Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 854: Face base after tens of thousands of years

Chapter 854 Face base after tens of thousands of years

Breaking through the defense of the Maid of Vigilance, the lifting platform in the center of the Guardian Temple was immediately activated by Aegwynn.

Charlemagne walked to the deep pit where he had fallen several times in his previous life, looked around, turned his head and said to the leaders of the coalition forces, "Let's wait here for the follow-up troops."

"Tyrande and the others probably won't be able to catch up, but Velen and the Horde's elite troops should have almost solved those two sadists."

As Charlemagne guessed, at this time the coalition forces of the Alliance and the night elves were facing a large number of ghosts in the entire hall, helpless.

In the end, Tyrande decisively ordered the coalition troops not to fight these ghosts, but to forcefully break through to the rear.

"If I remember correctly, there is a cemetery in the deepest part of Saldanas, and the source of these twisted souls should be there."

Malfurion nodded and said, "I agree with Tyrande's opinion. Cleaning up these crazy souls will waste too much of our time and manpower. Let's break through their defenses in one go. As long as the corruption is solved from the source, these poor people will definitely regain their lives." Return to Elune's arms."

Varian exchanged views with the leader of the alliance, and he agreed to the proposal of the two as a representative.

"Then let's set off quickly. If we move fast, we may be able to catch up with the final battle."

At the same time, the Draenei and the tribal coalition forces took the lead in ending the battle, and Atigan and Barak, the two demons who were still talking nonsense just now, had been killed.

Among them, Atigan's entire head was hammered with a blunt object, and green blood and cloudy white brain were sprayed everywhere. Barack was relatively dead and elegant, and his wide-eyed head was still rolling aside.

As for Lakish... this poor child who has been brainwashed by Kil'jaeden for tens of thousands of years was bound by Velen's holy light chains and sent to the temporary front-line base at the entrance of the tomb of Sargeras.

Agamaggan has also killed Maronus at this moment to avenge himself. Although there are many wounds stabbed by the spear on his body, the druids and shamans who came in to support him are already healing his wounds. Life is safe.

Veylon at this time is obviously very different from the usual kind-hearted prophet. His whole body reveals a very fierce aura.


He struck the floor with his wand heavily, and Velen said in a deep voice, "Let's go, it's time for us to face Kil'jaeden. I have too many things I want to talk to him, and I think he will do the same."

"Yes, Prophet!"

Both Maraad and Onara felt a little worried about Velen's state. Although the prophets today are more real than the **** sticks who seemed to be otherworldly before, both of them who have served Velen for many years know that this honest man The second time was a real fire.

They inevitably heard part of the conversation between Velen and Lakish just now.

In all fairness, if his unfortunately lost son was caught and brainwashed by the enemy for tens of thousands of years, and now he is still clamoring to kill his biological father, I am afraid that everyone will feel similar to Velen.

The entanglement between Velen and Lakish is more complicated, which involves national hatred and family hatred and even the survival of the entire planet. At least Maraad and Onara can't think of words to comfort the prophet.

Nobundo stepped forward and patted the shoulders of the two, "Let's go, it's hard for us to understand the grievances between the Prophet and the Deceiver. We just need to obey his orders."

On the side of the Horde, Dranosh, who was standing forward, suffered some minor injuries, and Gouel and Vol'jin are treating him.

King Saurfang insisted that Dranosh retreat to the rear to recuperate, "You who have injured your legs will only slow you down in the next fierce battle, go back!"

"But father..."



Looking at this good friend who still couldn’t hold his head up in front of his father as usual, Yolin Deadeye came up and patted him on the shoulder comfortingly, and helped Dranosh up.

"Let's go, we are not qualified to participate in the following battles. If you are not reconciled, you can go back and practice hard. One day we will succeed them and become the backbone of the tribe."

"Hmph! It's up to you to say."

When the Alliance and Night Elf coalition forces broke into the desecrated cemetery and fought against the corrupt culprit, Velen, Goel and others finally led their troops all the way through the spiral staircase to the elevator of the Guardian Temple forward.

Charlemagne saw the look on Velen's face and knew that the prophet might be on the verge of explosion.

Instead of saying a lot of empty words to comfort him, Charlemagne stood up and changed the topic to the next battle.

"Everyone, below this guardian temple is the hall where the avatar of Sargeras is held—the chamber of the avatar."

"Everyone, please be mentally prepared. If there are no accidents, we are likely to face Kil'jaeden and the incarnation of Sargeras, two difficult enemies at the same time, as well as the guards staying beside Kil'jaeden. "

Turning his head to look at demigods such as Ursoc and Malorne, Charlemagne simply divided the battlefield.

"After the battle begins, the demigods of the wilderness will face the incarnation of Sargeras, and Kil'jaeden will hand over the demigod-level combat power to the mortals. Those who are not strong enough must not be strong enough to lead their respective armies to clean up the remaining demons. Your task."


At this time, the elevator had reached the upper platform, and the coalition forces immediately stepped onto the lifting platform in an orderly manner. During the descent, the group saw many strange scenes.

There are huge titan buildings, and there are night elf-style ruins and broken walls, but these scenes have one thing in common, almost all of which have been corrupted by fel energy.

When the coalition forces came to the bottom after a long process of ascending and descending, an open door appeared in their sight, and the huge body was still locked in the deepest part of the incarnation chamber by strong chains.

"Hehe, you are finally here."

Kil'jaeden was fighting next to the avatar of Sargeras at this time, and seemed completely unaffected by being trapped in the tomb. A large group of well-equipped demons around him were ready to fight.

Kil'jaeden was taken aback when he noticed Velen's eyes flashing coldly, and then the corner of his mouth curled up with a ferocious arc, "Ah~ look who this is, our beloved Prophet Velen, you are finally willing to appear in front of me .”


Velen looked at his former colleague and friend with a complicated expression, "There are so many things I want to say, and I don't know where to start... Now let me ask you, do you really believe in Sargeras' illusory story?" Promise?"


Kil'jaeden put down his clasped hands and said, "It doesn't matter, as long as you are captured, we will have a lot of time to talk slowly later. As for Sargeras' promise... at least it is more practical than Naaru's so-called guidance from the Holy Light." ?”

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