Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 817: Battle of Pandaria

Chapter 817 The Battle of Pandaria

Speaking of Pandaria, Daelin said with deep meaning in his eyes, "Speaking of it...the oath has hidden Pandaria deep enough. Before we even discovered this continent, you have completely wooed the local aborigines."

Charlemagne said with a wry smile, "The situation in Pandaria is far more complicated than you imagined. Now the Oath Army is still helping the Pandaren in Pandaria to eliminate the remaining energy of the Old God."

Dailin covered his forehead with a face full of headaches, "Old God...how come I heard this disgusting term again."

Jaina explained gently, "Father, just as Charlemagne said, Pandaria is not peaceful. Under this land is buried the residual energy of Y'Shaarj, and a mantid of the Yaqir has been trying to break through it." Pandaren defenses."

"In addition, there are brutal races like the Mogu and monkey heads like the hozen who like to make trouble. The whole continent is not as beautiful as you think."

Afterwards, Charlemagne briefly told Daelin about the history of Pandaria. After listening, the admiral sighed and said, "Sure enough, the battle will never end. The mogu, the pandaren, and the mantid, the three major forces We have been entangled in Pandaria for tens of thousands of years, and we don't know anything about it."

Charlemagne waved his hand jokingly and said, "In short, most of the disputes among the natives of Azeroth can be set on the heads of the Old Gods. Even the origin of human beings is related to the Old Gods."

Daelin has heard of this topic a long time ago. After the Alliance captured the Howling Fjord, Brian, an adventure madman, has studied the history of the Vrykul all over, and naturally came to the conclusion that human beings are the product of the degradation of the Vrykul. this final conclusion.

Although the conclusion of the origin of human beings was blocked by the high-level alliance in order to prevent commotion among the lower-level civilians, high-level people like Daelin, Jean, and Varian knew it well.

"It's really interesting to say, and it's no wonder that we have such a good relationship with dwarves and gnomes. It turns out that they are all the products of the curse of flesh and blood that have been weakened by the Titans for generations."


Jaina saw that the topic was getting far away, and hurriedly interrupted the nonsense between her father and Charlemagne, "Let's talk about the Horde first, Charlemagne, do you want me to lead the fleet to Pandaria to attack Garrosh's army? "

"Yes, let Orgrimmar let them eat dogs. We and Goel can be regarded as mutual use. We promise to help him eradicate the direct troops sent by Garrosh. He is reducing the possibility of attacking Orgrimmar. The losses received will further weaken the strength of the tribe."

"In that case..."

Dailin struggled to sit up, shook the bell beside his bed, and an old man dressed as a court servant immediately opened the door and walked in.

"The order is that after the fleet arrives on Alcaz Island, it will temporarily stand still. The tribe is about to start a civil war. Let's wait and see what happens. If there is a chance... After their civil war is over, they will capture Orgrimmar at once and destroy the entire tribe!"


After the waiter left, Daelin lay down again, he let out a sigh of relief and asked with some doubts, "By the way, you just said that the wild boar fell to Go'el again? Didn't they still cling to Garru before?" Are you going to break into the Pandaria sub-territory?"

"I do know the reason for this."

Charlemagne showed a strange smile on his face, "Before Cenarius sent news from Mount Hyjal that the giant bear demigods Ursoc and Usor were resurrected, and the wild boar demigod Agamaggan followed closely behind."

As a mage, Jaina possessed far more knowledge than Daelin. At this time, Antonidas' most proud disciple said with a dazed expression, "I see, Agamaggan can't understand Garrosh's behavior." , instructing Calgar to fall to Gouil again?"

"Exactly. Agamaggan is an upright demigod. When he was still alive, the wild boars who were guided by him were also a well-known intelligent race in ancient times."

"It's a pity that after Agamaggan's death in the War of the Ancients, the wild boars have been degenerated from generation to generation. The originally lush central wilderness has also been polluted by the blood of demons and turned into the barren land it is now. It is only thanks to them that they can struggle to survive until now. The blessing of their horrific birth rates."

Joining the tribe for the sake of the survival of the ethnic group, Agamaggan has no objection to this, but Garrosh's belligerent and despicable behavior style makes Agamaggan very disliked.

When Saurfang and Vol'jin went to Razorfen to win over the quilboar, the boar demigod secretly expressed his intentions to Calgar.

Although Calgar was somewhat dissatisfied with Agamaggan interfering in the affairs of the clan without authorization, the other party was a demigod believed by the whole clan after all. If there was guidance from this great existence in the future, the wild boar would get out of the current predicament sooner or later.

In the end, Calgar played his true colors as a faction on the wall, betrayed Garrosh without hesitation, and jumped to Goel's faction again.

Charlemagne made an analysis for the two fathers and daughters present, "Brown-skinned orcs accounted for 70% of the orcs. Except for the direct troops such as Dranosh and Jolin, the brown-skinned orcs obeyed Garrosh's orders almost without exception. Tan's centaur tribe has also succumbed to Garrosh."

"The remaining 30% of the green-skinned orcs, except for the brainless Nazgorin and a few others, basically fell to Goel, plus the Darkspear trolls, wild boars and Forsaken, this battle There are civil wars."

Jaina finally made up her mind after hearing this, "Okay, I will let the fleet go south after I go back, and the Horde... will pay the price for what they did sooner or later!"


In March 29 of Black Gate, at the Oath Conference held in Darnassus, all the member states unanimously approved Goel's proposal and shifted the focus of the strategy to Pandaria.

Now the tribe occupies the two outer islands of Pandaria, Thunder God Island and Giant Beast Island, and they launched attacks on Zhuojin Village in Kunlai Mountains and Shanze Island in the Mantis Plateau respectively.

Niuzao, who was originally guarding the Eternal Isle, has now returned to his Niuzao Temple on the Mantis Plateau, and the other three gods have also returned to their respective temples in response to the upcoming revival of the six evil spirits in Pandaria.

The defense of Eternal Isle was taken over by a group of primitive mogus sent by Tyr. These loyal titan creations produced by the engine of Nalaksha surrounded the courtyard of the gods of Eternal Isle tightly. The heart of Y'Shaarj was buried in the courtyard. underground.

The battle between Shanze Island and Zhuojin Village started almost at the same time. Zaira's Dragonmaw clan led the Potian to launch a large-scale air attack from Thunder God Island to Shanze Island.

Because Dalaran and the oath's space battleship were still on the way, the Pandaren's Cloud Serpent Knights fought desperately to block the Dragonmaw clan over Shanze Island, preventing them from crossing the thunder pond.

At the same time, Malkorok set out from the south of Giant Behemoth Island and captured Zhuojin Beach first. The Covenant Allied Forces who arrived earlier were fighting fiercely with the tribe on the beach.

Just as Charlemagne was about to leave for Pandaria, a piece of bad news was placed on his desk by Emeril.

"The Zandalari trolls sent a golden fleet to Pandaria?!"

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