Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 835: twenty thousand leagues under the sea

Chapter 835 Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

Due to the large number of people on his side and the difficulty of the enemy this time, Charlemagne did not bring Mr. Bigworth and Eragon over, and left them at home to accompany Vereesa.

Onyxia took on the job of being a mount for a long time. Her broad back can easily transport the ten people present to the middle of the sea.

When the Black Dragon Queen passed over the Kul Tiras fleet docked near Zandalar Island, there was a commotion below, but under the scolding of several leading officers, these well-trained sailors quickly calmed down.

Lord Stormsong of Kul Tiras looked thoughtfully at the black dragon flying away in the sky, and ordered an officer beside him, "The behavior of the Queen of the Black Dragon coming to the sea is a bit suspicious, please tell His Majesty Daelin the news." and other coalition leaders."


In fact, Daelin had already got the answer from his daughter Jaina who had just arrived at this time, and at the same time, Varian and other alliance leaders also knew the reason why Onyxia flew to the sea this time.

Alonsus looked at Xalatas who was trembling at the waist, lowered his head slightly and prayed, "Enzos... finally found the whereabouts of this last ancient god. May the Holy Light bless them with a smooth trip."

The sharp voice of Xalatas was echoing in the head of Archbishop Faol, "Hahahaha! N'Zoth also had a part in swallowing my body! Now you are all dead, only I still have a remnant soul, really Irony!"

Jianna shook her head seriously and said, "I'm afraid N'Zoth is no longer the last Old God. We just got definite news that there is a titan relic called Odir in the center of Nazmir."

"In the ruins here is G'huun, an ancient **** created by the Titan after the experiment failed. Now the Titan guardians are ready to attack Odir at any time."

Not long after Jaina finished speaking, a dazzling golden light flashed from the western sky, and descended with great momentum into a swamp on the west side of the alliance camp, producing a huge impact.

Varian, who covered his eyes with his hands, asked in surprise, "What is that?"

After the light faded, Jaina opened her eyes and looked at the giant spear standing in the distance, and sighed, "They arrived just after I finished speaking... that is Gungnir, the eternal spear of the chief manager Odin. Odin can rely on the eternal The Spear and the Hall of Valor travel to and from all parts of Azeroth."


Bryan and Varian became excited at the same time, but their focus was different.

Brian jumped on his feet and said excitedly, "I have seen this name in the documents of the Titan ruins. He is the leader of all the guardians in charge of the military. It is said that he has been missing for tens of thousands of years. Why does he appear again now? gone?"

Varian said with a longing face, "The Hall of Valor... I heard Anduin (Lothar) mention it at the beginning. He said that this legendary hall is the destination that all soldiers expect. As long as Odin values ??it and joins it, you can For the honor of continuing to fight after death."

Jianna had heard the truth about the Hall of Valor from Charlemagne a long time ago, and she couldn't help but twitched her brows when she saw the hopeful expression on Varian's face, but she didn't puncture the beautiful dream of the High King of the Alliance in front of her.

"It is the Odin you two are talking about. It should be the movement caused by him transporting the guardians to the gate of Odir with Gungnir just now."

Almost at the same time Jaina was acting as the commentator, in the Zandalar camp, the prophet Zul also looked in horror at several giants standing tall at the gate of Odir not far away.

"Titan Guardian...Why did you come here? Could it be that the master's existence was exposed?!"

Charlemagne and the others still don't know anything about what happened in the swamp of Nazmir. At this time, they have been transported by Onyxia to the agreed rendezvous point in the middle of the sea.

Vashj is leading his two warlords, Naintus and Karatheres, waiting respectfully on the small reef in front of them.

"Your Majesty, Vashj has been waiting for a long time, and the roads around Ny'alotha have basically been cleared. Please come with me."

Azshara nodded, wearing the conch on her waist, took the lead to ride on the seahorse brought by Vashj, and the others followed suit. A group of people quickly cut through the seawater and dived under the seahorse's back.

Under the action of the conch, Charlemagne and the others hardly felt the influence of the surrounding seawater, and they could still breathe normally. The seawater pressure in the deep sea didn't seem to affect them at all.

The only thing that doesn't suit you should be the different sense of gravity in the sea and on land. Due to the existence of buoyancy, the combat modes in the deep sea and on land will inevitably be somewhat different.

As Queen Azshara said, it will take some time for them to get used to this change.

All kinds of beautiful or strange fish swim freely in the blue water. The deeper the sea goes, the lower and lower the visual visibility of Charlemagne and others.

Vaschi was obviously prepared for this, and before Charlemagne could use the light technique, she took out a few glowing shellfish from her body and handed them to them, "This is a shell for lighting in the deep sea, you can deal with it for now." Just use it, it will be much better when you reach Nazjatar."

As the diving depth increased, Charlemagne finally saw a patch of light coming from the bottom of the sea, which should be the Nazjatar mentioned by Vaschi before.

This Naga city is brightly lit, and its architectural style is very similar to that of the Highborne ten thousand years ago. If it wasn't for the buoyancy that reminded him of his buoyancy all the time, Charlemagne would have thought they were on land.

Washqi sent a group of people to a huge palace under the sea in the salute and greetings of the Naga along the way. There was a magic barrier-like film covering the entrance of the palace, and the inside didn't seem to be soaked in water.

"Here we are, the queen and everyone, please rest in this palace today, and familiarize yourself with the operation mode of the seabed by the way."

"There is a water-proof barrier around this palace, and the interior is no different from the land, but the maids are only my Naga, please bear with me."

Queen Azshara frowned when she heard Vaschi's words, looked at her and said displeasedly, "Vaschi, didn't I say, you don't have to feel inferior for being a Naga, and I have never disliked you." you."

Washqi’s eyes sparkled, and she lowered her head with a blushing face and said softly, “Yes…thank you Queen.”

Looking at the orange scene in front of them, Charlemagne and the others were a little embarrassed, so they could only leave the master and servant and turned around to enter the palace.

As Vaschi said, the palace looks no different from the ground, but the unique style of Naga furniture makes it look quite exotic.

Charlemagne entered the palace and found the large room where he and his family lived, and then left the water-proof palace again.

Early tomorrow morning, they will follow the Naga and water elemental joint forces to attack the giant Titan Prison Ny'alotha not far from the north of Nazjatar. Charlemagne intends to seize the time to familiarize himself with the battle mode in the water.

Charlemagne, who was trying to shoot an arrow in the water, suddenly went astray in his mind, "Speaking of it... this feeling of floating in sea water is a bit like a state of weightlessness. Maybe it can be used as a foreground for future battles in space?" '

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