Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 819: Klaxxi Yingjie

Chapter 819 Klaxxi Hero

When the civil war in front of Orgrimmar was in full swing, Charlemagne was talking to Tyre at the camp near the Dark Light Bridge on the Mantis Plateau.

"Indeed, as the Lorewalker Zhou Zhuo said, the energy of Y'Shaarj under the Wasteland of Fear is increasing rapidly. The continuous war between us and the mantid has catalyzed the speed of the Sha of Fear's awakening. I'm afraid he will break through the ground soon. out."

Tyr said with some concern, "It's fine to deal with the mantid or the Sha of Fear alone, but now I'm afraid they will unite together. Besides, the elite Klaxxi of the mantid seems to be awakened by Queen Shakzier, the situation is not optimistic. ah."

Xuanniu Master Peng Shu also sighed softly, "Now the four gods are trying their best to suppress and delay the awakening of the six evil spirits, but it seems... I'm afraid it won't last long. Niuzao reminds us to be mentally prepared. The evil spirits of fear should It will be the first to break."

Charlemagne put his hand on his chin and thought, "Whether the Sha of Fear will get along with the mantid or not, we don't know, but if we think about it from the worst point of view, we really have to guard against it."

"Don't worry about Krasarang Wilds and the Jade Forest for the time being. Without the catalysis of the battle, the Sha of Confusion and the Sha of Doubt should wake up last. The problem now is... Kun-Lai Mountains."

Kun-Lai Mountains is also the frontline battlefield, and there are three Shados buried under the mountain where the Shado-Pan is stationed. Once they erupt at the same time, the consequences will be disastrous.

Baihu Xuen alone lacks the ability to separate himself, even if his strength is the strongest among the four gods, he will not be three times stronger than the other gods.

The current Kun-Lai Mountains is like a time bomb, which may be completely detonated at any time.

"How about this."

After pondering for a while and considering the priorities, Charlemagne said, "Let's wait and see what happens on the Mantis Plateau front. Since Niuzao said that the Sha of Fear will wake up first, let's see what the Sha of Fear will do after it comes out." .”

"If he joins forces with the mantid, the Dread Wastes will only be defended, but if he corrupts the mantid instead... we can take this place in one go."

Tyr nodded in agreement, "This is the safest solution at the moment. After all, the seven evil spirits are only transformed by Y'Shaarji's residual energy. Although they each have their own consciousness, their thoughts are not necessarily the same as Y'Shaarji's. Whether the Sha will choose to ally with the mantid is yet to be seen."

While Charlemagne and others waited anxiously, in late April 29 of the Black Gate, with the arrival of space battleships, the main force of the high elves finally arrived at the Vale of Eternal Blossoms along with a large amount of supplies and logistical materials.

Compared with Zhuojin Village and Shanze Island, where there is still no progress, great changes have finally taken place inside the Dread Wastes.

A sha energy full of terrifying energy spewed out from the palace of the mantid, and even Charlemagne and others in the Dark Light Bridge camp could hear the insolent screams from afar.

"I'm finally free! Hahahahaha, stupid Shaohao, you can't trap me! As long as there is still fear in people's hearts, I will appear in your nightmares again and again!"

Charlemagne, Tire, and the others all looked solemn, "Finally, I have appeared, and the next step is to see the result of the interaction between the mantid and the Sha of Fear."

Although Charlemagne hoped that the situation would develop as he remembered, it would be best for the Sha of Fear to completely corrupt Queen Shekthir and create a hostile relationship between Klaxxi, the Queen and other high-level officials.

But... the sky did not come true, the Sha of Fear came to the world and quickly reached a cooperation with the mantid. Under his leadership, he launched a fierce attack on the Dark Light Bridge camp.


Charlemagne looked at the three Klaxxi who were killing all directions on the front line with displeasure, "As expected, they are the elite of the elite, and they are all generals at the peak of the epic. They flattened Pandaria."

While shooting down the flying mantid from the sky, Peng Shu said with a wry smile, "Unfortunately, according to the records left by the mogu, there should be more than a dozen even if there are not twenty of them. .”

Almost all Klaxxi heros have the ability to fly. They will avoid the area where Thor sits and attack the entire defense line at the same time. Among them, Klaxxi contributed a lot.

Tier held up the silver hand hammer and shouted, "No matter how powerful the individual is, as long as they don't break through to the demigod level, they can't break through the entire line of defense alone. Warriors, hold on!"

A strong silver light radiated from the hammer of the Silver Hand, and a halo-shaped energy wave swept across the entire battlefield with Tyr as the center. .

When they are injured, this silver light will protect them first, and if they are unfortunately injured, they will be healed quickly.

Relying on the artifact skills used by Tire, the panicked line of defense was stabilized again, and the three Klaxxi heros were also picked up by the three Windrunner sisters.

The three sisters are currently troubled by the slow improvement of their strength behind closed doors. Of course, they will not let go of this opportunity for actual combat.

The three Klaxxi heroes are Hisek the Swarmguard, Skir the Bloodseeker, and Kil'ruk the Windreaper.

Among them, Hisek is holding a bow and arrow. He is obviously a long-range attacker. He was attracted by the elder sister Alleria with a series of wind arrows. Now the two sides are maneuvering to evade and shoot each other at the same time.

The opponent chosen by the second lady is Kil'ruk, a thief. This guy can move quickly in the air with his wings.

Vereesa's strength is slightly weaker. She is facing the healing Skir. The bloodseeker can cast a spell to summon a blood group to provide healing to other heroes and the mantid on the front line. If he is not killed, the mantid's endurance will get a small boost.

Gorm, the three-headed giant dog that Vereesa had just tamed, rushed to the front, and the three-line breath from the three heads caused powerful area-of-effect damage. The mantid on the front line even created a vacuum for a moment, and the pandaren took the opportunity to attack The battle line moved forward a little.

The three Shadow Leopards surrounded Skir and kept sending out ferocious claw attacks. Poor Skir didn't even have time to cast the spell, and was caught by the three extremely fast Shadow Leopards from start to finish. shake.

But the first winner was not Vereesa, who took up all the treatment in the storm, but Alleria, who had been shooting at Hisek before.

Among the three sisters, the elder sister of Windwalker is the one with the deepest accumulation. In the high-speed confrontation with Hisek, she finally touched the threshold of the epic peak.

Breaking through during the battle, she unexpectedly burst out the force of the wind from her feet and rushed in front of Hisek who was in mid-air. The two daggers used by the ranger cut off all the wings on the opponent's back when Hisek didn't react in time.

Hisek, who fell from the sky, had no time to adjust his posture before being shot through the head by an arrow from Alleria who took out Sasdora again.

Thanks to the book friend "Liu Shuo 2015" for his support.

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