and omniscience and omnipotence may not be a good thing."

"I never thought anyone could stop Sargeras' expedition before, but..."

Kil'jaeden's face also began to have countless fissures of fel energy, and it was not far from the time when he exploded out of control.

"Perhaps you...and your allies can prove me wrong. Go ahead, and I hope you will make it to the end to witness Sargeras' end."

Velen stretched out his hand with a complex expression to touch Kil'jaeden's brows that already emitted the green light of evil energy, just like the countless times in the past when the two joked and bestowed blessings on the naaru for each other.

Kil'jaeden froze when he felt Velen's touch, then closed his eyes and smiled in relief.

Charlemagne, Illidan and others witnessed this scene together, but he had to interrupt them, after all, time waits for no one.

"Time to go, Prophet."

The directional teleportation spell that Queen Azshara had prepared for a long time was finally launched, and all the demigods present were teleported to the gate of the tomb of Sargeras.


A violent explosion came from the deepest part of the Tomb of Sargeras. Charlemagne, who had just met Tyrande and the others at the door, had no time to make more adjustments, and immediately ordered a full retreat.

A series of more violent explosions came from the tomb, and the tomb of Sargeras, which emitted green light of evil energy, began to collapse completely, and there were waves of intense vibrations from the broken beach.

"No! This small island should not be able to hold on anymore, we must continue to evacuate."

Charlemagne looked at the beach in the distance that had already begun to be engulfed by the sea, tried his best to stabilize his body, and then ordered loudly, "All those who can fly try to bring their comrades and retreat to Suramar. Those who are confident in water should prepare to enter the sea." .”


Accompanied by the sound of the ground tearing from under Charlemagne's feet, the entire island gradually fell apart, and a large amount of seawater poured into the Azeroth coalition forces that would not be able to evacuate in the future.

The air force units of all races tried their best to take their comrades and flew into the air, while the sailors of Kul Tiras and Theramore skillfully performed the action of entering the water. The moment the island sank, they tried their best to get rid of the gradually forming vortex behind them Swim to the ship docked in the open sea.

Charlemagne, who was suspended in mid-air, looked at the chaotic scene below and sighed softly, "Now the Tomb of Sargeras has completely become history, and the first phase of the operation has been successfully completed."

Tyrande, Alleria and others rode on Onyxia, who was finally freed from her duties, and leaned against Charlemagne. The High Priest of the Moon God asked a little speechlessly, "What happened to you? There's too much movement."

"Ha ha…"

Charlemagne rubbed his head in embarrassment, "I didn't do this. It's just that the evil energy got out of control before Kil'jaeden's death and caused a big explosion. It saves us trying to find a way to destroy the Tomb of Sargeras."

When Charlemagne turned over and rode on Onyxia's back, the navies and air forces of various countries successively rescued the soldiers of all ethnic groups who fell into the water, and Eragon was also sent by Charlemagne to assist.

After the dust settled, the leaders of all ethnic groups reunited in Suramar Night Fortress to discuss the follow-up plan.

"It's mid-June now, and the completion time for Mimiron's side should be around August-September. Taking into account the crew's running-in time, we set the time for the expedition to Argus in October. What do you think?"

The leaders of all ethnic groups agreed after whispering to each other. Although the losses of the various ethnic groups in this sneak attack were not too great, they would definitely need some time to rest after such a fierce battle. It would be more appropriate to start in October.

Charlemagne smiled and nodded and said, "That's it. Please recuperate and recuperate in the past few months. Don't cause any more turmoil in Azeroth. On October 1st, all races will gather at Wyrmrest Temple on time. , Mimiron will drive the battleship to the Keel Wilderness to dock."


Daelin looked at Go'el and King Saurfang on the opposite side and snorted angrily, "Well, Kul Tiras won't trouble those barbarians in the past few months, as long as they don't take the initiative provocative!"

Guyle grinned at the corner of his mouth, "I will return this sentence to you intact."

Daelin's violent temper Charlemagne has long been taught, and it is not bad to get his promise.

Varian became more mature and experienced as he grew older, and gradually showed the demeanor of a generation of virtuous kings. With his constraints, the alliance should abide by their promises and not take the initiative to provoke troubles.

The radical faction within the tribe also suffered a devastating blow with the end of the civil war. Warchief Vol'jin should be able to distinguish priorities.

Recovered their respective troops, and each tribe returned to their respective capitals through the teleportation opened by the mages.

Charlemagne is working hard but can't go back for the time being. After sending Aurelia and others back to Silvermoon City, he first teleported to the Creator Xuantai. Ai Jiang hasn't told him the final decision about the new Well of Eternity.

"I've decided! Just purify that well and keep it as a commemoration of the original Well of Eternity!"

"But you must take good care of it. If it is used by the Burning Legion or the Void Lord, the consequences will be very serious."

Charlemagne rubbed his eyebrows with a headache, "Are you serious? In my opinion, it's safer to destroy it, if..."

"don't want!"

Xinghun said a little capriciously and aggrieved, "It will definitely hurt if you blow it up, so just keep it, anyway, just take care of it."

"Yes, yes...Miss, you really gave us a problem."

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