Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 842: Booming meeting

Chapter 842 The opening of the hot meeting

Now that Mimiron has given the green light, Charlemagne immediately dispatched people to notify the leaders of all races to go to the headquarters of the Darnassus Oath for a meeting after leaving the Creation Temple.

The people invited this time were not only the chiefs of the various tribes of the oath, but also the bosses of the alliance and the tribe, and even the demigods of the wilderness and the guardian dragons were all present.

As for the titan guardians... They are still not used to participating in this kind of gathering of mortals. Leiden entrusts Charlemagne to record the content of the meeting, and then just tell them the results and arrangements.

At the beginning of April 32 of the Black Gate, the leaders finally put down all the affairs in their hands, and all gathered at the Nassus Oath Headquarters for a meeting to discuss.

Looking at the leaders of various races below, Charlemagne, who was the host of the meeting, said calmly first, "Everyone, welcome to the headquarters of the ancient oath. The purpose of inviting you this time... I think everyone is very clear."

Vol'jin and Varian solemnly nodded on behalf of the Horde and the Alliance respectively, and the demigods Godrin and Malorne, who are more familiar with Charlemagne, also cast encouraging glances at him.

"I won't talk too much nonsense, let me tell you the conclusion first. After discussing with the demigods, titan guardians and guardian dragons, we decided to start a decisive battle with the Burning Legion!"

The leaders of the alliance and the tribe, who had already inquired about the news from various sources, did not express any objection. Only Charlemagne's voice continued to say, "In general, the plan is divided into two stages."

"In the first stage, some of the elite of the Burning Legion will be introduced into Azeroth by induction to the place we designated, and Kil'jaeden will be lured into the tomb of Saragos. We will put the Burning Legion on the planet Azeroth The frontline strongholds were completely eradicated."

The Tomb of Sargeras was originally used to seal the incarnation of Sargeras, but over the years this tomb has long lost its former function.

The guardians inside the tomb have been corrupted a lot, and all kinds of demons who came to Azeroth use this place as their base camp. Queen Azshara has complained to Charlemagne about this problem many times.

As long as the incarnation of Sargeras is not destroyed, the evil power emitted by this incarnation will still attract the demons who entered Azeroth to enter this tomb one after another.

Although Queen Azshara couldn't bear to seal the gate of the tomb last year, it was only a temporary solution, not the root cause. Instead of leaving the tomb, more and more demons gathered on the Broken Beach.

"Back then, the guardian Aegwynn fought alone and was unable to destroy Sargeras's clone, but now it is different. We have many powerful allies, and we will definitely be able to defeat Kil'jaeden and completely destroy the tomb of Sargeras!"

Aegwynn also followed Jaina to participate in the meeting today. She rarely changed back to her former human form. The former guardian came out and solemnly apologized to everyone present.

"I had an inescapable responsibility for Medivh's chaos back then, please let me, a useless old bone, do my part this time."

Dai Lin looked at Goel, who was wearing a cloth robe and a shaman rosary around his neck next door, and taunted him, "Ms. Aegwynn, it's not your fault, it's the group of people who drink demons at will. On the beast of blood."

"If they hadn't listened to the bewitching of the Burning Legion to invade Azeroth, how could all these things happen."

Go'el frowned and looked at Daelin's provocative gaze, and asked in a steady voice, "Your Majesty Proudmoore, what do you mean by that? The orcs' faults have been forgiven through the Battle of Mount Hyjal." , what do you want to do by bringing up the old things now?"


Dai Lin was furious when he heard the words, "Then who will forgive my two sons! What did they do wrong to be killed by you despicable invaders?!"

King Saurfang knocked heavily on the table and warned, "Daelin! Your two sons died in battle with honor. Don't mess around with it any more. Don't let your behavior shame them!"

Dailin's face twitched, and the distressed expression on his face gradually turned into a ferocious expression, "You..."


Charlemagne unleashed his coercion, and everyone who was arguing at the scene suddenly felt a strong pressure enveloped them, and the quarrel stopped immediately.

"Everyone, please respect yourselves! Today we are here to discuss the decisive battle with the Burning Legion. If the Alliance and the Horde have conflicts to resolve, please wait until the battle against the Burning Legion is won!"

Originally, Dai Lin was just making use of the topic, but after hearing Charlemagne's mediation, he sat back with a cold snort and stopped talking.

Jaina was beside her comforting her father, but she looked at the tribe with distrust in her eyes. Garrosh's damage to the image of the tribe was too obvious, even after the death of the culprit. .

Goyle, seeing that Dai Lin softened, also nodded slightly to apologize to everyone, and the meeting was able to continue.

"Ahem...Okay, let's get back to business."

Charlemagne clapped his hands and said, "The first stage is to destroy the Tomb of Sargeras and kill Kil'jaeden as the ultimate goal. The second stage... will use the spaceships that were funded and jointly built by various countries. Before that, Let me first introduce an important person to you.”

Charlemagne turned his head and nodded to Maiev who was standing at the door. The leader of the watchmen reluctantly opened the wooden door behind him, and a tall figure with fleshy wings walked in from the door.

High King Saurfang and Bolvar stood up at the same time, both of them drew their weapons and shouted vigilantly at the man, "Demon! Be on alert!"


Charlemagne stopped the chaotic scene on one side of the field with a loud voice, "This man is a demon hunter belonging to our order camp. His name is Illidan Stormrage. The key to our second phase plan is in his hands."


Guiel frowned, and turned to look at Malfurion who was silent across the way, "Druid Stormrage, can you tell us about the relationship between this demon and you?"

Malfurion glanced at Illidan at the door with complicated eyes, sighed softly and said, "Illidan is my younger brother, and he parted ways with me because of disagreement, but I can assure you that he is definitely not a member of the Burning Legion." demon!"

"Hehe... What a touching speech, my dear brother."

Illidan showed a mocking smile ungratefully, and then he spread his fleshy wings and looked at everyone present with a wicked smile and said, "I am Illidan Stormrage. The demon hunters got the most important artifact to counterattack Argus."

As he spoke, he spread his right hand in front of everyone, and a small green stone that kept spinning appeared in his hand.

"This is it, the Sargerite Keystone. With this key to all worlds, we can go to Argus, the base camp of the Burning Legion, and completely end Sargeras' expedition!"

Hmm... Presumably many book friends should have noticed that this volume is the last volume of this book.

Because of the relatively fast update speed of Xianyu, many people think that the book will be finished within a few months of opening, but in fact... the book has more than 1.8 million words.

Since the protagonist is a time traveler who knows the plot, the magical version 6.0 that Garrosh created is destined to be impossible, so the plot goes straight to 7.0.

And the plot of 8.0 is still in a state of secrecy, and I always think that I just used the starship to beat the Titans and then returned to the planet to beat each other... This is very nonsense, so the 7.0 volume is the end.

Regarding the new book, in fact, the new book has already been published, but it has not been signed yet, and the subject matter of the book is relatively small. I have never advertised in the book Ranger.

Since a book friend asked, let me mention it here. The new book is called "Red Lotus Tracks", which is a game fan of the Legend of Heroes 6 Tracks series. If you like it, you can support it. Thank you Xianyu.

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