Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 824: Norusha and the Sha of Pride

Chapter 824 Norusha and the Sha of Pride

When the high elf reinforcements entered the battlefield, Xuanniu Niuzao was still on the front line against the Sha of Madness with his immovable defense, and it was only his hard work that kept the line of defense stable.

With the intrusion of the new force, the battlefield situation has finally undergone a more obvious change. The addition of the Sunsun Wings and the air combat mech unit has turned the air battlefield situation that Dragonmaw had previously dominated.

Even Zaira, who was riding the armored Proto-Dragon, shouted loudly and could not restore the decline. When the bombardment of the space battleship launched on the ground, the defense line that the tribe worked so hard to maintain finally could not withstand it. As the commander-in-chief of the Western Front, Zaira could only Ordered to temporarily retreat and set up camp.

On Jaina's side, under the cover of the enchantment, she continued to hide in the Whispering Seaport and closely monitored the Horde Fleet of Thor Island, but to her surprise, except for a team of Wyvern reinforcements sent to the front line of Shanze Island, the tribe's The fleet seemed to have no intention of dispatching at all.

‘Is the trouble with the Throne of Thunder that Charlemagne said really so difficult? '

At this time, the Prince Regent, whom Jaina was talking about, had already taken Eragon with Oni to the top of the Valley of Splendid Blossoms. After landing at the Qionghua Pavilion, Mr. Zhi immediately greeted him with a dignified expression.

"Your Excellency the Regent, you are finally here."

Waving his hand to stop Mr. Zhi's salutation and politeness, Charlemagne said vigorously, "Don't worry about these hypocrisy at the critical moment. What's the situation? Has the Sha of Pride appeared yet?"

Mr. Zhi nodded slowly, and said with a heavy mouth, "It has been confirmed that the Sha of Pride has appeared, and now the original Mogu guardian Naurush who originally guarded the heart of Y'Shaarj is fighting him, but... Norusha has always been at a disadvantage."


Hearing that the Sha of Pride had not yet broken through the underground palace and came to the ground, Charlemagne let out a long sigh of relief.

Jinxiu Valley has now become the most important food production base within the oath. Once the Sha of Pride breaks through the defense of the underground palace, it will inevitably bring irreparable scars to this beautiful valley.

"I see, we're going to the underground palace now, and Zhou Zhuoren, let him show us the way."

Zhou Zhuo once read the platinum disc left by Layden, and there must be a map of the underground palace of Jinxiu Valley recorded in it. It is not in vain to have such a guide.

Mr. Zhi gently stroked his beard, and said with a smile, "Zhou Zhuo probably guessed your actions, and now he has already gone to the spring in front of the Mogu'shan Palace to wait. The entrance to the underground palace is there."

Charlemagne nodded, jumped onto the waiting Eragon and said loudly, "Then I will set off first, Mr. Zhi, and the rear support will be deployed by you, Eragon, let's go!"


When Charlemagne and Onyxia landed on Zhongxia Plain, next to a mouthful of blue spring water exuding pure Titan energy, Lorewalker Zhou Zhuo had already been waiting for them here in advance.

Zhou Zhuo bowed solemnly and said, "Charlemagne, welcome..."

"Okay, let's get straight to the point."

Charlemagne stepped forward and patted Zhou Zhuo on the shoulder, then walked to the spring and stuck his head out to look down. He couldn't see anything except a pool of blue spring water.

"Are you sure the entrance is here? It seems to be no different from ordinary springs."

The situation was urgent, and Zhou Zhuo didn't care about responding to Charlemagne's question. He waved his hand to signal Charlemagne to follow, and jumped into the entrance of the spring first.

Charlemagne and Onyxia glanced at each other, shrugged, hung Eragon who had turned back into a scarf around his neck, and jumped down following Zhou Zhuo's movements.

When Charlemagne and Onyxia passed through the surface of what looked like a spring, they seemed to have penetrated a layer of energy film, and when they landed, they were already in an underground palace with an obvious Titan architectural style.

Zhou Zhuo next to him is slapping the dust on his body at the moment, it seems that this guy rolled when he landed, and now his whole body is dusty...

"You two, this is the Titan's underground palace that once sealed Y'Shaarji's heart. After the heart was taken away by Raiden, only Norush was left to guard it."

Charlemagne looked at the dark environment around him, nodded noncommittally and said, "Then let's go, I don't know how long Norushen can block the Sha of Pride."

The Sha of Pride is the most powerful of the seven Sha of Pandaria, and also the only Sha that Shaohao didn't seal.

For many years, he has been hiding in the land of Pandaria waiting for an opportunity. After the cataclysm, the fog of Shaohao's incarnation dissipated, and the six evil spirits woke up separately, allowing the Sha of Pride to see the opportunity.

While the Pandaria continent was in flames of war, he condensed into shape in the hall where Y'Shaarji's heart was originally located, relying on the remaining breath of the heart. The first thing that the Sha of Pride had to face was Naurush, who Raiden stayed behind to defend.

Norush is the prototype of all the mogu in Pandaria, and it is the first finished mogu made by Raiden with the engine of Nalaksha in the early days.

His strength is much stronger than that of the average mogu, but he is obviously still unable to deal with the Sha of Pride.

Although there is no need to worry about the emotional changes caused by the Sha of Pride, his own abilities are not much stronger. Raiden left him in the first place because he wanted Norusha to delay the follow-up support.

When Charlemagne and Onyxia rushed to the depths of the underground palace, Norusha was being beaten back by the Sha of Pride's attack.

Although the solid body of the first-generation stone man can temporarily hold it, his failure is only a matter of time.

Charlemagne still had time to complain about Layden's rough workmanship at the time, "Norush's physical strength is undeniable, but Layden didn't design a perfect attack and defense system for him at all. How can he fight with just a pair of fists?" The Sha of Overlord..."

Onyxia rolled her eyes and said, "Master, if you have time to explain and complain here, why don't you hurry up and help, solve this most unstable factor early so that we can support other battlefields, didn't you say that you are not good to Garrosh?" Don't worry?"

"Okay, let's do it."

Charlemagne spread out his hands, removed Solidar from his back, and took the lead in attacking the Sha of Pride.


The Sha of Pride, who was trying to dismantle Norusha with a left and a right, was suddenly shot by Charlemagne's Arrow of Order, and his reaction was not as great as that of the Sha of Rage.

He just turned his head slightly to look at the body that was shining with black light, and then calmly turned his body in the direction of Charlemagne.

"Mortal? Are you rushing to die?"

Charlemagne waved his empty right hand helplessly after hearing Ao Zhisha's words, "Yes, in your eyes, feelings are useless for mortals except to die, right? Hurry up and finish the fight, I have to rush to other games .”

"Haha! What an arrogant mortal, you seem to think that you have the chance to win? Feel the drastic change in your heart!"

Following the black light waving from the Sha of Pride, Charlemagne felt some strange arrogance suddenly grow in his heart, but then he used the monk's meditation method to suppress this emotion.

"I see."

Charlemagne raised his bow and pointed at the Sha of Pride with a dignified face, "Your methods are indeed stronger than the Sha of Rage, but that's all. The remnants of Y'Shaarji, disappear!"

Thanks to the book friend "Liu Shuo 2015" for his support.

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