Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 813: Gorm from the heart

Chapter 813 Gorm from the heart

At this moment, Odin ignored Charlemagne's questions. He looked over Onyxia, who had returned to her elven form after the battle, and looked at Hela who was gradually disappearing, with complicated eyes.

Oni walked to Charlemagne and asked in a low voice, "Master, what's wrong with him?"

Touching Oni's black and beautiful hair, Charlemagne said with some emotion, "It should be remembering the passing of Hela. After all, Hela's depravity is directly related to Odin's extreme behavior."

Odin is Odin, and his nostalgia did not last for too long. Soon the chief manager calmed down and turned to look at Charlemagne.

"Two, thank you for completely liberating me from the long bondage, according to the agreement..."

Odin took out the shield of Aggramar again, raised his hand and threw the shrunken shield in front of Charlemagne.

"The Aegis of Aggramar is yours!"


Charlemagne pulled out the heavy shield that had sunk into the ground. This shield looked somewhat similar to the Guardian of Truth in the hands of Liadrin now... No, perhaps it should be said that the Guardian of Truth resembled the Shield of Aggramar.

Tire and Azadas should have referred to this shield as the most powerful shield in their minds when they built the Guardian of Truth. It is not incomprehensible that there is a similarity, after all, Azadas’s plagiarism Products dare to build...

Compared with the appearance, Charlemagne, who had tried the Guardian of Truth, noticed the huge difference in the shield as soon as he got it.

Although both sides have the pure power of order, there is a world of difference in quality.

Holding the shield of Aggramar in his hand, Charlemagne even had the confidence to withstand Archimonde's attack head-on for a moment...Of course, whether this is a mysterious confidence still needs to be verified.

With Helldeep liberated, the Shadowlands can finally return to its original role—housing the souls of Azeroth's dead.

Due to the demise of Hela, the originally turbid and foul-smelling air in the Kingdom of Shadows is gradually dissipating. Although the sky is still as gloomy as ever, at least it will not give people a sense of depravity and decay.

Odin sent Renas, the captain of Val'kyr, to lead some Val'kyr and Valaghar to clean up the Kingdom of Shadows. It is expected that the Kingdom of the Dead will be completely restored to its old look soon.

Odin looked around confidently, lowered his head and asked Charlemagne and Onyxia, "My left eye's observation of the Kingdom of Shadows has finally returned to normal. Next, I plan to go back to Ulduar. Want to come with me?"

Charlemagne shook his head with a smile. "Not for now, we still have to send the spoils home. After the big dog has made arrangements, I will go to Ulduar alone to report to Raiden."

"Trophy? Big dog?"

Odin scratched his chin and remembered something. His left eye projected to the Kingdom of Shadows seemed to see the spoils that Charlemagne said, and said with a chuckle, "Well, I hope we can meet again in Ulduar."


With a bang, Odin's huge body has disappeared from the Kingdom of Shadows.

Shrugged, Charlemagne joked to Onyxia, "The chief manager's coming and going is really not small."

Aoni took the opportunity to hold the master's hand and said with a smile, "This is called ostentation, isn't it very imposing?"

When Charlemagne walked back to Gorm, the big dog was still in a coma, with three heads lying on the ground with its tongue out.


Looking at the huge three-headed dog, Charlemagne felt a little difficult. "It may be a bit difficult for me to drag it into the portal by myself. Oni, you can go back to the original and catch it."


When a blue space door appeared in the small courtyard originally used to activate the portal in the backyard of the Prince Regent's Mansion, the surrounding maids were ready to welcome it.


An old butler reached out to stop the maids. He looked at the huge portal in front of him and was stunned. "Don't go there, His Highness may be bringing back something big again."

As soon as the old butler finished speaking, a black dragon passed through the portal, holding a monster of the same size in its hind paws.


The maids let out small screams. Intelligent creatures would instinctively feel fear of creatures larger than themselves, and their reactions did not exceed the expectations of the old housekeeper.

"Don't panic! That monster has lost consciousness, it should be a trophy brought back by His Royal Highness the Regent."

Just at this time, Charlemagne walked out of the door, and the huge portal was closed immediately.

Charlemagne waved his hand and greeted the old housekeeper, "Alfred, I'm sorry to frighten you, this dog is a gift from me to Vereesa."


The corner of the mouth of the old butler known as Alfred seemed to twitch for a moment, but he immediately put his expression together and said with a slight bow, "Welcome back, Your Highness, Miss Vereesa should still be training at the ranger camp in Far Travel Town at this time." .”

"Well, everyone, let's go. By the way, tell the whole house about this dog named Gao Mu, so that they don't attack Gao Mu."


Valeira, who went back to Quel'Thalas first, also carried Fenrir's little wolf cub and Tyrande to the backyard. Seeing this huge dog lying on the ground, the little girl couldn't bear to I couldn't help but grow my mouth.

"Charlemagne, where did you find this big dog?"

"Hela, just caught it and gave it to Vereesa to train slowly."

Tyrande rubbed his temples with a headache on his face, "You made such a big deal without saying hello... Where should such a big dog be kept? And can it be obedient? It's better not to make a mess at home .”

Charlemagne said nonchalantly, "The house is so big, isn't it hard to find a place to keep a dog? As for disobedience... If Vereesa can't tame this guy, then just kill him!"


Seemingly feeling the murderous intent in Charlemagne's words, Gao Mu suddenly jumped up from the ground, and the heads of the three stupid and cute dogs all showed frightened expressions.


After waking up, Gao Mu noticed a huge change in the surrounding environment. The left and right heads looked around suspiciously, and only the main head in the middle was still staring at Charlemagne vigilantly.

This guard dog carefully bred by Hela has good intelligence, and felt the powerful energy fluctuations from the people opposite him. This guy was very shrewd and lay down on the ground to admit cowardly, saying "I'm very obedient, don't kill me" look.

Of course, whether to kill it or not depends on the follow-up performance of the three-headed dog and whether Vereesa likes it. While waiting for Vereesa to return, Charlemagne temporarily changed Oni back to her original form in the backyard watch it.

After Charlemagne left, Gorm's three heads looked at the glaring black dragon in front of him, with a humanized expression of fear and frustration on his face, he simply shrunk himself into a ball and closed his eyes to take a nap.

And Charlemagne will take advantage of this time to fulfill his promise and go to Ulduar to handle the finishing work of the Odin incident.

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