Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 828: open minded roar

Chapter 828 The brain-dead roar of hanging up

Charlemagne took the lead in shooting a round of five arrows as a test, which had become a habit of his.

The five arrows were ice, fire, earth, thunder, and a Titan iron armor-piercing arrow, and flew towards five positions on Garrosh's body at the same time.

According to Charlemagne's preliminary judgment on the change in the size of the brain-damaged roar, he should have just begun to absorb the heart power of Y'Shaarj in the cave. Apart from some disgusting growths growing on his body, his size has not increased.

When five arrows arrived in front of Garrosh, he swung Bloodhowl and shot down three of them. He moved nimbly and avoided one. In the end, only the armor-piercing arrow that Charlemagne placed high hopes on hit Garrosh. side waist.


The blood rushed out along the blood groove the moment the armor-piercing arrow shot in, but Garrosh just pulled the arrow out of his body without changing his expression. Under Charlemagne's frowning gaze, the huge wound was very short. In time it squirmed and began to heal.

'The high-speed regeneration unique to the ancient **** faction... Sure enough, this guy has begun to transform into a monster. '

In addition, Charlemagne also noticed that Garrosh's body was gradually becoming larger and his body strength was gradually increasing with the infusion of blue-black light from the cave.

This expected situation did not shake Charlemagne, he still calmly moved his steps to test Garrosh.

‘The gigantic size did not affect his flexibility, but his strength and endurance have been greatly enhanced, and his regeneration speed is also quite horrible. The only weakness... probably is his speed. '

Garrosh is a warrior after all, even if he received the infusion of external energy, it would at most enrich his attack methods.

For example, the sha energy is sprayed out, and the sha energy is enchanted on the blood howl, but his speed has not been greatly improved.

This should also be more in line with Garrosh's reinforcement criteria. For him, strength and endurance are the most important. With the support of super-speed regeneration, as long as it is not a huge wound that is enough to kill a blow, he will be able to recover sooner or later with the power bestowed by the ancient gods.

When Charlemagne finished the test and retreated temporarily, Garrosh's body shape had basically been fixed.

Now his body is about ten meters high, and his huge size has brought him great strength and destructive power. His strength is stable at the demigod level, and he will smash a stone on the solid bluestone floor of the natural courtyard with a single blow. Big pit.

If Charlemagne, who was not proficient in the way of the ranger, had already overcome most of the influence of the terrain, fighting in this potholed environment would be very difficult.

"It seems that the heart of Y'Shaarji can only support you so much."

Charlemagne twisted his neck, and there was a crackling sound from the bone movement, "This is the end of the warm-up, and the real action is about to begin!"


"hold head high!"

Onyxia, who had been ready to go, took a deep breath and sprayed a large amount of shadow flames at Garrosh.

Even if Garrosh ate the ginseng fruit, he didn't dare to take the black dragon queen's attack head-on. A large number of blue-black sha energy barriers condensed on his body and surrounded him. come over.

However, judging from the much thinner Sha energy around him, Onyxia's sip of salt soda was not without effect.


Garrosh spitting to the side rudely, "It really is a weak elf, and it actually calls for other people to help!"


Charlemagne shrugged his shoulders and said sarcastically, "Haven't you heard of hunters? Oni is my animal partner, so don't ask me to play one-on-one with you, a warrior who relies on external force. .”

"Huh! Up to you!"

Garrosh held the synchronously enlarged Gorehowl across his chest and said arrogantly, "With this powerful power, the final victory will definitely belong to me! Even if you have the help of the big reptile, the result will not change!"

Hearing Garrosh's sarcasm, Onyxia's eyes became menacing, "That ugly ogre with no brains, it seems that you were smashed by a meteorite in the broken world of Outland and only know the whole world. Sky chases butterflies, right?"

"I will let you know what the dragon of Azeroth is. We are much stronger than the Gron that your father killed!"

Following Onyxia's first charge, Garrosh's Gorehowl and the Black Dragon Queen's powerful claws fought together, and the two sides unexpectedly fell into a stalemate for a while.

And Charlemagne took this opportunity to shoot all kinds of weapons on his body through Solidar one after another.

Under the control of the mage's hand and the vector power, these large "arrows" shot seem to have eyes, causing damage to Garrosh with different effects from various tricky angles.

It's a pity that Garrosh is no longer what he used to be after receiving the full support of Y'Shaarj's heart. Even the arrow of Longinus that Charlemagne took the time to condense was barely blocked by him with his blood roar.

Although the cost was that his hands were completely blown off, but with the high-speed regeneration ability of the ancient gods, his pair of blue and black claws quickly grew back.

When Garrosh launched the sha energy blade storm, Onyxia and Charlemagne both took the opportunity to step back, and Charlemagne smacked his lips in displeasure and said, "Tsk... this kind of fighting wisdom that was already quite low has been inhaled again. The guy with controllable energy from outside is really difficult!"

Oni also stared vigilantly at Garrosh who was spewing out a large amount of sha energy, using her huge body and solid earth barrier to block all the opponent's attacks.

"Master, what should we do? If we can't destroy his body at once, this battle will probably last for quite a long time."

Charlemagne turned his head and looked at the sky behind him. Niuzao and Yulong had already arrived. They were suspended in mid-air and nervously observing the situation here, ready to rush in for rescue at any time.

Black Bull Niuzao's fighting style is mainly defensive, which has some conflicts with Onyxia's positioning.

Yu'lon, like Chi-Ji, is more supportive and healing among the Four Heavenly Gods. Charlemagne and Onyxia's defenses are superior, and Yu'lon's support can't play a big role. The most powerful Xuen has not yet arrived.

"There is no time to spend with him anymore. There is still a Sha of Fear left in the Dread Wastes. We must deal with Garrosh as soon as possible and devote more energy to destroying the mantid empire."

Charlemagne felt the majesty around him, and said to Onyxia seriously, "Oni, buy me some time for now, don't confront him head-on, just delay the time!"

"No problem, master!"

"hold head high!"

After a few simple words, Garrosh stopped spinning to build a sha energy barrier as Onyxia let out another deep breath, and the shadow flames and sha energy once again collided violently in the field.

On Charlemagne's side, he retracted Solidar and began to condense the surrounding wind force. With the center half a meter above Charlemagne's right hand, the high-temperature sphere generated by the wind force convergence gradually condensed into shape.

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