Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 570: Running black technology

Chapter 570 Runaway Black Technology

Over the years, with the research on Draenei crystal technology, the mecha technology possessed by the high elves is also constantly improving.

Draenei also has its own unique mecha technology, but unlike the high elves who use living pilots, Draenei's mecha is to integrate the soul of Draenei into the mecha after death, making them semi-mechanical life forms .

Although Charlemagne wanted to complain about the usage of this mecha, the Draenei's mecha technology does have merit in some aspects.

Modant and other researchers have not been idle for so many years. They have upgraded the active mecha units of the high elves many times.

Due to the more detailed division of labor, the air combat mechas are more responsible for air combat. The mechas attached to the air and space battleships have outstanding performance in all aspects except for a few captain's special machines. Power is outstanding.

The artillery-type mecha that is currently bombarded with heavy artillery on the ground is at the other extreme. Its maneuverability is quite poor. Even if it relies on crawlers to advance, it cannot compare to a fast-moving ranger, let alone a sprinting paladin.

But the role of these heavy artillery and armored armor is quite obvious. At this time, their large-caliber magic cannons are playing a role that the front melee mechas cannot play. The entire Anubisath team has been completely disrupted by their fierce shelling out of rhythm.

In the face of such a huge enemy, unless it is strong enough to directly dismantle the entire Anubisath with its own body, it is difficult for personal force to work.

In this case, it is the first choice to use a larger mech that reaches about 3-5 meters.

By analyzing the energy supply of the Draenei's mecha, the high elf's mecha has completely solved the problem of energy conversion, and the driver himself can perfectly bring his own energy system into the mecha.

However, limited by technology and cost, there are not many such specially installed machines. At this time, the Goddess of Wind that Aurelia is driving is one of them... This is Charlemagne's rare fake public service, and it was specially built for his girlfriend. special armor.

Not only Aurelia has it, except for Liadrin who is used to charging on horseback and Aqiang who is full of recklessness, almost every other high-level military officer is eligible to own a special machine, the only difference is that there is no such thing as the three Windrunner sisters. The mecha is so sophisticated that it is abnormal.

The mecha that Cirvanas is driving is called Scarlet Rose... Charlemagne didn't understand what the second lady's name meant, but her mecha performance is no worse than that of the Wind Goddess.

Compared to the Goddess of Wind's design that focuses on super-high mobility, the Scarlet Rose is more excellent in the output of the magic bow. At this time, Cirvanas is driving her and the eldest sister and three sisters galloping on the battlefield together.

Because Vereesa couldn't think of a suitable name for a long time, her mecha was named by Charlemagne herself, and it was called Cerberus.

Sister Windrunner's mecha is quite special. Not only does she own the mecha, but her three Shadow Leopards also have a set of matching outer armor, which is the highest among the three sisters in terms of cost.

But, for Duke Theron, who monopolizes the magic wine business and has many merchant ships, money...is really just a number. Maybe now he can pretend to say "I'm not interested in money".

Of course, Charlemagne also has a mecha...but it's not so much a mecha as it is a real Gundam.

The height is 18.88 meters. The cockpit is located inside the heavily protected breastplate. It is armed with two special magic guns with high output and can be combined to further increase the power.

There are four large-scale air jets on the left and right sides on the back. Through the study of Draenei's interstellar black technology spacecraft, the floating cannon that has just been put into use is installed on the top of the eight large wings.

They can separate small floating cannons at any time according to the driver's operation, which can attack the enemy in a tricky position and cannot be defended against.

As for the large beam cannon and two foldable electromagnetic guns that should be located on the chest... due to technical problems, it cannot be achieved temporarily.

However, Romul, the chief technician of Draenei who is in charge of the joint development, is very interested in the brain hole (copycat) product of Charlemagne, and is trying to find a way to complete his vision...

As for the armor, Romuel consulted Velen himself and made the final decision. The phase-shift armor that the high elves have not yet fully understood in Draenei technology is used. As long as the energy of the machine is not exhausted, physical attacks are meaningless to this Gundam.

name? Hmm... According to someone's bad taste, it has been imitated to such an extent, and the name will naturally not be let go, and the initial setting is used to name it Immortal Freedom.

Since Charlemagne is out to perform a special mission today, this veritable Gundam is now docked in the special hangar of the Voyager.

Otherwise, if you really have to face a giant puppet like Anubisath with a height of more than 20 meters, it is just right to use Gundam...

As the number of Anubisas restarted by Charlemagne increased, the advantages obtained by the oath became more and more obvious, but at the same time, someone who was originally interested in watching his subordinates crush the enemy finally sat down Can't stop.

"Bold! How dare you instigate rebellion against my subordinates, let me personally give you the most severe punishment, death!"

This majestic voice entered the ears of everyone along with the sound of "dong dong dong" at the same time, and at the same time, a violent wing flapping sound also came.

A strange-shaped Anubisath with a sky blue body and an eagle head on his head is rushing towards the position of the oath. There is also an individual larger than the average obsidian destroyer flying above his head.

Just after restarting the last Anubisath that fell to the ground, Charlemagne, under the protection of a group of obsidian kobolds, frowned at the two huge figures approaching "Ossirian the Unscarred and Moam, the two of them How could they be together so coincidentally?"

It is impossible for Charlemagne to watch this huge blue-skinned non-mainstream directly rushing into the oath army formation, Kai Wushuang, who stepped forward to intercept just now, but he resisted the attack with his super high defense power, and then punched him casually The fallen dragon has already proven his fighting prowess.

Seeing that the Dragon Kings were planning to attack in person, Charlemagne hurriedly reached out to stop him and said, "Wait! Give him to me, and I'll see if I can restart him too."

In Charlemagne's memory, Ossirian the Scarless seems to be an individual transformed by C'Thun himself. Under C'Thun's transformation, he has become completely resistant to magic attacks and invulnerable .

But according to the records, this guy seems to be locked on the watchman platform because of this and cannot go out. Once he gets away from those power-giving crystals, he will die immediately... Although Charlemagne has a lot of doubts about this statement .

As for Moam who was flying to the side, this guy was picked up by Queen Azshara who was delighted to see him as soon as he came out.

The leader of the Obsidian Destroyer, who is very proficient in arcane magic, was able to use spells to fight Queen Azshara back and forth in a short period of time.

Charlemagne patted the stone face of Anubisath No. 233 below him, pointed at Ossirian not far away and said, "233, you bring your compatriots up to suppress him, can you do it?" ?”

"Unknown. If it is the former Ossirian, we are more than 90% sure, but he has improved a lot after being reformed by the prisoners held here. We can only try as much as possible."

Charlemagne narrowed his eyes slightly, and his feet were ready to fly into the air at any time.

"That's enough, I need you guys to help me buy some time, let me use the unicorn arm that Tire left behind to give him a good middle two correction punch."

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