Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 567: The battle of Ahn’Qiraj begins!

Chapter 567 The Battle of Ahn'Qiraj, Open!

The short rest day will soon be over. When the adventurers have begun to clean up Silithus's nest and the Twilight's Hammer, Charlemagne and other regular troops are also ready, and the army marches to the gate of Ahn'Qiraj. At the previous wall of beetles.

The majestic Beetle Wall is not just a city wall, the Dragon Clan used it as a medium to build a huge barrier that enveloped the entire Ahn'Qiraj inside.

On the platform of the beetle, Charlemagne held the quicksand scepter and looked at the densely packed coalition forces of various races below. He felt a little excited, but of course his face was still barely calm.

Now this big scene is more spectacular than the Battle of Mount Hyjal, and this time it will not let these ordinary soldiers face an enemy that is too powerful to be defeated.

Although C'Thun is also difficult to deal with, it is a problem that Charlemagne and other high-level elites need to solve. The battlefield of these ordinary troops... is the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj just behind the gate of the Beetle Wall.


Under the watchful eyes of hundreds of thousands of soldiers of various races, Charlemagne used the magic of amplification to amplify his voice, and his voice could be heard even in the neatly arranged army array under the Beetle Platform.

"Among the soldiers gathered here today, there are new recruits participating in such a large-scale battle for the first time, and there are also elite veterans who have survived the Battle of Mount Hyjal, but please remember that from now on you have only one identity, That is the soldier who defends Azeroth!"

In the silent scene, only Charlemagne's passionate mobilization can be heard, "As soldiers, you should all know that Azeroth has never ushered in real peace. The friction between the alliance and the tribe, and the dark forces that are about to move are all A constant reminder of the approaching war."

"The threat of the Scourge that has never dissipated, the Burning Legion that is eyeing Azeroth, and behind the city wall behind me, the servants of the Old Gods are also waiting for the opportunity to ruthlessly kill us, our relatives and friends. Bitten down a piece of meat."

Charlemagne paused for a while when he said this. Some of the more irritable soldiers below were a little restless, and seemed to want to immediately enter the wall of beetles and kill all the insects that threatened the survival of them and their families.

"Today! We are not divided into tribes, alliances, or ancient oaths. Humans and orcs will fight side by side, and trolls and elves will go hand in hand. We are a whole, a whole united for Azeroth!"

Charlemagne's tone became more and more passionate, "We will swear to the death to eliminate the shadow brought by the ancient gods, we will never give up! In order to defend our family, friends, country, and the future of our children, we will give birth to this piece of land. Give our land all!"

Charlemagne raised the quicksand scepter in his hand and shouted loudly, "Raise the weapon in your hand! Ignite your fighting spirit! Follow me, follow your officers and leaders, win your own glory for your family and your descendants, and your own living space!"

The high-spirited King Saurfang yelled "For the Horde!"

"For the Eternal Sunwell!"

"In the name of Elune!"

"Agamaggan is watching us!"

Military leaders of various ethnic groups shouted their own battle cries. Seeing that their emotions had been aroused, Charlemagne swung the quicksand scepter and knocked on the big gong on the beetle platform.


With the sound of the gong, the barrier that originally shrouded Ahn'Qiraj quickly dissipated, and the gate of the Beetle Wall behind Charlemagne gradually opened with a heavy muffled sound.

Charlemagne turned around and pointed at the Qiraji who had begun to pour out with his eagle claws and shouted, "Defenders of Azeroth, charge! For our beloved Azeroth!"

"For Azeroth!"

The extremely large ground troops of the Qiraji Empire quickly collided with the vanguard of the coalition army. The green body fluids of the insects and the blood sprayed by the coalition forces quickly stained the scorching yellow sand of Silithus. color.

Under the leadership of the officers, the troops of the Alliance and the Horde yelled out battle roars with high morale, and launched a fierce attack on the Qiraji Empire army pouring out of the Beetle Wall without hesitation.

At this time, Charlemagne, together with the leaders of the pledged countries, led all the pledged troops into the three space battleships docked not far in front of the Beetle Wall.


With the space battleship fully loaded, Charlemagne, who was in charge of the command, ordered the three warships to lift off the ground at the same time and rise towards the sky.

At this time, the entire battlefield has become a stalemate, and the ground battlefield is like a meat grinder, devouring the lives of soldiers on both sides.

The battle in the air has also begun. Air forces such as Wildhammer Griffin Knights, Wyvern Dragoons, Giant Eagle Knights, and Dragonhawk Knights have launched a fierce air battle with the flying insects of the Qiraji Empire.

Charlemagne also saw through the swarms of flying insects sharp-eyed the flying insect man commanding behind. This was the first time he had seen the insect man with his own eyes.

These worms are truly noble existences in the Qiraji Empire. The individuals with wings on their backs and masks on their faces should be the elite worms led by Shaltura, but they seem to have not joined the front line in a short time The meaning of the battlefield.

There is no time to pay attention to them, these worms will naturally be dealt with by the air force of the alliance and the tribe, the giant eagle knight, the biped dragon cavalry of the tauren and the dragon clan **** the three space battleships.

Charlemagne, who was sitting on the Yuanxing, connected to the communications of the Lieyang and the Yinyue at the same time, and ordered the captains of the two ships, "Continue to rise, and use secondary artillery to launch shelling on the position of the Bug army on the way up, and try to protect the soldiers below." Allies, take the pressure off!"


The ferocious gun barrel gradually began to protrude from the bottom of the space battleship, and the fierce artillery fire began to bombard the army formation of the Qiraji Empire.

"Boom! Boom!"

Combined with the assistance of Kul Tiras's newly customized artillery for the gnomes, the Qiraji Empire's originally solid defense line gradually began to show signs of collapse.

Charlemagne keenly noticed a tall bugman in black armor behind the army of the Qiraji Empire. Under the command of this bugman, except for the low-level worker bugs left behind, the army of the Qiraji Empire began to orderly back.

The retreating formation maintained by the opponent was so complete that King Saurfang, Varian and others, who were leading the frontline army, did not dare to go deep into the pursuit for a while.

The oath side finally rose to a high enough height to get rid of the chasing flying insects. After recovering the air force, the three space battleships spewed out dazzling blue-purple arcane light from their tails, and together with the dragon army, they accelerated towards the interior of Ahn'Qiraj city. go.

The Alliance and Horde armies below also dealt with the broken troops arranged by the general of the Qiraji Empire, and began to pour into the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj City like a tide.

Except for a small number of troops left behind to block the entrance to the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, the coalition forces have completely invaded the city of Ahn'Qiraj, and Charlemagne and other oath leaders also witnessed the current scene of Ahn'Qiraj for the first time from the sky.

Fandral, who was also on the Journey, stared at the bugman general with black helmet and black armor below. His eyes told others that the opponent was General Rajax, who had a feud with Fandral.

Emerel and Brand next to Charlemagne also looked at the familiar scene below in a daze. They lost their mentor and wife in the Quicksand War thousands of years ago. They should be full of emotion at this time.

Seeing that the coalition forces below had already attacked the General’s platform with such force, Charlemagne also waved his hand and ordered, “Cross this ruin! Our goal is the watch platform at the rear, everyone is ready for battle, Anubisath is not easy to deal with!”


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